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Posts posted by BigBadGeordie

  1. 28 minutes ago, Smee said:

    Incorrect!  (fake news)... vaping is still legal... (AS IN UNREGULATED BUT AVAILABLE) in Taiwan, lndonesia, Malaysia (some states have' banned' vaping though). Not sure about Cambodia but certainlly vape paraphernalia is available there. . Hong Kong has banned juice with nicotine but you can buy ecigs and non-nic juice openly and legally. And vaping is legal and regulated in All EU countries as enshrined by the EU Tobacco Products Directive which came into force 2 years ago. So Thailand and Singapore are the Only SE Asian countries to have an outright ban,  together with Japan (where you are allowed to buy vape products from overseas  and many other non vape alternatives to conventional cigarettes are widely available and very popular).

    So shoot the messenger.



  2. 1 hour ago, ukrules said:

    When you can end up in prison for something which is not illegal almost everywhere else in the world it should be a priority for governments to make everyone aware of this fact.

    Countries where vaping is currently banned:


    • Argentina
    • Austria
    • Belgium
    • Brazil
    • Brunei
    • Cambodia
    • Columbia
    • Egypt
    • Indonesia
    • Jordan
    • Malaysia
    • Mexico
    • Oman
    • Panama
    • Singapore
    • Taiwan
    • Tajikistan
    • Thailand
    • Turkey
    • United Arab Emirates
    • Uraguay
    • Venezula
  3. 10 minutes ago, robblok said:

    How about this one.. can't prove that something was NOT done... tell me how can you prove that someone did NOT send money to a certain bank ? Getting a statement from a bank would be impossible because it has NOT been done. 


    Can only be disproven if she said that money was send to a certain bank account.. then its easy just show statements of that account. If someone says you transferred money to a place.. you can't prove you did not do it without additional details. 


    Now I am the first to admit that I don't know how detailed this claim was.. but if it did not include a bank or bank account.. you can't disprove it. 

    Very easy to disprove this. Just get Prayuth to submit all details of the accounts he holds in Thailand and overseas.

    Like that is going to happen, yeah right.

  4. 1 hour ago, Happy enough said:

    i wonder if this lot are in anyway connected to the ruskies who were selling the dick enlargement creams on line last year i think it was. seemed they were bringing in decent money. No more than 2 weeks later there were loads of different branded ones being sold online by thais. looked like they closed them down. looked at what they were doing and copied it

    But the thing we all want to know is, did the cream work?

  5. 11 hours ago, petermik said:

    What exactly is Thailand 4.0............:glare:


    8 hours ago, coulson said:

    It's the sequel to Thailand 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, although all previous versions never made it through beta testing.


    Thailand 4.0 is also still in beta testing.






    7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    A vague, meaningless soundbite.

    I have just tried to save Thailand 4.0 to my cassette on my ZX Spectrum and all I get is an error message "this software is not compatible with 8bit systems", "would you like to download a newer version?".


    Can anyone direct me to 4.0.1 or later?

  6. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    I have met many University graduates with the intellectual capacity of a goldfish.

    As a keen aquarist I find your comment derogatory in the extreme.

    Your views are clearly based on outdated information, research by the Technion Institute of Technology in Israel shows that fish have the ability to retain information for up to 5 months. Far superior than the average University graduate I would suggest.

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