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Everything posted by malibukid

  1. well what would expect from the parents here who routinely endanger their kids
  2. i know some of these people so called hi-so types. the country need to rid of them. and get a truly elected democratic government. ask a Thai what that means, clueless
  3. remember where you are, life is cheap in Thailand and can easily be bought off. terrible excuse from a terrible human being. it's like " i drive a Benz so F you" here.
  4. is comparative forms of government taught in Thai high schools schools? UK vs. America vs. Russia or China? just asking? has anyone seen a Thai text book on the subject?
  5. you must mean the potholes on the sidewalks, and the signage posted right in the middle.
  6. yahoo, welcome to the Wild West
  7. deport all Ruskies from Thailand now, the hot females can find good jobs on walking street.
  8. he should have ended after he made fun of the disabled guy.
  9. send a love .45 love letter to Putin.
  10. peanuts, Ghangis Khan was worth 100 trillion in todays $$. so who cares anyway.
  11. surprised they didn't fry the slug and return it to you
  12. maybe Thailand should do what Bhutan has done and demand that tourist spend a set amount per diem?
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