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  1. He is not a US citizen and neither am I, thanks for your help anyway
  2. Does anyone know of a broker that allows for a custodial account for a minor to invest in US stocks or ETFs? My son is a Thai citizen and I would like to put some money for him in an S&P 500 ETF to let it compound through the years. Anyone doing this from Thailand? Thanks.
  3. I am waiting for 3 weeks!!
  4. Dont use DeeMoney. My transfer of July 10 still not through and I see a river of negative reviews in Trust Pilot and google map about this joke of a company.
  5. Any updates on this horrible company? Are they going bust? Any recommendations on where to file a complaint? My transfer of July 10 still not through and I see a river of negative reviews in Trust Pilot and google map about this joke of a company.
  6. Thank you for your contribution. Yes you are right, she is 38 years old but she first experienced this 17 years ago so early 20s. During the 17 years, it has been manageable. However, she recently did marijuana a couple of times (after it was legalized early June) and she started experiencing the worst relapse in years. I did some research online and it seems marijuana can cause this to certain people who are prone to psychiatric conditions. For private hospitals would you recommend Manarom over specific doctors in say hospitals such as BNH or Bangkok Hospital? Do you know the approximate cost for an appointment in Manarom hospital? Thanks again.
  7. Hello, I am seeking help on behalf of a Thai friend who suffers from auditory hallucinations (hearing voices saying all kinds of negative things). I am not really sure if a psychologist or psychiatrist is needed but after inquiring by email with a well recommended psychologist, he advised me to rather seek help from a psychiatrist because in his opinion usually auditory hallucinations require medication. I am aware of a few hospitals such as Manarom or Galaya Rajanakarindra Institute (in which she had bad experience and no real help), but would be nice to have a few recommendations of specific docs in hospitals that have some experience treating similar mental conditions. As she is a Thai, she would make most of it if she could communicate in Thai. Thank you in advance for your help.
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