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rough diamond

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Everything posted by rough diamond

  1. Anyone else with that abysmal record would never have even got on a ballot never mind voted in! How he managed it I do not understand. His current record since taking office is proving just how dangerous and worthless he is.
  2. At least the bikes make the place look busy so maybe will attract more customers.
  3. If the 90Day and TM30 reporting systems are effective how did this happen? All the more proof if it were ever needed that they should both be scrapped.
  4. A really representative photo of a Thai Kid and an E-Cig!
  5. Was it Putin himself?
  6. Butt where did he keep it when not in use? I hope he kept the camera off when not in use!!!
  7. The beauty of a cashless society I hear people claim. I wonder what he dangled/dongled in front of the card/phone reader?
  8. The United Kingdom paid the United States and Canada back the final WW11 lend lease payment in 2006.
  9. Do you have a link to that as the UK have just announced new sanctions which are widely reported on most news channels.
  10. I will not put it on ignore as I want to see what it is posting that people are taking the p!ss out of with their responses. Much better entertainment than the joke forum IMO.
  11. Not anymore. I see little point in responding to the same old broken record being played over and over again. I will probably restrict my responses to the replies others make,
  12. Why insult half wits as they at least have half a brain.
  13. I think you are the one who needs to do that.
  14. But you were referring to this response; "Last time I checked, the UK, Canada and Australia all had left governments."
  15. Not in the UK it won't. UK terms now last 5 years and it is less than a year since they came to power,
  16. Maybe because he is sane, unlike you. What's wrong? Do you miss him now he has left the Asylum and you there with just the Thai inmates?
  17. That is what I said. A pair of sycophants. Don't you know the meaning of the word?
  18. Trumps hasn't got any friends, just sycophants hanging of his shirt tale.
  19. There was no need to give an arse or anything else about it as Trump lied. It is people like you scurrying around trying to defend that lie that are giving an arse.
  20. Then why the massive popularity of war and holocaust movies?
  21. Except for the long walk and missed flight.
  22. This IMO is a set up either by two people in cahoots or by one person pretending to be two, the OP and this one, to get free advertising. Watch this space for the follow up subliminal advertising.
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