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Posts posted by hextac

  1. Of course if they didn't have such ridiculous requirements, such as 3 different uniforms per week and embroidering the student's name on the uniform, then parents who really can't afford them could use thrift shops and hand-me-downs instead of buying brand new uniforms at inflated prices each term....

    It is not as bad as you claim it is.

    It is not uncommon to see students wearing uniforms with someone elses name on them.

    Yes, hand-me- downs and thrift stores are a viable option and they are used.

    At my daughter's school, I even see boys wearing girl's shirts...no one makes an issue of it.

    Just relax.....This is Thailand.

    Uniforms are actually a very good idea.

    The poor farmer's daughter and the banker's daughter dress the same at school and it levels the playing field so to speak.

    There is no competition to be the most fashionable kid in school.

    One less thing to distract the students..

    It's all good in my book.

    You's daughter's school seems like the exception that proves the rule. And poor farmers and bankers don't go to the same school here. rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  2. Thats why i wear a plane ticket around my neck. The 3 baht chain would always get enough for a return ticket if it should be ever needed. I cannot see that happening as keep access to a decent amount I keep offshore of Thailand. But my ticket is always being worn in case.

    dumbest thing I heard in a long time. Imagine relying on a gold chain to get u home? Surely there is a safer way. Heard of banks?

    Come onnn. "My bank savings would cover a ticket home." Boring! Make it a gold ticket, around the neck. Who knows what apocalyptic conditions might prevail, preventing cash transactions? People running screaming through the streets; airlines catastrophically imploding; the airport under bombardment. Standing defiantly in front of the plane (engines running), the gold chain could be torn off and held high in a fist. There's your seat. And the wusses who all relied on their banks to survive; what became of them? No one knows...

    But... you look like a complete twunt. I'll bet you've got an amulet or two dangling off it too, like a proper whipped sycophant.

  3. One more thread which will end in Taxi bashing.

    If you re so upset with the profession why not hire a personnal driver, buy your own car or just walk?

    I had very few problems with taxi and i am in bkk for more than 7 years now.

    Once in a while some of them just don t put the meter on, i just tell them if there is no meter to stop and i wait for another one.

    With so many taxis in this city, not finding one who is willing to take you is just more than bad luck.

    Those taxis make a 12 hour shift in general 6 days a week and probably more, and yet some people here don t understand than some of them just don t have the time, patience, or don t see the point to drive to, let's say : pantip at 6pm a friday....

    With such low fare unhappy taxi users should buy a car or walk..

    Go have a look at Paris or London, the fare price and how many are willing to take you especially after 8pm

    Well said.

  4. These Farang, are you Thai then ?

    Yes you maybe young but l've been there got the ' T ' shirt so to speak and come out with roses.

    l live in close to a Mansion hardly a shoebox, are you in a bedsit in Bangkok then. ?

    Hope you can do the same as me when your older, beer bars loads of money, girls at your beckon call, bliss nothing but bliss.:D


  5. I saw Hillary, The US Secretary of state, was wearing a Red dress while talking about Thailand.

    Obviously, Thailand must take note of foreign governments. The French have Thaksan visiting in Paris so France is making its view clear. The UK has repeatedly called for UN run elections here in Thailand but the Regime has said no.

    Hey Brits.

    That idiot terrorist want to be who is on video calling for the burning of the Central World, is making the Thais hate you Brits.

    Yanks are laughing you know. You sure shoveled a load at the Yanks the last 10 years and now you are going to get yours.

    Some of you deserve it but most of you do not.

    Sorry about the nuts who will trash you now because of the Fire Starter video star.

    Did you defend the Yanks though this past decade?


    So do not expect the Yanks to defend you because you really were jerks to the Yanks over the last decade and revenge with a laugh is here.

    All schools are open today - hurry along or else you'll miss your bus.

  6. I think a golden opportunity was lost when this protest was not stopped at the first signs it was getting out of control. It quickly changed from preaceful protest to cult like and even reds who started thinking they wanted to go home were forced to stay. They were definitely just pawns in the game who no longer had the choice to fight for 'democracy' or not. Ironic indeed. I think this lot will become like Islam extremists but within their own country. There will be tremendous peer pressure in Isaan to join the cause or be ostracized by your friends and family. It's a shame that what seemed like a good cause has degraded to a band of zealots who will not listen to reason and now want to fight just to get attention and to feel powerful. They have become worse than the wrong they condemned. They will become more zealot like and militant than the government they accuse of being corrupt.

    I hope I am wrong and it goes back to being LOS but I think once people without purpose get a taste of being important it's impossible to take away.

    Of course it will give many a disillusioned young Thai northerner a feeling of importance and a cause outside of looking for a lousy job or growing rice. They are legends in their own mind and potentially dangerous because of this.

    WARNING, WARNING. Possible intelligent conversation about to break out in TV forum. Wishiwashi where are you?

    What is incorrect with the statement? Should Thai youth of 2010 be content stuck in Nakorn Nowhere growing one crop of rice a year on some shitty cracked and barren land? Have you been to issarn and seen the lack of opportunity and back breaking work for chump change?

    This is the crux of the problem - The "elite" have far too much and they are simply unwilling to share. What is worse is that upward mobility is the exception rather than the rule. It usually involves everything except hard work. The question is - where does Thailand go from here. Answer: Philippines

    Nothing incorrect. Too sarcastic?

  7. I think a golden opportunity was lost when this protest was not stopped at the first signs it was getting out of control. It quickly changed from preaceful protest to cult like and even reds who started thinking they wanted to go home were forced to stay. They were definitely just pawns in the game who no longer had the choice to fight for 'democracy' or not. Ironic indeed. I think this lot will become like Islam extremists but within their own country. There will be tremendous peer pressure in Isaan to join the cause or be ostracized by your friends and family. It's a shame that what seemed like a good cause has degraded to a band of zealots who will not listen to reason and now want to fight just to get attention and to feel powerful. They have become worse than the wrong they condemned. They will become more zealot like and militant than the government they accuse of being corrupt.

    I hope I am wrong and it goes back to being LOS but I think once people without purpose get a taste of being important it's impossible to take away.

    Of course it will give many a disillusioned young Thai northerner a feeling of importance and a cause outside of looking for a lousy job or growing rice. They are legends in their own mind and potentially dangerous because of this.

    WARNING, WARNING. Possible intelligent conversation about to break out in TV forum. Wishiwashi where are you?

  8. I guess I assumed most posters had followed this from the beginning, sorry. At 1:30 we see the blackshirt "ronin" armed from the night of April 10. At a later date we see him onstage with Red Shirt leadership who disavow any knowledge of "black shirts" but constantly told their crowds the "black shirts" would protect them. It exposes the lie.

    The explanation given was that he was a red shirt guard who collected weapons taken from the army. In the video he appeared to have at least 3 automatic weapons about his person and he allowed his picture to be taken, so the video would seem to corroborate that story, don't you think?

    So you're saying because the picture exists it proves he's not an armed combatant, because otherwise the photo would not have been taken? Is that the kind of Red logic the Red democracy will be built on?

    I have no idea about red logic, or red democracy. I'm just saying an elite militia like the purported "Ronin" wouldn't allow their face to be photographed (with a flash) by some random guy stood next to them and they probably wouldn't be carrying 3 or 4 automatic weapons and they probably wouldn't appear on the red stage.

  9. Very well pointed post. This whole saga is more complex than most can see or are willing to acknowledge.

    Just look at some of the actions and countries visited by Thaksin in the months prior to the redshirt "protest/riots",- Fiji (a country very familiar with coup takeovers),.. probably a strategy analysis trip. And then Cambodia,... had to be something sinister going on there,.. and it is ideally and strategically located right on our doorstep and is the backdoor exit/entry to and from Isaan country.

    Eye witnesses had said that they heard the black bandits speaking a foreign language (probably Cambodian or Burmese). I'm not surprised that the redshirt innocents and the red shirt insurgents claim to have no knowledge of nor association with the black terrorists,.. simply because the black terrorists were employed by Thaksin to infiltrate and hijack what started out as a peaceful protest. Thaksin wanted anarchy and bloodshed as well as confusion and counter blaming from one group to another. He is an evil and decietful bloody minded man who cares not for the value of any human life,.. let alone Thai!

    He's started to mix a catalytic cocktail that will now take on a life of its own. Lets hope that it totally backfires on him and he ends up as the games biggest loser, but there's always a possibility that if this country were to subside into a massive civil/militia uprising (which may be even more of a probability when HM eventually passes on) that he could ride into Thailand on the back of a Cambodian tank.

    Frankly I'm using the next few months as the calm before the storm to arrange for a quick exit out with my family at the first sign of anything similar to recent events or any further decline in law, order or rising terrorist attacks.

    One things clear to me and that is that this is far from over and I'm watching things very carefully.

    Pay special attention to minute 1:30 to 1:35 in this video from Thai Visa member VictorMeldrew


    OK, and your point?

    I guess I assumed most posters had followed this from the beginning, sorry. At 1:30 we see the blackshirt "ronin" armed from the night of April 10. At a later date we see him onstage with Red Shirt leadership who disavow any knowledge of "black shirts" but constantly told their crowds the "black shirts" would protect them. It exposes the lie.

    The explanation given was that he was a red shirt guard who collected weapons taken from the army. In the video he appeared to have at least 3 automatic weapons about his person and he allowed his picture to be taken, so the video would seem to corroborate that story, don't you think?

  10. Very well pointed post. This whole saga is more complex than most can see or are willing to acknowledge.

    Just look at some of the actions and countries visited by Thaksin in the months prior to the redshirt "protest/riots",- Fiji (a country very familiar with coup takeovers),.. probably a strategy analysis trip. And then Cambodia,... had to be something sinister going on there,.. and it is ideally and strategically located right on our doorstep and is the backdoor exit/entry to and from Isaan country.

    Eye witnesses had said that they heard the black bandits speaking a foreign language (probably Cambodian or Burmese). I'm not surprised that the redshirt innocents and the red shirt insurgents claim to have no knowledge of nor association with the black terrorists,.. simply because the black terrorists were employed by Thaksin to infiltrate and hijack what started out as a peaceful protest. Thaksin wanted anarchy and bloodshed as well as confusion and counter blaming from one group to another. He is an evil and decietful bloody minded man who cares not for the value of any human life,.. let alone Thai!

    He's started to mix a catalytic cocktail that will now take on a life of its own. Lets hope that it totally backfires on him and he ends up as the games biggest loser, but there's always a possibility that if this country were to subside into a massive civil/militia uprising (which may be even more of a probability when HM eventually passes on) that he could ride into Thailand on the back of a Cambodian tank.

    Frankly I'm using the next few months as the calm before the storm to arrange for a quick exit out with my family at the first sign of anything similar to recent events or any further decline in law, order or rising terrorist attacks.

    One things clear to me and that is that this is far from over and I'm watching things very carefully.

    Pay special attention to minute 1:30 to 1:35 in this video from Thai Visa member VictorMeldrew


    OK, and your point?

  11. Just out of curiosity ever called a Thai person " Kwai Daeng " to their face ??

    I think you have not !


    My wife is doing it to anyone she sees with a red TShirt....I am surprised that she is still alive....

    You need to explain that the people on the "magic moving picture box" can't hear her.

  12. Thairath on the Flying Dutchman:



    Google translate Thai-English:


    (the google translation makes no readable sense though)

    Seems like he was quick on shaving his head. He HAD hair in the video though...


    I believe he was in the background of the video with a white shirt and black trousers - not the younger guy with the green t-shirt.

  13. Question

    Why is it the Thai ruling regime has turned off so so many media outlets?

    It is like North Koreas here now.

    In contrast, the Reds would immediately turn on all media if they were to get control.

    FREEDOM For the Thai ruling groups, it is indeed a terrible thing to give to their slaves.

    The government may be a bit too paranoid, but remember PTV broadcasted hatred against non-believers. Thaksin c.s. had a good start till people started to question his actions. Then he became annoyed at questions asked he didn't like. Journalists were harassed. Even the late K Samak once said to a female journalist 'go back to the kitchen'

    In North Korea the all-wise leader knows best and decided his people didn't need any other news outlet. Thaksin was moving in that direction..


    I am clueless, can you be specific what news media???? I know of one during the liberation for BKK. If you think this is bad, move to Saudi Arabia.

    ASTV is the best media.

    Sondhi is the best boss

    Trust me.

    Why should anyone trust you? You told us all to go home yesterday.

  14. I didn't attack the Spastic Societ and I didn't mention Thaksin or homosexuals. Are you OK? Do you need to speak to somebody? Do you need a hug?

    Then I suggest you read up on the work of the Spastic Society and desist from attacking people as 'spastics'.

    Every attack on somebody as a 'spastic' is an ignorant attack on a serious illness and the work of the Spastic Society.

    You 'don't care'.

    Grow up.

    Whilst maybe not 100% PC the word "spastic" means "prone to spasm, unwieldy, unpredictable". So "spastic rantings" refer to your postings in that context.

    Maybe you need to grow up.

  15. If you knew anything about the English language you would know that "spastic" has definitions outside that of medical conditions.

    Only for fools.

    Ask the Spastic Society what they think about idiots using the word 'spastic' as a term of abuse.

    Your education appears to have been rather second rate.

    I don't care what the Spastic Society says, I'm not an idiot, and my education was rather first rate, sir.

    However, your Haiku need some work...

    No you wouldn't care about attacking the Spastic Society.

    Just like Thaksin attacking gays.

    First rate education?

    You make me laugh.

    I didn't attack the Spastic Societ and I didn't mention Thaksin or homosexuals. Are you OK? Do you need to speak to somebody? Do you need a hug?

  16. If you knew anything about the spastic society and cerebral palsy.


    You wouldn't be so childish in your insults.

    But you don't.

    All you know is sniffing burning tyres.

    If you knew anything about the English language you would know that "spastic" has definitions outside that of medical conditions.

    Only for fools.

    Ask the Spastic Society what they think about idiots using the word 'spastic' as a term of abuse.

    Your education appears to have been rather second rate.

    I don't care what the Spastic Society says, I'm not an idiot, and my education was rather first rate, sir.

    However, your Haiku need some work...

  17. No elections for you.

    Only prison.

    Prision is where you belong.

    These are the working people whose lives you have ruined.

    Your position is that of a reactionary pig.

    Go to hel_l.

    Are your spastic rantings supposed to be a sort of new-wave Haiku?

    If you knew anything about the spastic society and cerebral palsy.


    You wouldn't be so childish in your insults.

    But you don't.

    All you know is sniffing burning tyres.

    If you knew anything about the English language you would know that "spastic" has definitions outside that of medical conditions.

  18. May I suggest that the time for blame and vitriol has now passed and that we, as farangs and Thais, try to contribute a more constructive debate on how we think the reconciliation process can be achieved. I have already suggested some general ideas and I believe that we, as a group, can come up with possible, more specific solutions to the healing and development process. How about it guys and girls? Can we do this in a spirit of harmony and goodwill and perhaps make this our contribution to the country in which we work and live and that, most of us, love? I believe that Abhisit is open to ideas and may in fact incorporate into the plan some of the ideas created here. I know that he reads the ThaiVisa forums as it gives him the pulse of the expat community

    Over to you.

    I have some simple ideas.

    1) Hold a REAL election with the UN in watching.

    2) After the Reds win again, and they will, perhaps try something new for a change like recognizing the will of the people. Stop the endless chain of coups.

    3) Put in a new Constitution giving the people full power with the elected Parliament.

    4) Remove ALL Generals who do not swear allegiance to who ever is elected as PM and the ruling party in p[Parliament.

    5) Remove all Top judges and replace them with REAL judges that will support the Constitution.

    But of course, when we start with number 1 above, the whole thing is rejected by the group that has done over 20 coups.

    This group is declaring victory as the nation burns.

    You know how you can tell when the current Thai government is untruthful?

    Their lips are moving.

    But go ahead and declare victory as your nation breaks apart if it makes you feel strong.

    Maybe you can abuse your maids at home.

    The fight will resume again in just weeks.

    The men in black--can do much worse to this place if the current regime chooses to prosecute and then kill the red leaders arrested.

    The next time the entire city could burn.

    I bought some marshmallows.

    No elections for you.

    Only prison.

    Prision is where you belong.

    These are the working people whose lives you have ruined.

    Your position is that of a reactionary pig.

    Go to hel_l.

    Are your spastic rantings supposed to be a sort of new-wave Haiku?

  19. Buildings. Mess. Etc. Its all just money - can be fixed easily. For starters they have an extra 46 Billion baht a certain ex-PM has balls all hance of getting back now, plus the rest they already confiscated. Do you really think the government will allow the same thing to happen again? The red shirts have shot their load, their game plan is now self evident - chaos. It can therefore be mitigated against. The fight is over, there will no doubt be a few spikes on the radar, but they will ertainly be quickly put down. The last week did nothing but hurt the red shirts cause as well as the country.

    The leaders can languish in jail until the court has time to prosecute (years) in which time things will calm and be forgotten. Things are forgotten quickly here. If the government are wise, they will initiate some good will policies in the north east, praise some of the peaceful protesters for being just that and make them the heroes - the winners that "won" and got them these initiatives. An election will be announced perhaps early next year. The world will move on. Thaksin's weapon will be used against him, rhetric and mass media "brainwashing" along with nice little hand out packages to those areas with his support. Money will be put into the right (village pooyai) hands.

    If you think that would be used for the good of the country then you have literally "just got of the boat".

    No I don't at all. However, the post I replied too talked about the rich loosing their money - so where do you think the money will go? Think "the rich" non-reds will be out of pocket for long? Don't believe Imentioned the good of the country at all.

    BTW I didn't state at all whether anything in my post was good (or bad) - I didn't state an opinion at all, indeed.

    Sorry if I misunderstood, but I assumed you meant the confiscated TS funds could be used to rebuild and reimburse people who had suffered losses at the hands of the redshirt protest and subsequent rampage.

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