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Posts posted by parryhandy

  1. Good luck with that, it is something that is much needed here. My wifes sister has a down syndrome son who even without any education is not as stupid as people give him credit for. All he does is watch tv 24/7. With a decent education I think he would have been pretty normal.

    He managed to run away 1 day to the big city (he likes pizza). He managed to board the train from the village and make it to Khon Kaen on his own. We had channel 7 round to interview the inlaws to appeal to anybody who might have seen him and luckly he was found by a Thai with a similar afflicted child and safely returned.

    It is amusing to go out with him sometimes as he unknowingly gets away with treating officialdom not to seriously and because of his obvious condition gets away with it.

    The main fear of the family is someone will not realise his condition one day and he ends up being seriously hurt. Anyway he is well looked after by the family who are good people and the fact the mother lives and works in Sweden (and sends money) helps as well. :)

  2. Good point above, in that you will be expected to marry your girlfriend soon now that you have been introduced to the family. I can see them now planning what to do with the sin sod :)

    Seriously though if your in your 20s carry on travelling and enjoy yourself while your still young and in the meantime be careful you dont knock her up.

  3. The title reminded me of the following incident: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Airways_Flight_9 I caught a lengthy radio interview with the captain of this flight many years ago, amazingly calm guy!!

    LOL what a truly amazing story. Love this bit

    Despite the lack of time, Captain Eric Moody made an announcement to the passengers that has been described as "a masterpiece of understatement":[3]

    “ Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get it under control. I trust you are not in too much distress. ”

    :):D :D

  4. There are software related problems as well according to Steve Wozniak co founder of Apple.

    Wozniak cites 'scary' Prius acceleration problem


    "Toyota has this accelerator problem we've all heard about," Wozniak said. "Well, I have many models of Prius that got recalled, but I have a new model that didn't get recalled. This new model has an accelerator that goes wild but only under certain conditions of cruise control. And I can repeat it over and over and over again--safely."

    "This is software. It's not a bad accelerator pedal. It's very scary, but luckily for me I can hit the brakes," he said.

  5. Just been reading your 4+ years marriage thread torrenova and this also applies to my situation in that we have been married for 7 years and living together outside the UK for 2.5 years constantly.

    Do you have to specifically apply for this provision when applying for the settlement visa or is it a case of doing the KOL test and applying for Ilr early in the UK because you can show you have been married for 4+ years.

  6. My situation

    Married in Thailand with no job or income at present living off savings,now approximately 11000 pounds.

    Wife has 3 daughters A B C.

    Eldest daughter A is 17 and has a Thai father and will be staying in Thailand anyway.

    Daughter B is mine and has Uk passport and birth certificate.

    Daughter C I have treated as my own and has no father on the birth certificate because he ran away and never came back before she was born.(Dutch)

    I wish to return to the UK and take my family with me. I have no job at present but have savings as stated above and no accommodation of my own but will have the support/help of retired relatives who live alone in a 4 bedroomed house.

    What is my best course of action ?

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