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Posts posted by hextac

  1. I forgot ---can any one remember??? ....Did the army or police disperse the protesters that shut down the airport, or the government offices (two years ago) Or was that settled by a change in government?

    Just in case your question isn't rhetorical (and in case some reader shouldn't know) despite being ordered by the PM of those days (Taxins brother-in-law, Somchai) several times to clean out the protesters, the responsible leaders of the forces that in democratic countries just would have done their duty, didn't do anything with any effect except for a tiny, but heavily armed, police task-force that handed over all their weapon to the yellow guards the moment the latter asked for them, just to be sure the Police chiefs now had an excuse for not entering the airport area any more. 

    Hush your mouth! Don't mention the airport "takeovers", that had nothing to do with the PAD! It was an insidious conspiracy between Thaksin's brother in law and the AOT purely to make the PAD grannies look bad. Plus it was over 2 years ago so doesn't count anyway ha-ha.

  2. whay are the military not using water cannons as they do in the west??? all it would take is a few and you would blow them all out of the area as the tropps advance behind

    I'm f u l l y in favor of water cannons, the most effective means to disperse any crowd or any mob .WHY the government is not using them and using them correctly (!) is something nobody will ever comprehend. Abhisit has a website which is www.abhisit.org. In the past I thought he would sometimes look at emails arriving there, but obviously he doesn't. I have sent emails there many times suggesting to use water cannons as a very effective and legitimate means, but helas... I'm just another stupid fool. Showing restraint is one thing, but instead that he and his government control the Reds, the Reds are already all the time controlling the government. Sad story, because much misery could have been averted.

    I dont know what it is like inside the red zone, but if reports are correct and gasoline has been poured on all the tyres and elsewhere, perhaps water cannon would spread that gasoline throughout the ranks with the possibility of starting one heck of a human bonfire. Or perhaps not. I cant think of any other reason why water cannon and the likes haven't been used.

    Throw in [the tiny, tiny chance] of some non-standard electrical wiring with no earth, and they could accidentally end up simultaneously electrocuting & barbecuing a few thousand Thais. (Oh, plus a couple of farangs).

  3. My wife told me, there are some rumours arround that the red guards not let anyone out (quit), even if they want go. But as i said, these are rumours only.

    Heard this also and that many ID cards have been confiscated and that some don't even know that they can simply apply for a new one if they did get out somehow.

    It's not that simple, if they leave without their ID card then they could be traced and "punished".

  4. If we decide to appease the international standard, talk will resume. But given the way that the UDD are behaving, should talk resume and only to be broken down by unbelievable demands again? The funny thing is how the international press (CNN and BBC) are portraying Thaksin as 'only' living abroad and not as a fugitive, what gives, are there too many definition of fugitive? It's these kind of press misinformation that gives Thaksin legitimacy to his claim of innocence.

    Now that it's off my chest. Let's get back on topic.

    since the govenrment gave the UDD a clear deadline to vacate the premises, then I believe that they are disobeying the law. There should be some punishment for that. The demand by UDD to withdraw the troop is totally outrageous, that would tantamount to 'red' victory. If only the leaders would take off their blindfold (or off any medications) then maybe they'll give realistic demands. But that's too late now. They have now given the gov't every right to use force to disperse the crowd, though I wish that they'll use 'less than lethal' force to do it.

    I realize that not many know this, but does anybody realize that Thaksin pays every red shirt 500Baht per day to fight his war, which is why there are still 5000 reds fighting this battle. This is the only reason. Money. This civial war is all about money.

    When Thaksin was in power he stole a large majority of the countries money, and then gives some to his supporters, which is why they love him, because he gives them money. He still has billions of dollars he stole from Thailand, and no one can find it or retrieve it, so he now uses this money to pay his "conscript" army to fight this war against the country who ousted him from power.

    With all this money, Thaksin has many "friends" around the world who will help him and harbour this fugitive. All about the money.

    How much would it cost do you think, to have this man tracked down and "delt with"? If there is no Thaksin, and no one to pay the reds to fight, then wouldn't this whole situation dissolve?

    An international hitman was rumoured to have been hired to shoot the most radical red leader, a rebel general of the Thai army, in a live interview on TV on Thursday, conveniently when the army was deployed, along with many snipers, to surround and contain the reds. So most people don't know who the shooter was. This was obviously an attempt at dissolving the reds morale and hopefully end the conflict, but unfortunately this is not the root of the problem, as we can still see they are happy to fight to the death for Thaksin, and bring their whole families along to die with them.

    The reds are also being supplied with weapons from somewhere, weapons not used by the Thai army, and they don't know where the weapons are coming from or who is supplying. These are things that the Thai government want to keep quiet from the world because it brings up a lot of questions which they are still trying to find the answers for themselves.

    In my opinion, the reds mentality is completely money driven, and without care for any lives, be they innocent or not. They are also clearly not Buddhist people, who believe in peace, non-violence, amongst many other things that the red "army" is completely ignorant of. I am completely and utterly shocked and appauled by this whole thing and pray that this all ends peacefully and quickly.

    Blessed be all who walk the earth and may their hearts be filled with love and peace for all.

    Hi, Dorris how do you know all this? Are you a spy?

  5. Wow you are truely of your rocker

    Get a grip, people are detroying your country

    and you support it, you are as bad as the people

    burning the tires, trying to blow up a gas tanker.

    They havent killed anyone as far as i know

    If you get shot at with live bullets what would you do ?

    There is madness on both sides , i grant it to you

    You obviously know very little. Then again, if Jatuporn cut someones throat in front of 30 reporters, you would deny it. TROLL

    Classic strawman argument. Do you actually have any proof?

  6. Watched a CNN report this evening - reporter was talking ta women and a 9 year old - the women said she wouls stay and die and the 9 year old when asked if she new why she was there answered oh is so much fun, music .....

    Than the usual babble about the poor and having only stones and sling shots bla bla bla at that moment I saw a black shirt walking through the background with an AK47 over his shoulder - not s comment made by the reporter

    To call this journalism would be a joke - apparently the underdog makes more money. All Americans and Europeans are fed totally false news - I thnk the army should arrest the journalists and kick them out of the country

    The real blackshirts (MiB) don't use AK-47s. Only the fake ones do. (I'm not joking) :)

    Do you mean a red guard? (Predominately black attire with red scarf)

    come on don't start nitpicking here its all the same, the guy was wearing black and inside the encampment and the jurmalist pretended not to notice it

    I'm not nitpicking, it's quite an important distinction.

  7. Watched a CNN report this evening - reporter was talking ta women and a 9 year old - the women said she wouls stay and die and the 9 year old when asked if she new why she was there answered oh is so much fun, music .....

    Than the usual babble about the poor and having only stones and sling shots bla bla bla at that moment I saw a black shirt walking through the background with an AK47 over his shoulder - not s comment made by the reporter

    To call this journalism would be a joke - apparently the underdog makes more money. All Americans and Europeans are fed totally false news - I thnk the army should arrest the journalists and kick them out of the country

    The real blackshirts (MiB) don't use AK-47s. Only the fake ones do. (I'm not joking) :)

    Do you mean a red guard? (Predominately black attire with red scarf)

  8. What's wrong with these people?! Don't they have work?!?

    Or is sitting around being shot and receiving 500bht a day good enough.

    Sad sad sad and pathetic.

    Go home red shirts!

    I think it's time for some tanks to run them over...they want red..let's give them red.

    I wonder how board members who post comments like this on here manage to turn on a computer?

    Posters calling for violence and deaths should be blocked from Thai Visa, in my opinion. No matter which way you look at this situation how can you hope for the deaths of thousands of people, many of whom are women and children?

    You are the pathetic one.

    Let me ask you this. If you are a parent, would you let your child protest?!?

    Yes..exactly my point. These so called parents are stupid and reckless.

    Stupid does as Stupid's taught.

  9. Wow you are truely of your rocker

    Get a grip, people are detroying your country

    and you support it, you are as bad as the people

    burning the tires, trying to blow up a gas tanker.

    They havent killed anyone as far as i know

    If you get shot at with live bullets what would you do ?

    There is madness on both sides , i grant it to you

    They haven't killed anyone yet, give me a break, like they have nothing to do with this situation. They are just poor innocent bystanders right?

    Hog wash, their actions put others at risk, no escaping that. Do not behave completely reckless and then act surprised people get killed.

    So without going down the lines of who's "ultimately" responsible for any of the deaths, which is completely futile. What's the score?

  10. They have no legal right to occupy an important district of Bangkok and terrorize normal citizens. Next ...

    But when they wear Yellow shirts Foreign MP thinks it is "good fun"...

    The yellows who created havoc should be put in jail too. And so should the reds. The difference is that the yellows never fired rockets and didn't shut down the central part of the city for two months (the airport occupation was 8 days).

    The foreign minister should be jailed for his part in what he did. This Sae Daeng character, now on his way to hel_l, had he still been alive when all this had happened should have been put before court martial and executed for treason since he is, after all, a soldier.

    Who gives a shiite about the yellows they were a bunch of loosers that caused some shit years ago. This is now.

    "Everybody join the party line"

  11. We can speculate on a lot of things:

    1- The snipers are circulating freely everywhere amidst Army, amidst Red Shirts. Sae Deng has been shot by an army sniper infiltrated in the Red fortress? So, the 10th April which snipers were shooting?

    2- Sae Deng has gotten information and maybe nobody want he talks?

    3- How the interview and the location of the interview has been unveiled/ Mobile phone interception? Trap organised by a Mastermind? In such a case what is the role of the Journalist? trapped or playing a game?

    4- Sae Deng is now an Hero for the Red Shirts. How this is going to be utilised? Is is a cooling or a warming element?

    A lot of questions tonight

    Yes correct but none of them should be answered by a farang...This thread is hysterical.

    Im sure not one red shirt or army personal are even thinking about farangs tonight :)

    Stick to your own politics you are only a farang after all.

    Maybe if you let farang make a few decisions for you

    the country would be in a better state than it is now

    Doesn't seem like Thais are doing a very good on either

    side of this dispute

    I am a white guy i just find it hillarious that farang think they know best..Especially thaivisa inspector clueso's.

    You cant vote so why get involved?

    And why are you posting on TV then, moron?

  12. We can speculate on a lot of things:

    1- The snipers are circulating freely everywhere amidst Army, amidst Red Shirts. Sae Deng has been shot by an army sniper infiltrated in the Red fortress? So, the 10th April which snipers were shooting?

    2- Sae Deng has gotten information and maybe nobody want he talks?

    3- How the interview and the location of the interview has been unveiled/ Mobile phone interception? Trap organised by a Mastermind? In such a case what is the role of the Journalist? trapped or playing a game?

    4- Sae Deng is now an Hero for the Red Shirts. How this is going to be utilised? Is is a cooling or a warming element?

    A lot of questions tonight

    1- red

    2- Red

    3- RED


  13. You are really missing the larger point Jerry. This gives all of us hope that we may be able to get out of this without having to carpet bomb all of Redland. This is a joyous occasion and time to celebrate. This is the elimination of a huge obstacle to peace.

    I only hope that the authorities follow through on the momentum and cut off the other heads of the red leaders so that they can be replaced with more moderate members who will work towards reconciliation.

    This is something that should have been done long ago. Death is never pretty, but sometimes when killing one can save millions it is a thing to be applauded.


  14. Scores of reds have surged into Hua Chiew, confronting troops
    At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital
    Jatuporn now told protesters that Seh Daeng is safe now

    I'm sure he's in good and capable hands now. Maybe those who have surged into the hospital are very qualified medical staff. He will receive excellent care.

    Those who initially surged into the hospital seemed more interested in taking pictures, filming and reporting. Is this a new type of therapy?

  15. What exactly is happening in that photo? I see both military and red shirts there.

    Also, for other people:

    graphic image, look at your own risk.

    Of course the army guy just fell on the street and hurt himself :)

    One more picture with reds and army:


    Another interesting point is that its almost the exact spot where the redshirt got his head blown off in the video.

  16. I'd love to see evidence from either side as to what really instigated the mayhem that transpired on the night of April 10. I've watched a few hours worth of videos on youtube, read everything I could that was not blocked online. So I am baffled as to how some people make claims like the "redshirts fired at the army first", or "redshirts shot redshirts". Please point me in the direction of some real proof that shows any of these claims or stop recanting them like they were anything other than opinion.

  17. Apartment. As of May 1, I am alone on this floor. Don't see many people on other floors either.

    Most packed up because of noise every night, some because of high electricity bills due to heatwave aircon use, some others for safety concern and finally some because of the smell from the red encampment and harassment of redshirts in the evenings.

    Overall feel sorry for the landlord.

    Does it really smell? I thought they had portable toilets, showers, etc. set up?

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