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Posts posted by parryhandy

  1. Fares to London, Athens, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Madrid, Milan, Moscow, Munich, Paris, Rome, Stockholm or Zurich start from $990 return plus taxes.

    Not cheap at all.Keep getting e-mails from online UK booking agents offering as low as 405 pounds direct (eva) and one non direct 305 pounds, but don't know who or how available that was as you had to phone them.

  2. Today I waved my nationwide debit card at a teller at a Kasikorn branch and asked if I could have 100k please. I was told the limit was only 20k, but if I waddled down the soi to the "Yellow bank" (Krungsri) Their limit was 50k. I didn't press the issue as I had forgotten my deposit book, but I will trot out again tomorrow and have another go.

    Looks like I will resume my daily 15k withdrawals from K-bank ATMs until further notice (i.e. until they start charging too).

    What's the most any Nationwide Visa-Debit card holders have drawn over the counter recently and at what bank? (And was it transaction charge free?)

    2 months ago

    Bangkok bank

    100000 baht (2000 pounds)

    no problem no fee

  3. The Thai error message says the printer is off-line and to check that it's connected and switched on.

    Yeah I did that and still nothing, I know the printer is working because I took it to place in the mall and they printed a test page. The troubleshooter says it might be a port issue so I'm going to try that.

    Take my advise and don't trust the M$ build in trouble shooter. Even if you use the Canon tshooter (if there's such one) I don't trust this is a port issue anymore. If it was in the first place.

    A port has nothing to do with (maybe) wrong language settings.

    Some Gurus on this board might have another opinion... so wait... :o

    The language setting has always been wrong, that wasn't really the issue because the printer still worked when it was set to Thai language, I wanted it changed to English so I could understand what the problem is. I've bought new ink cartridges, I've bought a new USB cable and it's still not printing my attemps to fix the problem have actually made it worse, now when I try and print I get the "Save As" window coming up trying to save the document as a MDI.

    Did you try my advice about changing the language ?

    control panel - printer and faxes- right click printer -properties- then page that pops up may be in Thai.

    click the 7th and last TAB (maintenance)- you will see a page with 10 pictures and writing next to them- underneath them there are 2 fairly wide buttons- click the right one (about) and a pop up box will appear.Near the bottom of this pop up is a drop down language menu- change to english- click ok which is the far left button below the said menu-ok again and the printer should now be in English.

  4. One thing I like about this letter, and Thaksins movement in general is that he is putting a spotlight on and challenging the traditional power structures in Thailand. And he is right - the ruling class is a serious obstacle to democracy.

    People have criticized the Reds as politically naive - but lately they are getting the best political education. If the red movement as a whole can fully grasp the implications of what is being suggested to them, they will be much more politically aware than the Yellows. The Yellows just focus on one mans but have blinded themselves to the system as a whole. The ruling class system is a far more serious threat to democracy, and for a peaceful, fair and just society.

    Go **** yourself you naive buffoon.Your talking about a man thats abused any authority hes ever BOUGHT , yes bought not earned. If he had got his way he would have made the ruling class look like saints.

    As for this letter its well known Thaskin spends millions of dollars with the US spin industry.Imagine one of your beloved red shirts writing a letter like this to the local police chief after being summoned in Thaskins famous WAR On DRUGS ? Reckon it would have stopped them getting a bullet in the head.

    The UN is not my father, Democracy is not my goal.... now were to believe this guy represents the last hope for the Thai underclass ? give me a <deleted> break !!

  5. Its nearly 2 years now since Mrs new beauty salon opened, a local cop came in for a haircut, he was happy with the service but didnt want to pay, saying hed just come to check the place out for his other cop mates,

    Mrs made a phone call and after a few mins recived a call, and another 20 mins the local police chief turns up, after a bit of disscusion the police chief pays for his minion, arranges a deal for coppers haircuts ect,

    Mrs explains later that she is a tax payer and her buisness is regersted at the amphur office, so cops dont get freebies!!

    [and the first phone call was to her brother, hes a Police captain in Korat]

    So its not what you know, its who you know!!

    Exactly.I constantly here people say its so easy for Thais to start a business, Thai people are lazy etc etc but if they are not in with the right people they are just going to get shafted.

  6. So he just picked up the products and walked out the door without paying? Surely the issue should have been addressed at that point (aka "where the <deleted> do you think you're going")?

    I agree.

    and if he replies im a policeman I can do what I want , then what ?

  7. When I have watched how young people especially in China or even in neighbouring Vietnam,

    Cambodia and even Laos approach their studies -these young students in other countries

    seem to have a genuine appetite and an energy to learn as much as possible.

    I don't think you don't see this characteristic in Thai students very often.

    They will do just as much work as they need to get by.

    I have seen some who will quite willingly allow an older

    person to undertake an entire homework assignment on their behalf

    and seemingly without showing any interest as long as they can meet

    their obligation to hand something in by the due date. With this attitude, the outlook

    does not look promising in this fiercely competitive world

    There is little incentive to learn here when its who you know or what family you belong to (social status) that has more of a bearing on your life/prosperity.

  8. ive got the mp140 but if its the same driver you can change the language as follows.

    control panel - printer and faxes- right click printer -properties- then page that pops up may be in Thai.

    click the 7th and last TAB (maintenance)- you will see a page with 10 pictures and writing next to them- underneath them there are 2 fairly wide buttons- click the right one (about) and a pop up box will appear.Near the bottom of this pop up is a drop down language menu- change to english- click ok which is the far left button below the said menu-ok again and the printer should now be in English.

  9. Never really understood what stops the bad police here totally running amok ? Anybody enlighten me ?

    Also spent years in the wife's town and 90% of the time, when the Thai wives of farangs i knew were playing around, it was a policeman involved. Imagine there was a predatory/threatening aspect to many of these relationships and a few of the farangs and women ended up broke or substantially worse off.

  10. wonder how he was able to obtain control of all satellite communications for Thailand in the first place


    Press Release

    Bangkok - October 30, 2008….11:15 AM

    Thaksin’s Associates Face Criminal Complaint

    A complaint was filed today with the Thai Supreme Court by Nataporn Toeprayoon, attorney for William L. Monson, a former business partner of Thaksin Shinawatra. The Supreme Court convicted Thaksin of corruption charges last week. Named in the Complaint are Chalerm Yubumrang, the Mass Communications Organization of Thailand (MCOT), its Board Members, International Broadcasting Corporation (IBC), now TrueVision, and others. The charges stem from a Cable TV contract granted illegally by MCOT to IBC in 1989. The concession became the base for Thaksin’s telecommunications empire. Monson has fought a long legal battle with Thaksin and his companies in both Thai and US courts. Monson’s company Clearview International Ltd., pioneered telecommunications in Asia in the 1980’s. Starting in 1982 Clearview worked with MCOT to develop the framework to introduce the technology. In late 1985, when Thaksin was still a policeman, a joint venture between Monson’s companies and Thaksin’s (Shinawatra Computer and IBC) became the first Wireless Cable TV system to go on air in Asia. A government delay caused the partnership to be terminated with Thaksin’s companies selling their interest to Monson’s companies. Thaksin was paid to help clear the government blocks while Monson operated a company delivering CNN to Hotels in Bangkok. In mid 1988 Chalerm, Thaksin’s friend and fellow policeman became the Minister overseeing MCOT and its Chairman of the Board. Later, Thaksin informed Monson that he was going to operate the Cable TV concession himself. When Monson asked about the contracts and payments from Clearview to Thaksin for the business, Thaksin’s response was “This is Thailand”. After Chalerm became the Minister overseeing MCOT he reversed MCOT approval of Clearview for the contract corrupting the process of granting the concession for Clearview’s benefit. Police confiscated Monson’s equipment and filed Criminal Charges against him and his staff. After 7 years the Supreme Court cleared them of all these charges. During this period it was extremely difficult for Monson to travel to and do business in Thailand. Civil courts have ruled that Monson’s company owned the equipment. Thaksin’s IBC received the concession using Monson’s equipment and without bidding. When IBC went Public the value of the company in the Stock Market was $760,000,000 USD giving Thaksin the base for his future telecom empire. Monson claims losses of $4.5 billion USD dollars.

    On December 1, 2008 the Court accepted the case and appointed the Counter Corruption Commission to investigate.

  11. Those peanuts who advocate the OP just "doing a runner" back to his home country and forgetting about the debt are the stereotypical low life losers that LOS draws like bees to honey. Waste of bandwidth and oxygen.


    Absolute nonsense, it might be the OPs best option. if the people that lent the money did not do due diligence and have some kind of recourse/collateral backing up the loan then its their own fault. Geez if all banks had been a bit more careful who they lent to , heaven forbid, the world would not be in this mess we are in now.

    sure! not the thief is guilty but the one who's goods were stolen :o

    Theft is the illegal taking of another person's property without that person's freely-given consent.

    Not repaying a loan or credit card is not theft but the breaking of a contract, which should be allowed for in the interest rates and collateral.It is a private agreement between 2 entities.Again returning home my be the OPs best option because you can be sure the banks will do whatever is best for them.

  12. Those peanuts who advocate the OP just "doing a runner" back to his home country and forgetting about the debt are the stereotypical low life losers that LOS draws like bees to honey. Waste of bandwidth and oxygen.


    Absolute nonsense, it might be the OPs best option. if the people that lent the money did not do due diligence and have some kind of recourse/collateral backing up the loan then its their own fault. Geez if all banks had been a bit more careful who they lent to , heaven forbid, the world would not be in this mess we are in now.

  13. This whole sorry affair is an absolute disgrace, especially the behaviour of the British embassy.

    I know of a black gentleman from the US who ,also big (ex mp), had similar problems.They tried to charge him 50+days overstay when an official had stamped his passport with the wrong date stamp.His words to immigration were "I aint paying no God dam_n overstay fine".The situation was soon resolved when the guy proceeded to try and phone the US embassy on his mobile.The chief was called and they spotted the error and he was on his way.

  14. When I read these stories it terrifies me. I have never used drugs, but the thought of a false positive, and subsequently being sent to the woefully overcrowded Phuket Provincial Prison for who knows how long scares the hel_l out of me. From where I am from, this blatant violation of personal liberty would be unconscionable.

    And where are you from? You can always demand a re-test and sure, sit in jail until they'll retest you but you're not gonna die. Even if tested positive..you go through stationary procedure like you would do elsewhere. And yes, US or German cops can be nasty too...so no reason to wet your pants.

    Good luck with demanding anything.A guy I now was breathalysed and when at the station he asked for a blood test and/or to blow into another machine, no chance.

  15. Hi I was wondering if anyone gets Multichoice Satelite TV here in the Khon Kaen Region

    & If so what size Dish do I need & how do I go about setting it up

    I already have a couple of Satelite Recievers

    Any help would be most welcome


    How did you get on Gazza ? I am also desperate for Supersports (for rugby and cricket). Did you find any decent local satellite specialists ?

  16. So based on your Thai/Farang conspriracy theroy...she has obviously run up massive gambling depts, her gik is a doctor in the hospital who has fraudently provided her with a fake medical bill for a 3 week stay at a private hospital detailing dengue fever and she is using this document to defraud her farang employer.. huh.gif huh.gif

    yep sounds good to me...

    I mean maybe its standard behaviour, but not in my world.

    Find job and not been there long. Get sick then instead of seeking treatment within my means, I go to a hospital knowing full well the bill could leave me in great financial difficulty and then risk pissing off my new bosses by hinting they should help me shoulder the costs !!

    In conclusion, I would like to suggest you seek medical attention for your delusions and Thai/farang paranoia....watch out watch out...theres a Somchai in the bush behind you, hers going to scam all your money.. laugh.gif

    Can you recommend any really expensive hospitals for my condition ? No worries if it leaves me and my family in great financial hardship because i will show the bill to my thai chinese landlady . I have been such a good tenant for a month she is bound to help me out

  17. Scam - no cure for dengue fever. 100000 baht = pay off a debt.

    p.s. think about it , its a no brainer

    Must be a bit of a record....21 postings and the Thai/farang, rip off, con job, scam conspiracies have only just started....i am impressed....

    Who said anything about a cure for dengue fever...ps think its you who is the "no brainer".. :o

    So a private hospital has allowed this girl to rack up a medical bill equal to years salary with no discussion on how she will pay it?

  18. Oh, these know it all libertarians...

    Still haven't noticed that free, unregulated and unsupervised economy is the main cause of the current crisis.

    Domestic consumption surge is an answer to shrinking export markets, nothing more nothing less. Someone has to consume all that stuff the factories pump out every day. Either that or millions of people will be out of jobs.

    Instead of labelling everyone else stupid the libertarians should accept they have no clue themselves, just like everyone else, and not put their ideological cart in front of the horse.

    The world economy is the most regulated that it has ever been you fool!

    look up Regulatory capture , no on second thoughts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_capture

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