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Everything posted by malibukid

  1. when will Asia become truly democratic?
  2. the Thai's are inherently xenophobic and of course will continue to wear a mask, and a amulet to back it up
  3. perhaps once outside Russia they will get the real picture of the evil that their government is up to
  4. and you have to breath in all that smoke, and the noise. no thanks
  5. their expendable Burmese workers hired on the cheap
  6. Grab drivers are doing the same thing in Chiang Mai.
  7. CM is looking pretty tacky lately. literally starting to stink. tree branches hanging down blocking the sidewalks, time for a trim. sidewalks are in shambles. wires dangling down from power polls. unsafe crossings with lack of pedestrian signals and or crosswalks. town needs a makeover.
  8. Thai's don't kiss in public. not polite. another reason to avoid the women here.
  9. the planet is for sale. sad
  10. all women are for sale if you want to invest both the time and the money
  11. naked girls are always asking me to buy them a drink in Pattaya
  12. just in time for the elections
  13. the problem with Thai's is that they don't understand that most expats living over here are better educated and far wealthier than most Thai's. to them Thailand is the center of the universe. they never learned to think critically
  14. in America the Social Security system is not technically welfare. please read. you pay into the system during your working career. its than invested by the government and you must be 60 years of age before you can qualify. not sure how it works in other countries like the EU or UK? i have heard that in the Nordic countries you get free everything even if you don't work? money for nothing and girls for free, i could be wrong?
  15. remember where you are., land of S&^$
  16. Chiang Mai is run by gangsters and cops. the blue buses where great, dependable, safe, and A/C. i now use Grab. F the songthew mafia.
  17. why? too much competition?
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