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Posts posted by parryhandy

  1. the english language newspapers have taken advertising revenue from these outfits,didnt they know they were illegal operations?

    this is a good point.irrelevant but in western countries if these illegal services had been advertised the papers are breaking the law.dont know how the law stands in thailand but surely aiding and abetting by advertising is a crime and they should be prosecuted.

  2. why is it so hard for people to understand. they are sending out a message and getting the cash back from what they maybe have lost by these activities.it is virtually impossible to stop their own inhouse corruption in some cases especially when its top down institutionalised.but by doing it this way the fear of god is being put in place so the customers will not want the product.

    dont expect any help from the west either because you will find this is where the push has come from. just imagine how close the terrorist hambil may have been to say planting a bomb at apec and that may bring home the enormity of the situation.embassies will only do what they are legally obligated to do and nothing more.they will not be worried about all these passport renewals because they are obligated to replace them if you have lost or had them stolen.unless they can prove your lying which they cant they will help you with this.

  3. Sinbad who'd know...but ' dodgy ' visa stamps were rarely a feature on ' crossing ' with visa agents 2 years ago. As far as I am aware, the stamps were real and the agents actually paid money to Thai and Malaysian officials. If you are worried get a new p/pt they won't be checking back that far.

    I've left and come back twice myself with these stamps in my PP and no questions asked. Everyone seems to be getting very paranoid, I reckon I'll be OK.

    well if i had done it i would not take any chances.words gone out to throw the book at offenders and i would think theres even some kind of reward for officials that catch these people in known crossing places.its clever thinking really after reading the post from catseyeland who is ever going to take any chances now.the thais dont have to go after their own people who are corrupt which is always hard to prove because with this sort of publicity ie even naive people getting jail time word gets out and like i say no one is  going to risk it therefore achieving the aim.

  4. Well I, for one, am getting tired of hearing anti-American crap on this board.

    Have the ones who spout anti-American rhetoric tried listening to the reasons why America ousted Saddam?  It's so easy to mimmick what everyone else is saying and pick on America; to call them invaders after oil, etc.

    Saddam was a tyrant who brutalized, terrorized and killed his own people.  Saddam and his sons ruled by terror, rape and murder.  Look at what they did to the Kurds.  They used... (are you ready for this) WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!  (Or are you going to say that all those dead Kurdish bodies were some kind of CIA hoax or Hollywood special effect)??  

    It's simple: America went after Saddam because he was holding his country hostage, not using the profits from oil to help his people.  He used profits from oil for his own gain and to fund terror.  And YES, he did have weapons of mass destruction (again, proof is with all those dead Kurds).  Just because the Americans haven't uncovered vast store houses of them (yet), doesn't mean that he didn't have them!  SADDAM IS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND--ARE YOU GOING TO SAY HE NEVER EXISTED TOO?  Come on!  How naive is that?

    Even if America WERE to find huge, vast acres of Anthrax, the people who are already of the mind set to be against America (like the French), would just say it's a big hoax "created by the CIA".  That kind of conspiratorial, lunatic thinking also produced rumours that the U.S. (and/or Israel) intentionally rammed the Twin Towers in New York on 9-11.. Crazy and pathetic...

    No, America always has to be the one to come in and whip these dictators back into shape or get rid of them.  And SOMETIMES the countries he was doing business with don't like it (like the French, for instance)...  But it's because of the loss of their profits, not because the Americans were in the wrong.

    America and the U.N. gave Saddam more than 10 years to comply with the U.N. inspectors and he didn't.  He refused and played games at every turn.  That is an absolute, documented fact.  It finally came time to do something about it.  Enough games.  Enough time was given for him to cooperate.  No one else had the balls to do it, so America took the job on by themselves.

    Sure America has an interest in the oil, but only as a good, paying customer.  The plan, (just in case you don't know it), has always been and will continue to be to 1) oust Saddam 2) rebuild Iraq (with profits from their oil) 3) create a stable, democratic government, run by the Iraqis themselves then 4) the U.S. will withdraw, making sure Iraq is not run by a dictator and that the U.S. can be a customer of it's oil and that profits do not fund terrorism world-wide.  Again, the plan was never to be "conquerors" or "invaders", it was to give the people of Iraq a chance at a free, democratic society, and to live their lives and prosper, without living in fear.  I see nothing wrong with that.  Show me someone who has a problem with that and I'll show you someone who has power or money to lose from the Americans being in Iraq.

    Unfortunately, (as always) it's American money, lives and blood that have to be spent to make that happens.  Why does America have to be the one to do this?  Why?  The answer is simple.  It's not because all Americans are blood-thirsty, greedy war mongerers...  It's because they are the last remaining super power capable of pulling it off.  And the rest of the world will benefit because of it.  

    It's too bad they don't get the recognition they deserve.

    well i can think of a number of countries that brutalize and terrorize their people but you wont see america invading them cos they aint got NO OIL.zimbabwe, north korea (who have even publicly declared reopening their nuclear programme) too name a couple.its about world power and continuing to be the only superpower. they need for the future a foothold in the middle east and sadam who was once funded by america had stopped playing ball.without the ability to buy oil at the price they dictate the american economy collapses.look at somali they actually were trying to do something good there but pulled out before they managed to complete the job.no oil again not worthwhile.

    as for wmd where did iraq get these chemical weapons and also something which is not publicly acknowledged is that both sides in the kurdish conflict had chemical/ biological weapons and that it was more likely to have been their own weapons that killed their own people unofficial tests have proved.

    do you honestly think if they had WMD they would not have been found by now.theres enough rewards floating around and surely someone would have spilled the beans by now.

    why is it that none of the baddies in the war against terror  that are wanted and captured will never be given any kind of public trial? its because the stories they could tell would be just as damaging to america as it would themselves.

    dont get me wrong inspite of all this im not anti american. im english and to continue to have the prosperity both countries and the west enjoy  bad things  must be done. but dont you think its time politicians stopped bullpooping people and told it as it is rather than this nauseating humanitarian rubbish which you can see looking at afghanistan now and iraq and many other countries in the world is just  not true.why did we not finish sadam after kuwait when he had reportedly lost control of most of the iraqi provinces and instead helped him to regain control after encouraging the iraqi people to revolt?we the general public know very little about what really goes on at all but the spin nowadays is sickening sometimes.youll find at the end of the day most if not all the deaths and wars in this world are just business conflicts between some pretty big world players.

  5. ???

    To Ed,

    Seems we is who? The only one I have been hearing from lately is you and who is you? Perhaps you should try getting a life and stop following my username around defaming me. Perhaps you can find something constuctive to say, enlighten us all with your wisdom, something more than a one sentence insult. You should belay starting happy hour until at least noon time. Remember the 12 Step Program AA taught you before you got back off the wagon.

    Best of luck with your recovery, Eddie.


    you are mr vietnam. you accused me of being an alcoholic when you and me were arguing.ha ha .

    p.s. your last post before that totally agree with :o

  6. theres a theory i read that says when people ask other people, especially strangers, about a decicision that has to be made they have already subconciously decided what they will do anyway. i think this is true 100 percent.you mentioned you could walk away in an earlier post . rubbish. all the good advice given to you , youve ignored because you didnt want to hear that.one minute you have doubts the next you say a 15k dowry aint so bad.sucker born every minute.

    is your girlfriend really a proper nurse. i doubt it.why does she go to all that trouble and now decide to marry a farang.

    oh yes course youll get the dowry back now the family know youve got a tidy sum that can be siphoned if and when. plus you are taking their daughter to a foreign country in which she will and therfore them  be set up for life.

    all this about not asking for money, not talk about it on e

    -mail,meeting the family where you are kept isolated with them,her talking to other guys on e-mail (emotional blackmail) etc.. is all standard practise for keeping you keen.

    at the end of the day why get married .why not just live together for a while see how it goes and try doing it without throwing money around and see if things stay the same then.

    i think whatever happens youve already decided your getting value for money.

    good luck  :o  ho ho ho

  7. Bangkok governor Samak Sundaravej, not at the seminar, said the media was focusing too much on robberies and unfairly blaming authorities for not protecting people. Robberies could happen anytime and were normal in cities in every country, he said. Public safety in Bangkok was still satisfactory as there had been only 27 robberies this year, according to police records, he said.

    police obviously doing a slendid job. only 27 robberies in a city the size of bangkok in 9 months. must be all robocops.

    why cant they make stats up with just a little credibility ? for christs sake.

  8. Crime `dispels govt claims on economy'

    Victims say no point in reporting muggings

    Post reporters    ==   Snippet from Bangkok Post 17sept 03


    The rise in crime in broad daylight indicates the economy is not as healthy as the government claims, says opposition chief whip Jurin Laksanavisit.

    He said yesterday that offences had increased by 40% since the government took office two-and-a-half years ago. Much of it was now occurring during the day, he added.

    The opposition would file a motion in the House of Representatives this week demanding the government explain why the fight against crime was failing, Mr Jurin said.

    The government spoke only half-truths when talking of vast economic growth.

    ``It is not a `quality' growth. It happens simply because people borrow heavily and use the money largely for things that may not be necessities, but luxuries,'' he said.

    Heavy borrowing had landed every Thai household an average 87,000-baht debt, while credit card debt was also growing, he said.

    A survey by a television station found that 80 percent of respondents did not think their wallets had become fatter in the past nine months, Mr Jurin said.

    Democrat list MP Sansern Samalapa urged the government to review its measures to stimulate spending. Credit card debt stood at 63 billion baht in the second quarter of this year.


    Toxin will blame it on the west, when it all goes wrong

    (The kettle's on, it take a while for the heat to take effect but when it BOILS OVER every one gets hurt )



    taskins clampdowns will also be causing this . no drugs , no vice , no pirate goods etc.(less "low class foreigners in the future) i would say a massive percent of the population is invovled somewhere in one of these activities. you cant just stop these things without creating jobs for these people to fill. remember there is NO welfare.

    thailand has rapidly developed over the last 2 decades but a large proportion of the population has not been included in this. the west realised that when a country developes and economies grow people get left behind. hence social welfare.

    you can clampdown all you like but the root problems will not go away , people will just move to another avenue thats not being as closely watched. the majority do these illegal activities to survive.

  9. if me and my friends were the powerful wealthy rulers of a country and we had invested money in the ruthless pursuit of power in that country the only thing on the agenda is getting our return on the investment.so how do we do this ?

    we wack up the budget which is spent on industries we own and loan people easy money knowing full well that money will come back to us "clean". everything else is just smoke and mirrors.if the economy goes tits up so what we are still rich and furthermore can have the pick of anything decent left in  the aftermath that we dont already own.win win situation.

    as for foreigners you have your uses but this is our playground.

    over simplistic but you get my gist.

    I don't agree. This might be good for the rich and the farangs but the level of humiliation for the Thais will be even greater and you can be sure as shit that they will blame it all on us again. That will just feed the anti-farang feelings that the Thais have been hidding since the IMF crisis. Another lunatic like Toxin could seize power and kick us all for good then.

    agree or disagree this is what is going down.the 1997 crash occured because like or not they were playing with the big boys.someone posted a link up the other day in another post to an article about the crash regarding the west ie soros. enforcing why the thais blame soros etc.. but if you read the second page of that article deals were offered to minimalise and stop soros and other people invovled attacking the baht.but the thai govn try to play hardball and lost.i just think everything they do is all tailored to fit in with their plan of lets get as rich as possible., rather than sorting systems out first and getting  rich as a nation rather than just certain families.

    as for the face thing well thats just stupid."pride comes before a fall" as the saying goes.we all make mistakes but if you continue to blame others and refuse to admit that you are even partly to blame then nothing has been learnt.

    also were is the humiliation about poverty and human rights.

    even now thaskin and many thais feel the imf restrictions and guidelines were terrible and wrong and too harsh etc..well they couldnt of been that bad could they or they wouldnt of paid the loan off so quick.the imf or the west get no credit for that.

    agree though they will blame it on farangs.

  10. I think it is the only way to go if the present government are truly intent on cleaning up Thailand's international image. If you close the go-go bars, it goes underground, prices go up, bribes go up, corruption increases. If you make it legal, and do it properly, the 'customers' will move to the safer, cleaner, legal envirnment. Sure, you'll always get the purvies that want that 'something extra', and there will be illegal establishments supplying them, but that, hopefully, will be the minority.

    I think a couple of comments from before are excellent - recycle the taxes into the police as wage increases and modernisation to lessen the effect of corruption and the 'no pimps' bit. Make them (the girls) self employed and the legal 'brothels' merely licensed rented accomodation - i.e. they only earn on the rooms, not the girls.

    Legalising prositution does so many things. It reduces corruption, allows safety checks (both medical and security), raises taxes, lowers police/court load, improves the image of the country (no more freelances etc), takes the earnings from organised crime, removes the associated risk of 'underworld' dealings from customer and girl, makes it easier to check for illegal sex-workers (children/enforced/alien etc), reduces associated crime (cons, theft, drugs etc), reduces disease (enforced condoms etc) and gives an easy way for establishments/ girls to have licenses revoked and thus be barred from working...the list is endless.

    ID cards and visa/passport applications can simply say "Entertainer" or some such thing. :cool:

    excellent points and agree on most. but i fear like most things it will not be done properly and legalising it would be used as a way of benefiting certain people.ie what buildings are used, how many, where etc. also financially would the girls be better off ? cant see how bar girls would be better off than they are now.

    but agree if done properley with a lot of  forethought and proactive discussion would be the right way to go.maybe looking at places like holland etc first to see how / if their system works and if something similar could be applied to thailand.

  11. shouldnt be allowed to post.

    just imagine if one of us put

    interests - shagging as many women in thailand as i can.we would  be slaughtered by the thai apologists.or destroying thais.

    there are also people in the south who do just want to do just that so please moderators do not allow idiots like this to post unless there is an apology first.

  12. Far be it from me to point out that he was a policeman, who by dint of "hard work" rose to the heady heights of wealth he has achieved, with no one questionning his astounding wealth.

    Far be it from me also to point out, that he rode a tide of grassroots support saying he was for the poor, and was voted in by those same "smelly masses" at 300 baht per vote.

    yes i find it incredible that noone ever mentions this . the fact that in a country like thailand or anywhere for that matter it is impossible to become that wealthy that quickly without a lot of skeletons.

    did he really say "smelly masses" ? doesnt suprise me.do the majority of thais like this name given to them ? why is he so "popular"?

    as for vote payment it does go on. my wife was paid 40 baht to vote for a candidate in a local election.its hardly suprising when they are treated with contempt afterwards really.

    as for the post subject these children will only have access to bias govn controlled media so its not suprising.just look at thai tv.absolute trash.where are the cutting documentries , political debates,interviews etc.. they dont exsist. just soaps with identical storylines and gameshows.oh and the odd bit of sport thrown in.

  13. if me and my friends were the powerful wealthy rulers of a country and we had invested money in the ruthless pursuit of power in that country the only thing on the agenda is getting our return on the investment.so how do we do this ?

    we wack up the budget which is spent on industries we own and loan people easy money knowing full well that money will come back to us "clean". everything else is just smoke and mirrors.if the economy goes tits up so what we are still rich and furthermore can have the pick of anything decent left in  the aftermath that we dont already own.win win situation.

    as for foreigners you have your uses but this is our playground.

    over simplistic but you get my gist.

  14. How about you know you've been in the west too long when:

    You sue Mcdonald's for money when the HOT coffee YOU ORDERED scalds your tongue(aren't the thais the only people who extorts money?no?)

    You rudely push some asian people away who are in your way in the streets and show that <deleted>... expression on your face

    You think that people who don't speak english are stupid

    You become so fussy and complain about the poor condition of the pavements in T'land(I didn't realize that it was something until I read these sites.The complainers must have been really old folks)

    You say it is racism whenever things are not going your way(it would've been a joke if I told my friends here in HK that white people are being racially discriminated by asians)

    You blame the government of an asian country for trying to stop you from disrespectfully fxxking their women(sorry for being rude)

    You fantasize yourself being Brat Pitt and do not pay in the morning when the bar girl leaves and shamelessly feel honoured enough to tell everyone(what a bunch of bastards!do you know how it feels to have to ask for the money after selling one's body?ever bothered to think?I hope these money will have to go to somebody else.....the doctors!)

    You think of which girl to choose to shag tonight but you get pissed off when the chosen girl is thinking of which customer to choose

    You think you are the saviour doing charity while having long term realtionship with a thai bar girl

    You think that all thai bar girls are evil spirits and worth nothing when this bar girl does not appreciate your generosity

    You become so outspoken and confident enough to tell people; this is wrong! that is wrong! mine is right! mine is correct! in someone else's country(usually asian)

    You do not realize how sickening it is to shamelessly go into details on the internet about the bed olympics with a bar girl

    You complain about the dual price in thailand

    (what's wrong with that?they're not asking just whites, or blacks, or brits or americans to pay more. they're just asking non-thais to pay more.  can you think that you are paying the normal prices and the thais are getting a discount?it is their country!)

    You find chunks of meat, burgers and french fries delicious

    (I always nearly starve to death when I have holidays in faranglands)

    You think who the #### is this guy and how dare you to be critical of us farangs

    or maybe this topic should be we know you are from the west when:

    cant help myself i will address your remarks.

    1. has someone tried this in thailand ? not read about that myself.youll find most people in the west find this ridiculous but we do have trading standards and rights which

    sometimes go to far.also  maybe the waitress tripped while serving the coffee thus scalding that person , disfiguring them for life and ensuring huge medical costs. ? without knowing the details one musnt prejudge.

    2.rude people everywhere not just westerners.

    3.born out of frustration but only applies to some westerners.

    4.so thais themselves are quite happy to pay contractors to do shoddy work are they and never complain ? its called freedom of speech. nothing to stop you doing the same in the west.

    5.never accused anybody of racisim myself ?

    6.somebody said that did they ? regardless up to the women who they <deleted>.

    7.tossers everywhere. what about the thai policemen who raided chumits place recently and arrested the girls , but had sex with them first. do you think they paid them ? lol

    8.cant always get what you want.

    9.some people yes most people no.

    10.good and bad people everywhere.what do thai men think of bar girls ? after all thai prostitution for thais is far bigger than farang based prostitution.

    11.westerners have basic human rights something which thai people do not and cannot fully understand , yet.so it is very hard sometimes to adapt.westerners more so americans are generally outspoken and confident  in their nature.it is very hard to succeed at anything in the west without being .

    12.agree it is sickening but if people want to do that it is up to them. obviously it should not be done on public sites like this , but that is for the moderators to stop.

    13.as a thai you would not expect to go to the west and be charged more than westerners .anyway it would be illegal in the west.tourism is the one of the main sources of income in thailand and dual pricing is something which alot of westerners will not put up with. up to you if you want to listen or not.

    14.my misses always drags me to macdonalds cause she thinks i like it. ok its nice to have some western trashy food now and again but it certainly aint delecious.

    15.without being more specific about the guy and  nature of the criticism cannot answer.

    all the best  :o

  15. I just came back to Thailand from the US on Thai Airways and arrived a couple days ago. After many flights with United, China, Korean etc. i decided to try Thai Airways. The crew was 100% courtious and polite.

    Flew business class and on the bus from the LAX terminal building to the actual plane I spotted Paradorn with his tennis rackets on his shoulders. He of course was flying first class. After asking if the stewardess could get me an autograph, she came back with 2 for me a few hours later. Very cool.

    Then in the airport, there he was waiting for his luggage to come rolling out, so I thanked him for the autographs and got some pictures. Talked for awhile with him as luckily the bags took about 20 minutes to come out, so thank you Thai Airways for being slow in that department. Then after going through customs the press attacked him.

    yes he got something like 3 million baht free flying hours with thai airways after his first victory on the tour last season. i really do envy your there he is one guy i would love to meet.a credit to thailand and all tennis players hence not only winning his first tournement last seaon but also collecting the most improved player award and the good sportsman award too.top bloke.

  16. The complaintents are searching for  Nirvava in which to continue with lazy and unproductive lives. Countried that are making real efforts at "advancing" themselves don't need or want you. It's as simple as that and if the truth hurts then too bad.

    We won our "negotiation" in California because we ARE productive and we DO offer a lot. But we didn't whine. We just "walked". You should do the same and if they decide to change things to your liking then you'll find you were right. And if not then you'll find you were wrong.

    Good idea to get a job in the meantime.

    Mr Vietnam  :o

    so what about the waterlilly grower? is he lazy and unproductive? he hes already expressed fears about the new criteria.

    and as for the rest well! is it possible for you to post anything without the need to mention your "sucess and wealth"information i find utterly boring . YAWN.

  17. I think it was uncouth and insulting to talk about foreigners in terms of their 'quality'. Why not just state the financial requirement and explain it in terms of minimising the risk to Thailand of foreigners becoming burdens on the country rather than benefits?

    This wasn't the only reason given. The other was that the government was worried foreigners would marry a Thai just to get residence. Foreigners who do such things don't sound like ''quality'' people to me.

    Oh you better not start wishful thinking on that one. Vietnam is definitely not interested in a bunch of people trying to live as some falangs are in Thailand.

    If someone has something to offer, definitely yes. A backpacker, low budget dreamer, definitely no.

    Well put.
    Not one poster ever talked of the possibility of any happening to him or his family that might need a little nest egg to carry them through. Maybe the self sustaining  grower can do his own quad bypass.

    I agree. I suspect it's because some of the westerners don't have anything saved. They came here to escape reality after their previous lives fell apart, but rather than attempt to build anew they simply opted out.

    I recall a poster here saying that working wasn't everything and that some people can leave ''harmless'' lives raising crops on a farm or whatever and that the rest of us should ditch our capitalist prejudices and smell the coffee (or something).

    If it can all go so horribly wrong when the people in charge can demand evidence that you're worth just B40,000 a month then maybe your dreams are built on sand.

    We all make choices. Maybe yours cost too much.

    Then become productive and make some money. It's the best therapy I know.
    That's asking too much of these guys. They came here to escape all that!

    at first i thought you were a wind up merchant and i admit i was wrong. it has suddenly dawned on me what your problem is. YOUR JEALOUS.you just cant stand it that other farangs have found their ideal life and do not need loads of money to do it.whereas you have probably had to become a wage slave to get what you think you want. :o

  18. i would say your about right on average. but it depends on looks , personality,morals i.e what your prepared to do (disgusting but true) and dedication and what hours your prepared to put in.plus the sly ones maybe  have about  3 or 4 or even more donuts that send them money every month. dont forget though as a " career" it only has a limited timespan. bit like a pro football player really over a certain age and your past it.
  19. However, I trust that some special arrangements will be made for teachers at language schools and other educational insititutions? The Kingdom greatly benefits from their services.

    yes the special arrangements are unless these schools pay you between 50 - 60000 baht a month depending where your from they are not allowed to employ you.and they will check this with tax records if need be.so the cost of this beneficial service has just been hiked.

  20. a bar girl does not get any money from the bar it is upto her to get what money she can from the customers.i do not think you understand the povety and lack of opportunity these people have .if a girl managed to find some kind of a job where i am in the north east she would take home 3000 baht a month max. some of the younger members of my wifes family went to work in bangkok making chairs and furniture.their monthly pay which included sleeping there 1500 baht.they still had to buy food so unless they travel there and stay there 20 years its not worth it because of the travel fares alone.like you say it is like winning the lottery meeting a farang when faced with the alternatives.also do not forget the majority of bar girls have been married or had children with thai men and then been shafted and left with nothing.like i said in another post even us meagre farangs are the social security for a lot of women and children without which they would ultimately die.
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