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  1. I spent 12,000 baht on a mid-range Samsung a year ago. Very happy with it. I use it for work a lot. Long battery life, internal memory, and waterproofing are important features for me.
  2. My next motorbike will be petrol 100%. liosi.
  3. Very dramatic thread title.
  4. Probably doing the same thing for accommodation.
  5. Power to this guy. Hope he gets away with it. Thais forge signatures to steal from others regularly.
  6. ICC is a joke.
  7. I hope you are finally gone from this forum.
  8. Having credit cards makes life a lot easier. I mostly use them for air tickets and hotels, and I don't use them a lot. Just pay the balance off every month and it doesn't cost you anything extra.
  9. We need Jingthing to explain what's going on here.
  10. This thread is as ridiculous as the OP.
  11. The cars with green license plates are very aggressive drivers.

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