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Posts posted by hextac

  1. I say CUT EVERYTHING (people getting in/out, power, food, water, mobile, internet): AND send in the soldiers to push out the red-rabble NOW, TODAY!! This has gone on long enough. ...

    Having just come from Rachaprasong; there aren't more than (at a high estimate) MAYBE 5000 people there, IF that. Mostly they are old women and bangkokians who want free food and to party.

    As an aside; also having just come from the Lumpini/Rama VI tree fort, there are far FEWER protestors (maybe not more than 1000) there, except for whack-job Seh Daeng, known to ALL thais as เศษ แดง (ask your thai significant other if what I wrote is correct, as opposed to เสธ. the abbreviation for "aide-de-campe"). He is a loose cannon, (I can't believe someone hasn't taken him out already).

    Again, I say; kick 'em out; and send 'em packing back to Nakhon Nowhere where they come from.

    Just maybe in the NEXT election they'll think twice about selling their vote, or voting like the Puu-Yai-Baan in their pissant village tells them to..

    A good adage is starting to sound like: "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out." (after all, that's His job, right?)

    You don't believe what I'm saying is true, LISTEN to Red-Rachaprasong-Radio (between 106.7-106.90 on your FM dial depending on the strength of the government blocking signal).

    For those foreigners who can't/won't learn thai have your (in)significant other translate it for you. The redz are preaching some really FUC*ED UP <deleted>.

    They got everything they asked for, but won't leave and now blame Abhisit for backing out of the deal for elections in November (red apologists: how fuc*ed up is that??) . .. Because the leaders don't have automatic bail, when/if they ever show up for their arrest warrants. ..

    The only losers in this entire debacle are the rank-n-file thai protestors, NOT the leaders. .. :)

    What is the meaning of “pissant village” ?

    Peasant village ?

    Did you ever attend school ?

    Are you by any chance a teacher of English ?

    Oh dear...

  2. Yadda yadda yadda. Cut back on the sugar, will you?

    Can't und-er-sa-tand thai huh? :D

    Oh another 80 post NEWBIE member since, hmmm lemme check, yep the 25th of April. :D

    A new thai political punit is spawned, or is that spurned? :)

    Yet another poster for the 'ignore' bin. .. :D

    FYI only real tossers use the "ignore" feature.

    Who's on your list?

    No-one this a discussion forum, ignoring people defeats the purpose. Mods and admins will clean up any real transgressions.

  3. Red Shirt leaders are now taking direction from Thaksin's recently engaged law firm.

    A rabble of dissenting ship board lawyers on a precariously listing boat.

    They now stand to lose credibility with their own constituency.

    Here, Here! I at one point had some sympathy for the reds but they now seem to have lost the plot. Why are they still protesting? What do they expect to achieve now? What have they achieved? A general election in a few months time and thats it. Time to go home now.

    if you dont like it why dont you go home??? its there country not yours, or?

    "its there country not yours, or"

    Are you Spanish?

  4. They piss and defecate and throw garbage around on the adjacent streets such as Soi Lang Suan, not on the streets where they camp. Try walking along the north end of Soi Lang Suan, the stench of human excrement is almost unbearable and there is rubbish everywhere.

    Maybe they've found out where you live>>work?

    "Don't shit on your own doorstep" - as they say in London. :)

  5. What's with this persistent ID card myth? People lose them all the time. You go to the Amphur, get it replaced. (Get temporary slip first, etc.) Surely you don't think nobody in this country ever loses an ID card in the laundry or elsewhere?

    Your comment is VERY disingenuous. It's about GETTING PAID! The ID cards were taken with the idea that they would returned when the job is finished and it is time to get paid. These poor people want their ID cards, yes. They also need to get paid. That was the deal.

    I'm going to call bullshit on that one. If hundreds or thousands of people's ID cards would be held hostage or money supposed to be paid that isn't being paid, you'd see them demonstrating against the UDD leaders quite quickly. So your theory is bullshit, sorry.

    You do not protest against a group that will break your arms and legs if you do

    You just do what your told

    Given your argument, how could the attendance at Ratphrasong fluctuate so much?

  6. ^^ The army should clear the barricades at all the "fortress" entrances during daylight. And then retreat and wait. While doing this, the red thugs will show what they are really about, and will respond with petrol bombs, grenades and live fire. That will leave the army to go in there fully armed to clean out the armed protesters.

    That's what I recommended earlier.

    .... IF, someone in the red shirt protest site resorts to violence or guns, then it's no longer an innocent and must be dealt with whatever means necessary to stop that person from hurting others. Just as if someone pulls a gun on the street and starts shooting passersby the police is allowed to neutralize that person by any means.

    I agree. All but a few of us anti-Red members are against all-out violence. Yet, the Reds have pushed themselves in to a corner - literally, and leave no reasonable way out for authorities, other than concerted crowd dispersal. Abhisit and his meek generals and do-nothing police allowed it to get to this point. Yet the onus falls on the Reds and their paymaster, who have had numerous golden opportunities to end this problem - yet continue to steer factions toward a bloody ending.

    Message to the poor sops who say they can't leave the protest site because they haven't yet been paid and/or can't get 'permission' of their minders and/or can't get their ID cards returned: GET OUT NOW! What's more important, your life and limbs, or the little things mentioned in the previous sentence?

    And anyone who is keeping a child within the barricades, I would personally smack 'em in the face and grab their child and take the kid somewhere safe.

    Are there not laws in Thailand RE: endangering the life of a child

    In Australia the parents would loose the rights to have these children

    Are there not laws in Thailand about shooting unarmed civilians?

  7. those that want to fight can't cry foul if they get hurt or killed, it's their choice.

    It rather sounds like these people getting hurt or killed is your choice too.

    I can envision you in a former life, dressed in a toga, giving the gladiator the thumbs down.

    To think that you are the product of 2,000 years of advancing civilization is, well, a sobering thought.

    If you stand in the middle of the hyways

    It is the trucks fault if he runs over you

    You are using Red Shirt Logic

    How many times have we heard

    The red shirts are ready to die

    Has anyone explained that to the children?

  8. So the next time 100,000 people come out calling for an election, the next government will call an election too, won't they. And then after that ............

    So you woulkd rule out dissolving parliament and having Elections as a bad idear for the country?

    Dissolving parliament just because a few thousand people are protesting is a bad idea for the country.

    Abhisit has offered elections because the he wants to avoid more blood on the streets. Lets see if the reds want blood on the streets or not.

    And now, sadly, more blood in the streets will be a standard tactic to change power and governance.

    But this of course also means ideologues like Jatuporn and Weng will be needed to instill hatred

    and ginned-up class war struggle, to create enough mindless blinded fervor for average people to put themselves in danger.

    And so the agenda will continue to be driven by the extremes of political thought, because those are the only reference points

    that can create the needed hateful fervor.

    Stomping out the Reds rally without an election compromise, would send a message to both extremes

    that their points of view will be listened to ONLY if NOT accompanied by street violence.

    Other wise it will repeat and repeat. In the long run more dead and maimed,

    because it is driven by a mobious loop of hate mongering.

    Is the möbius loop analogy because there is truly only one side to the whole "situation"?

  9. But bottom line the reds ARE asking for it.

    No they arent.

    You are.

    And just what is the point of your hammer icon smashing that nail?

    Like to break a few skulls yourself, is it?

    I think it refers to the expression "hitting the nail on the head" as Jingthing's posts CONSISTENTLY do.

    You ARE aware of the expression, aren't you? Do you understand the meaning????

    In as Jinthing's posts are easily in the top ten list of concise, well-thought-out, insightful and wise posts... I think you might be wise to think a little bit about resorting to posting insulting posts here on ThaiVisa.

    Personally insulting posts are simply low class behavior, and may be rewarded by suspension, if it bugs a moderator sufficiently... Lighten up!!!

    Get a room.

  10. What's your proposal? Keep caving in to the bizarre whims of the insane red leadership indefinitely? They had an offer. They appear to be rejecting it. Now what?

    That seems to be the policy, why change a "winning" formula?

    Because it is taking this country down the toilet, that's why.

    What's taking the country down the toilet? The "winning" formula?

  11. Are you guys entirely sober? I think I responded genuinely, and disregarded the name-calling coming my way. Please go re-read what I wrote in the morning. (Or early afternoon, as it may be.)

    I pride myself in having friends both in the Red and (somewhat) Yellow leaning camps. Both have good viewpoints to offer. I'm married to a person who voted Democrat all her life (except right after the coup), and will do so again in the next elections whenever they will be held.

    But I guess it's easier to just label people terrorists.. It's VERY '10 years ago', though.

    If this was in reply to my post you may want to read it again.

  12. ^ What self satisfied drivel. Unlike some here, I'll say it, I was wrong, you are not a fool, but knave.

    I note you do not have the courage to even attempt to answer the real point made, which again you know, but you hope to hide such a failure behind verbiage and misdirection. [Maybe you're middle name is Mandrake]

    The UDD approach to those they disagree with is to use overwhelming threats, physical intimidation and murder, but you knew that didn't you?



    /edit typo//

    Hi mate, most people on here read the Nation and think Abhisit is handling this situation well. Could you stop using such complicated words? Just call him a terrorist and we'll understand. Cheers.

  13. Protecting Thailand by shooting at unarmed women? Have you seen the photos and television images of injured women in the hospitals? I can see his argument if the army shoots at men who might be armed with bamboo sticks, but I don't think there's an excuse for shooting at unarmed women.

    Sorry, the reds are there illegally, and know the dangers of attacking soldiers trying to do their job. Blame Weng et al for putting women and children in the line of fire. If anyone should be in trouble, it should be Weng et al for putting minors in line of fire.

    I kinda compare the Red volunteers (women, children, rural poor) much the same as the drinking drivers during Songkran and the other times who climb behind the wheel (or motorcycle) and get killed................ They brought it on themselves and had they obeyed the laws, they would have been alive and well..........

    I think the Red Bosses are just sacraficing those people to get something to give them a chance to call the govt. "killers" I actually think they (Reds) are wanting to spill more blood, as long as it is just the blood of some nameless figures and not the leaders....................

    I kinda compare the Red volunteers (women, children, rural poor) to those sat upcountry with absolutely nothing to show for decades of slaving in the paddy fields to produce rice for Bangkok and Export.

  14. When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

    Don't worry Streetwise, if the Thai Government want to know who all these red terrorist sympathysers are on this forum then they will just demand the info from Thai visa, who will then provide said info. So if you are one of the trolls, beware as next time you leave/re-enter the country you may just not get back in. This Government are very hot on new internet technology and they WILL get around to tracking down those names of people who sympathise with terrorists. It is funny as we are warned of this as it is all stated in the info and rules about this site. If you choose to dis the Royals or the Government there is NO SUCH THING as ANONYMITY! Well the damage is already done for many of the likes of Che. As an aside Che you could try deleting all your posts, but as far as I know that wont work, even deleted posts are kept for 6 months. I hope the trolling will prove worth it.

    :):D :D

    You must be really proud of yourself right now. :D

  15. It really doesn't matter who or what or where this guy is from or what are his politics as it is all irrelevant from my point of view. If someone does not have citizenship in the country in which they are visiting or living, they should learn to mind their own f*cking business when it comes to the internal politics of that country. I have never figured out why someone who is a guest of a country thinks they have the right to criticize that country from within. If someone wants to publicly criticize Thai politics, they should leave and criticize from the safety of their own country or post anonymously on TV forum. :) IMHO, I think this guy should be forced to spend some time in jail and then be permanently deported.

    Why? Seriously what has he done?

  16. The present government WAS elected, just as much as the Thaksin puppet PM's that preceded it. Why do the red shirts continue to repeat the lie that Abhisit wasn't legitimately elected? It hurts their credibility even more, not that their reputation can be damaged much further.

    Because Abhisit would have never gotten to power if the army didn't first remove a legitimately elected government with the coup. How hard is that to understand? I keep seeing people blame the red shirts for the deaths and injuries, saying if they never came to protest, the people wouldn't have died or gotten injured.

    Well, the same thing applies to the coup. If the army didn't make the coup, the red shirts would have never had to protest and therefor the people wouldn't have died or gotten injured. So really, the deaths are the army's fault, aren't they?

    Using the same argument

    If Thaskin had not been so currupt

    the army would have never held a coup

    the red shirts would have never had to protest

    innocent people wouldn't have died because of the protest

    So really, the deaths are Thaskin's fault, aren't they?

    I thought we'd already put the blame on Adam & Eve? Why perpetuate this crap?

  17. Because Abhisit would have never gotten to power if the army didn't first remove a legitimately elected government with the coup. How hard is that to understand? I keep seeing people blame the red shirts for the deaths and injuries, saying if they never came to protest, the people wouldn't have died or gotten injured.

    Well, the same thing applies to the coup. If the army didn't make the coup, the red shirts would have never had to protest and therefor the people wouldn't have died or gotten injured. So really, the deaths are the army's fault, aren't they?

    And if Thaksin hadn't been a criminal there wouldn't have been a coup to remove him, so it's really Thaksin's fault isn't it.

    And so, it's really Thaksin's parents' fault then?

    No, it starts with Adam and Eve.


  18. The present government WAS elected, just as much as the Thaksin puppet PM's that preceded it. Why do the red shirts continue to repeat the lie that Abhisit wasn't legitimately elected? It hurts their credibility even more, not that their reputation can be damaged much further.

    Because Abhisit would have never gotten to power if the army didn't first remove a legitimately elected government with the coup. How hard is that to understand? I keep seeing people blame the red shirts for the deaths and injuries, saying if they never came to protest, the people wouldn't have died or gotten injured.

    Well, the same thing applies to the coup. If the army didn't make the coup, the red shirts would have never had to protest and therefor the people wouldn't have died or gotten injured. So really, the deaths are the army's fault, aren't they?

    And if Thaksin hadn't been a criminal there wouldn't have been a coup to remove him, so it's really Thaksin's fault isn't it.

    And so, it's really Thaksin's parents' fault then?

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