Anyone else with that abysmal record would never have even got on a ballot never mind voted in!
How he managed it I do not understand.
His current record since taking office is proving just how dangerous and worthless he is.
If the 90Day and TM30 reporting systems are effective how did this happen?
All the more proof if it were ever needed that they should both be scrapped.
I will not put it on ignore as I want to see what it is posting that people are taking the p!ss out of with their responses.
Much better entertainment than the joke forum IMO.
Not anymore.
I see little point in responding to the same old broken record being played over and over again.
I will probably restrict my responses to the replies others make,
There was no need to give an arse or anything else about it as Trump lied.
It is people like you scurrying around trying to defend that lie that are giving an arse.
This IMO is a set up either by two people in cahoots or by one person pretending to be two, the OP and this one, to get free advertising.
Watch this space for the follow up subliminal advertising.