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Everything posted by malibukid

  1. tell that to the Pope
  2. drunk or not stupid Thai's speed through red lights all the time. where are the cameras, enforcement?
  3. maybe they could start with FBI background checks for all expats applying for a retirement visa?
  4. so where are the stunners than?
  5. kick all the white trash expats out who won't put 20k into a Thai bank that pays very little interest. deny entry to the Russians as well. send them back to Putin
  6. lucky he did not lose his head.
  7. a lot of bottom feeders are attracted to Thailand for the easy sex. hope they rot in jail.
  8. America will not talk about it because it's expensive. cheaper to sacrifice a few brown kids in Texas.
  9. they should stick to Air Buses. have you seen the way the drive?
  10. seen the same thing happen at Surfrider in Malibu. only the idiots use surfboards. automatic $10k lawsuit. and yes the cops are on the beach with ATV's
  11. Thai boys baby egos. grow up, hopeless
  12. LOL come to Chiang Mai
  13. got very sick on Whisky as a kid. first and last time. glad i did.
  14. deny deny deny=Thainess.
  15. i have lost all respect for the Thai people. looking around i see poverty and complacencies. nothing will change until they summon the courage for change. but they are a simple people who don't have within them. passivity is their nature...
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