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Posts posted by thai_narak

  1. You need a Non-B visa to be able to get a work permit. As you said, your visa is a tourist one which in this case not applicable for work permit application. To be able to get a Non-B visa you have to provide papers (invitation letter, company registration, etc.) from your employer to thai embassy in the Phillipines or maybe in nearby countries like Malaysia or Singapore.

    For now, you are working illegally! If you and your employer will be caught, your employer will be fined and possibly jailed and you will be fined, jailed, and deported.

  2. Farang originally meant Frenchman/woman.

    Yours is one of several hypotheses. For details, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farang



    What a great post Maestro! The fact that it refers to the "white foreigner", or originally did is true. Today it is referred to anyone who is not Asian, excluding the people of India. To be associated with them would be a total insult for sure, oh! an the Phillipine people too. What I find interesting is that the Thai refer to the Hispanics as farang too. Last weekend in Petchaburi in a beach house with 3 other Thai women, they were curious as to where Brazil and Argentina were, along with Puerto Rico and Cuba. The Thai have lived an isolated life for a long time, I think it might be up to us to educate and maybe enlighten a little about the world out there. Not expect to change Thailand, but give them the tools. We don't say the "N" word, use "chinks", or "orientals" anymore because we have grown., According to Luangphor Viriyang Sirintharo, founder of Wat Dhamanmongkol, ethics come from a developed mind, I think that's obvious. :o

    The word farang which is a colloquial term for foreigner has been always associated with caucasian people since they obviously look foreigner in LOS unlike other foreigners of non-caucasian origin. But by law, foreigner or alien, includes all races (non-thai).

  3. To answer about MY COUNTRY policy toward some other countries :

    Citizens from Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam usually have no problem to apply for a visa to the French consulate, mostly those people or go to France to visit their familly, or they apply as migrants and as usually they are hard working person they are accepted.

    For Thai people it's a bit more tricky I do agree, simply because the past it was a hel_l a problem with them. In 1999, the police had to close 12 massages parlors, 3 restaurants and one hotel in Port Frejus (Var, France). Those businesses were illegally open by thais people who applied for visas tourist (not migrant visas) , were not conform to the usual rules on hygiene, security and with the social laws. They were also more related to prostitution than massage or restauration. Rather than to comply when the fire soldiers went there the firs time, they (thai culture I suppose) tried to pay tea money to some local political men ...

    So yes, it can be difficult for thai people to go in France because we do not need extra hookers (we have enought already), massage is a medical act and you have to study several years before to have the right to do it, we do prefer the taste of viet and chinese food , we love chilly but definitively we love the african chilly that are more tasteful. People willing to enter in france have tp proove they have a work in their homecountry (to be sure they will go back), or they have a contact in France (have to give official documentation) who can take care of them in case of overstaying. On the other hand, when you are in France and if you want to stay more, you just go to the police and ask for a new visa (3 month), if you land a job then that is your boss who will sign some papers and the police will deliver you a 10 years work visa ... Difficult? I do nt think so as long as you follow the rules. Complicate? I do not think so, and you should ask the hundreds of thousand of migrants who choose to livei n France every years, or the millions of tourist who come to visit with their familly France every year. I do have more hassle to stay in Thailand, even if I have a business here (legally registred, paying taxes too). Fact is Thailand and Thai people is willing to get my money, but is not willing to have me here.

    On the other hand, I do support the move made since some month by Thai authorities to kick out those so called tourist who do in Thailand the exact same things that I described. Kick those who open illegal business, kick those who do not stay legally, kick those who do not comply to the laws. But on the same time, make it simple for those who have a life to stay here. No legal immigrant in France have to live the country to beg a new visa non b from an embassy abroad .... it's wasting time and money. In france a legal migrant will simply go to the police and apply there (a sunday or a saturday will be fine). Even in some difficult case, the police can go to the working place to collect the signature from the person to not make him/her to go to the police station (case of foreigner who speak french a little and who mostly are scare to go to the police).

    And the lover visa .............. How can I apply for any kind of visa about my love life as the person I love is a Ladyboy? Does any Thai laws can make things smooth? If she want to go in France, she simply show the PACS we signed and she is entitle to a visa (can NOT be refused), she can apply also as French, as she got SRS she can also choose to have Miss (And not Mister) if oneday she decide to be french ... Where is thailand here?

    Forget to say that I am out of this misery this week, me, my business, my money and my LB girlfriend we move to Laos ....

    I totally agree with this post. Well said my friend...

    Additionally, LOS has the most inhumane VISA rules for married couples. In the US and EU, if you are married to locals it is as easy as pie to get a VISA to stay with your family. In LOS, they treat you like dirt... WHAT A SHAME!

  4. Money can do anything (money+money=ELITE???).... and can stay unlimited time in Thailand. I wonder if there will come a time when the Thai government will also give a 5 years Non-O multiple entry visa to expats with Thai family. My point is that family should be more important that this so called elite people with loads of money in the pocket.

  5. If you apply (and get) a retirement visa your passport is stamped "Employment Prohibited"

    So either get a work permit or get a retirement visa. Your other choice is to get a retirement visa and get involved with something like the Rotary, plus there are numerous charitys crying out for help. If you move down to Pattaya let me know and I will put you in touch.

    We have a scheme down here where volunteers work with local government officers helping them with their english, we also have volunteer tourist police so plenty of things to do plus two ex pat clubs, computer group, financial investment group, a disscussion group etc, the choices are endless. I sometimes wonder how I found time to work!! :o

    Honestly, do you guys doing volunteer work in Pattaya all have work permits?

  6. If income from outside Thailand it must be confirmed by your Embassy. So up to Embassy what they will accept as proof and then up to immigration if they agree.

    If income inside Thailand it must be confirmed with tax payment receipts.

    Income overseas are pumped into the thai bank as international wire transfer relgularly. Can the bank issue a confirmation instead of the embassy?

  7. Ok, the income is from overseas so do you have to pay tax for it?

    They are not looking for any tax payment in Thailand, on this income.


    because I have seen may posts on setting up a company blah, blah, blah just to be able to pay tax to satisfy the immi laws. Now, it's clear...


  8. I would suggest that you go for Non-B as the company you work for can provide the paperworks for you and subsequently a working permit. Non-O is little bit difficult to get. I heard a lot of dude in this forum who were denied of Non-O. The T immigration does not care much about your family status if you do not have much money.

  9. Situation:

    Most young married couples have no way to have a calm live in Thailand, no matter ho much money they have.

    1. The family needs to 40K month

    2. Average Thai income is <10K

    3. Farang has to work to get >30K

    4. Thai government doesn't like farang to work in Thailand

    5. Farang need a work permit which he can not get

    6. Farang can't find a legal job (unless he's an expert or experienced English teacher)

    7. Family gets less than 40K official income

    8. Farang is kicked out

    9. Families are broken


    1. Let farang to be corrupt (just like Thai people) and pay tax on income he doesn't have.

    2. Runs to the border every 3 months until you're 50 and travel to signapore once a year.


    * Old bar-hanging single guy of +50 years is allowed to stay in Thailand just showing 800,000 baht on his OWN bank account, while his neighbours living 50 metres further, a young and happily married couple with children, are kicked out and seperated.

    * Not even one western country treats foreign partners in such an inhumane way as Thailand does.

    bull's eye! :o

  10. All this "table dancing" about visa rules, Foreign Business Law, thais nominees and other land ownership through companies... show one thing : we are too many.

    That's the bottom line : thai governement feels that the number of aliens must be capped.

    The point is : why don't we have precise numbers ?

    Maybe I'm missing the sources of information because I can't read thai.

    But :

    -How many WP for the whole country (I only saw datas for Bangkok) ?

    -How many visas for retirement ?

    -How many visas for mariage ?

    -How many investor visas ?

    We are not talking about "studies", that would be difficult to conduct.

    It should be easy for the administration to add those figures to come with a total of foreigners living in thailand on a permanent (yearly) basis.

    To this "core", then we have to add of course all the tourists and other "short times visas".

    I think that the gvt doesn't want to release thoses figures within the thai public. Because, it could be surprising. Too sensitive. We are too many.

    Last point : of course, i'm speaking about "visible" foreigners (white, black etc) Not workers and/or illegal workers from Burma, Laos, Cambodia for instance who can "blend" within the population. And who are needed. That's another story...

    Of course you are right that we are too many and the Thai government has to do something to wipe out the illegal ones. But what about the legal ones? Everyone would agree (even thai people) that the visa requirements for married couples in Thailand is inhumane. This shows that the government does not give importance to the family (from mix marriages) unlike in other countries. The Non-O visa is joke! I cannot immagine doing visa run until I'm 60yrs/o.

  11. Married people have very often no other possiblity than staying with their wife or husband in Thailand. Very often the Thai person needs to take care of his/her parents. Children are expected to do this. Or maybe she/he is homesick and wants to life in Thailand. So, the foreign husband/wife is forced to life with them in thailand.

    As I belong in this bracket, young married couples, I can tell that it is really difficult to plan anything in Thailand for the future knowing that it is very difficult to stay permanently. Even buying a house is a battle when deciding as it is very clear that it is not going to be a conjugal property. Relocating to another country is always an option for us when the kids are old enough.

    For now, taking care of my wife's old dude is one priority so I have to sacrifice a while.

  12. You must have gone on a good day and to the good window.

    The visa office is a small room with very poor air conditioning, go on a monday if you want to have a sauna.

    There are two girls working in the visa section, do not go to the good looking one if you can help it. She seems to have a problem with people applying for tourist visas. The other girl is helpful.

    I'm interested to see what happens in january when they are suddenly confronted with hundreds of visa applicants.

    had a very bad experience with the good looking one when I applied for my non-o. first, they issue a non-b from my non-o application so I had to go back to the embassy the next day to get non-o. then when I got my non-o, I found out that it is only valid for 3 months while the application is for 1 year multiple entry as I paid 500 ringgit so I have to go back to the immigration again to ammend it for 1 year. So, 3 days for processing before finally getting the correct visa.

    I think she wanted to see me everyday in the embassy... :o

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