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Posts posted by engrin

  1. If you have any friends in the USA who will be coming soon to Thailand you might also want to consider having them pick a used i-phone for you. Re-conditioned and jailbroken i-phones from reputable dealers on E-bay are selling in the $150 to $200 range, sometimes less. That's B6000 and certainly a better phone than you'll get here for that money.

    That's a good idea. Which reputable dealer would you recommend?

  2. I am on AIS right now with a very basic phone and I want to upgrade to a smartphone.

    I'd rather stay under 6,000 if possible. Like I said, the Wave was 4500 and not that bad just not so many choices with apps.

    I'd think about getting an LG but I'll pass on Imobile, I think they are crap.

    Hows the Wellcom going? Are they also a Thai company?

  3. I just bought my wife the Samsung Wave Y. It cost me 4500 baht. The screen is a good size and the clarity is good. The processor is also pretty good. The only problem is that it runs Samsung's Operating System, Bada, and Bada does not have as many apps as I would like for my personal phone. For example, there is no paypal or Ebay apps. Actually, the apps they offer for free are mostly lame games. Just wondering if anyone has a suggestion for an Android based phone or some other phone that has a decent sized screen, camera, speed?


  4. That's what I did to mine, after the first ride I put a little plastic bag around it and secured it on with a twister-tie. The next time I went to use it the plastic bag had melted into the connector. I scraped it out with a needle and it worked okay, by the third time I used it was full of rust, that green copper stuff, and half of the metal prongs were just about broken, and it hasn't worked since.

    I'll be happy to just disconnect it from the voltbox when not in use and spend 5 minutes reconnecting it whenever I go on a long ride and want to use it I think. Depending how easy it is to do that.

    If I am in town and not using the gps, I just let the connector dangle about without any plastic around it. The only time I put some plastic is when I am washing the bike.

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