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Posts posted by pauleddy

  1. Just go to the small chinese shops (mom and pop)--they will sell you anything from Lao Kao 60b to a liter of JWB--all day! I been here 16 years and it ain't ever changed.


    At the pharmacy where I buy super strong doctor-only sleeping pills, the local police captain is a good friend as well. He stops for coffee while I am buying $300 of pills, and merely titters.





  2. Cruising in KL is still quite good, altho' Grindr etc. has reduced it.


    The Bukit Bintang McD is often cruisy, but the Dome (opposite) has long gone. The Starbucks walking area is still good. Pavilion itself is fairly good, with lots of young eye candy and sometimes real action.


    The chinese and the malays dont have the Thai "attitude" ("I'm Thai=I'm so special") which is refreshing after so many years in BKK.



    • Like 1
  3. 90 days


    Thanks Joe (and others) for advising me to use Safari. I was unable to use it as per the link (it opens in an unidentical format), so I got IE for Mac from softonic. Unfortunately, IE was "unsupported" by my Mac and so I returned to Chrome, which some people seem to be OK with--but once I had filled out and submitted, it simply told me to contact the nearest Immig.


    Nothing seems to work for me, so it looks like a 4-hour wait at CW.





  4. I know kindergarten teachers who must (on certain days) wear more custard than a Vice-Admiral, along with medals and tabs. Even the guy in my car-park has more medals than my grandfather who fought at Ypres and my g-grandfather who was in the RFC at 17 and survived to get an MBE later.



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  5. Uniforms are a great leveller. All kids wear the same, even if Dad is a zillionaire. So an Armani-kid cannot wear it at school.


    One way to ease this a little is to allow M6 to wear what they wish on Fridays (so long as the skirts are not high-high and the sissy gays don't wear drag)



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    • Haha 1
  6. My UK PP expires in Dec 2021 but is already full APART from 1.5 pages.


    My visa extension is due again on 30 July, which is about 12 weeks away.


    Questions please:


    I need to go to Malaysia in 2-3 weeks. The stamps for this small trip are 4, and I dont need the single re-entry permit (I have yearly). However, I have had some dirty looks at immigration. Should I send it away now?


    I don't want my new extension put in an expired PP.


    How long does it take? to UK?


    Is the new PP 10 years, or only runs 2 years because I am full early?


    If on-line...I have photos but I dont think I can get a quality image using my phone. Anyone done that?





  7. Yes, this is an oddball topic for leading farang blog/webpage. Obviously there were no 22 death bus crashes last night.


    To put these guys/girls on show as the lead story is transphobic. Many western countries would not allow such discrimination.


    Why don't you put photos of everybody who has teenage acne, or everybody who has short-sight...who might be enlisted.


    By displaying this stuff, you are only stirring up Disgusted of Pattaya or Tunbridge Wells in their bath chairs. But, if that's your base anyway, you might as well be "News of the World" or the Sunday Express on-line.



  8. It was either the Ancient Greeks or Persians who had a regiment that fought like tigers and thrashed other regiments and armies. Why?


    Because the soldiers were all gay couples and would fight like demons to help or protect their partners. Most other armies were s*** scared of them.


    Of course, they may not have been LBs as are these modern recruits. BTW, I have two gay pals in the army here (not together) and I have it on good authority that some of these guys fake it for sure...by having a nice doctor and a wig.


    Interesting that Trump, impelled by his completely anti-gay Pence, is still trying to kick the TGs out...but the generals do not want this and nor does Congress. The future if the World will be much better based on tolerance.


    Having done my time in the forces I can tell you that gays and LBs do a great job. About 40% of medics are gay (my Uncle had his life saved by a gay medic). And, about 80% of the cooks and stewards are gay. The food was great, and my brother, a Colonel, certainly did not refuse to eat it. 


    In a recent UK poll, only about 3% self-identified as 100% gay, BUT 49% of students admitted that they had tried same sex activites without being guilty about it. Another 55% said that they weren't gay but (as Prince Harry said 2 years ago) they would certainly try gay sex if the person and situation were right.


    Homosexuality at 21 became completely legal in 1967, and progress is being made. The age for consensual gay sex in the UK is 16. In some countries (Greece, I think, is one) the age is 13.


    In the very long term, society will blend inexorably together, so that being gay or back means absolutely nothing. If you like Elton John or Tchaikovsky, the late George Michael and many more, you are tapping your feet to big poof music, same as wearing clothes by Versace or Alex McQueen, etc etc.


    The armchair corpses in Pattaya will, of course, vent their spleens (again) but let's hope that anno domini gets a move on, and that we don't have to listen to homophobic rubbish.



    • Like 1
  9. It was either the Ancient Greeks or Persians who had a regiment that fought like tigers and thrashed other regiments and armies. Why?


    Because the soldiers were all gay couples and would fight like demons to help or protect their partners. Most other armies were s*** scared of them.


    Of course, they may not have been LBs as are these modern recruits. BTW, I have two gay pals in the army here (not together) and I have it on good authority that some of these guys fake it for sure...by having a nice doctor and a wig.


    Interesting that Trump, impelled by his completely anti-gay Pence, is still trying to kick the TGs out...but the generals do not want this and nor does Congress. The future if the World will be much better based on tolerance.


    Having done my time in the forces I can tell you that gays and LBs do a great job. About 40% of medics are gay (my Uncle had his life saved by a gay medic). And, about 80% of the cooks and stewards are gay. The food was great, and my brother, a Colonel, certainly did not refuse to eat it. 


    In a recent UK poll, only about 3% self-identified as 100% gay, BUT 49% of students admitted that they had tried same sex activites without being guilty about it. Another 55% said that they weren't gay but (as Prince Harry said 2 years ago) they would certainly try gay sex if the person and situation were right.


    Homosexuality at 21 became completely legal in 1967, and progress is being made. The age for consensual gay sex in the UK is 16. In some countries (Greece, I think, is one) the age is 13.


    In the very long term, society will blend inexorably together, so that being gay or back means absolutely nothing. If you like Elton John or Tchaikovsky, the late George Michael and many more, you are tapping your feet to big poof music, same as wearing clothes by Versace or Alex McQueen, etc etc.


    The armchair corpses in Pattaya will, of course, vent their spleens (again) but let's hope that anno domini gets a move on, and that we don't have to listen to homophobic rubbish.



    • Like 2
  10. Of course. Like everything else here. Lip service and 1 or 2 examples to show the BiB at work.


    What happened to the street vendors who were banned?--Slowly creeping back, but along Sukhumvit they can melt away, gas and all, in 3 minutes. Same in my road.


    I have been here nearly 15 years. Does little Somchai still get 0% for English? Or copies from a website? You bet.


    Do fall guys get locked up in Koh Tao (nearly 3 years now) and Ferrari killers go scot-free? Of course. Most natural thing in the world.


    Plus ca change...(excuse keyboard!)

  11. The powder is also a drag.

    The farangs have now taken over in town and Silom because of the semi-naked lasses and bare chests.

    But..be careful in Silom: a Thai friend who looks like a 'deep' Thai was picked of his phone and 1000b last year. Yes, he is Thai and has been going for years. He knows the game and uses a plastic bag hidden in his undies...did not matter.


    Glad to say that I always, always bugger off to Hanoi or KL 10-17 April, so I even leave a day or 2 either side.


    Years ago I realised that getting a blond farang is 20 points and much more kudos-filled than soaking some Thai kid.

  12. I have been retired for about six years with a legit. retirement extension (based on finance).    This morning, I was offered a job which is probably too good to refuse (my background is specialised and pays well). I know that I must give up my Ret Ext and revert to a Non-B. Some people have told me that I can do this at CW next week, but others have advised that I must fly to Laos or KL and go to the Embassy with my job offer. Each opinion-giver was quite adamant. I know KL well,  and I could go there anytime. But I cannot be sure that I need to fly away to KL (Hanoi is also a place I know). I have looked at the Immigration Pages but, as a rarity, this event is not listed.


    Has anybody on here actually returned to work and needed to apply at an external Thai embassy to stop being retired? Or can I do a half- hour trip to CW with 1,900b? It's been a long time since I did any of this, incl. WP, so I'm not sure about the whole process.




  13. In theory this is true for students who leave M6 at 18. If your birthday is shortly after leaving M6 or Demonstration School, you could be a medical graduate by by 24 or 25, but this is only the start. It's nice to say "I'm a doctor" to your friends, but at the hospital you are very junior. If you are smart, you will listen to the advice of older Nurses or Pharmacists or just about anybody. Six years does not prepare you to take care of dying children or multiple car crashes in ER.


    There is no gender discrimination--as in the UK, where I come from, there are slightly more girls in med school than boys. At Chula I had more girls than boys in my classes.


    Remember of course that at 24 you are the most junior intern. You will follow older doctors and do their routine work such as venepuncture, clerking (taking history) and learning to dress wounds. To advance enough to have your own rooms or sessions in hospital (private) and make a lot of money takes about 8-10 years or more. First, after you are an intern, you become a resident and eventually Staff Grade (Consultant). In more theoretically complicated specialities such as Neurosurgery, the progression takes more than 8 years, because the Staff Grade is the head of all the junior doctors and takes charge of the operations.


    The history of your career will vary on what you decide to do, whether there are vacancies, and whether the Staff grades "like" you and feel that you are suitable. To become a Staff, you yourself may need to do a course in USA or UK first, which may be 9-12 months. A specialty like Dermatology (skin) usually means that, unlike a surgical resident, you don't have to wake up at 04.00 to do an operation. Some people like pathology, where you study disease and cut open dead bodies. There are many specialties. Becoming a doctor at 24 is when you START learning. Being a doctor or a nurse can be fascinating but is never easy. Expect to be tired for about 15 years or even 20. And what about your own life? If you want to be a mother yourself, when will you find the time? Some specialities have more normal hours, but not all. I have young friends age 30 or 35 who still need to do operations at 01.00am, but it use to be worse when people sometimes got no sleep for 3-4 days if on-call in a large hospital.



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  14. I have taught medical students at a famous university in BKK.


    As far as I could tell, all the students were Thais. There is no graduate entry here:you have to do the full 6 years UG (year 6 is something like prereg Houseman or Intern, I think) In other words, you cannot do 4 years of a Chemistry degree and then swap to a medical degree in year 5.


    Competition is very stiff. Many clever kids want to be a doctor but there are only about 12 medical Schools, of which Chula and Mahidol are the "leaders". Some of the less famous rural schools are rarely mentioned, although the Army does train medics. As in other countries, nepotism "helps" a great deal. If Daddy was a Doc at Chula, then little Somchai will have more chance of entry than a rice farmer's son or daughter.


    There is also the money thing. When I did a hands-up poll with my junior medical Ss, over 40% wanted the job because of the money and status---NOT to help people or heal the sick. Medical school is for the well-heeled. All of the kids wore Gucci or Tods, and carried the latest IPhone. As in all Med Schs, there is a party culture, so you have to "keep up" with the gang...meaning that you may feel left out if you are dirt poor.


    A malay friend could not get accepted in malaysia, so went to Russia for 6 years. Daddy was very rich, so he could pick anywhere---altho most of the course was in Russian.


    In short, I think that it is very hard and probably impossible to study medicine if you are not Thai or half Thai. If you have seen western students here, it may be because they chose an elective to treat Hill-tribe or border folk.


    When you say "average", do you mean grades? I think that each hospital has an entry exam, as mentioned by someone above.





  15. I need to do my 90 day in 2 weeks. I use a Mac and a Macbook, but they are both loaded with Office and Safari. I don't have Windows 7.8 or 10.


    I put my hands up to being a lazy bugger, I don't know how to find the on-line method from the 255 pages on this thread.


    Could somebody run through the simpleton task for me? I don't want to pay 400b for the 2 taxis to CW and home.





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