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Posts posted by pampal

  1. It's a vital link to the city for the thai workers of the airport who have to make this trek everyday and at all different hours. They cannot afford to pay taxi fares twice a day to the airport and back. Also in certain times like holiday periods and traffic hours, it would be faster and easier and cheaper to use the train. Also using the train would seriously reduce chances of accidents since you are not on the highway or roads.

    I doubt that Thai workers will pay >100B for airport link when they can pay 35B for a bus that connects most of the Bangkok to the airport.

    The airport link would also be useful for those who don't go to/from the airport, since the airport link is supposed to have 6-7 other stations (beside terminal stations). However, the pricing system should be unified, passengers shouldn't pay twice if they transfer from MRT/BTS to the airport link.

    I would like to know where you get the 100 baht figure from. anyways, it's definitely faster than a bus in rush hour or holiday time and safer given the way people drive these days.

  2. My gf is from China and I love their work ethic.

    She works all day and doesn't complain.

    A 12 hour day for her is normal.

    She is also extremely generous to others and a loving partner although she always says i am lazy.

  3. The Wai is used as a greeting and goodbye in Thailand.

    It also has other uses and meanings. I have seen many people who I think don't use the Wai correctly, specially customers Wai'ing restaurant service workers first. Shouldn't the workers Wai first and the customer Wai'ing in response.

    Is it OK to nod after someone has Wai'ed you or should you always Wai back.

    I want to know the proper usage so I don't offend anyone.

  4. It's a vital link to the city for the thai workers of the airport who have to make this trek everyday and at all different hours. They cannot afford to pay taxi fares twice a day to the airport and back. Also in certain times like holiday periods and traffic hours, it would be faster and easier and cheaper to use the train. Also using the train would seriously reduce chances of accidents since you are not on the highway or roads.

  5. Sometimes the problems lie with gov'ts.

    In the US, when you are in school, be it high school or university, you are always asked to identify yourself by race in the forms the schools provide. When I filled out my college application, I had to identify my race and religion. When I enrolled in high school, the forms always include a box where you have to identify your race. If you are a naturalized US citizen, they write your country of birth in your passport even though you have changed your nationality to US. Alot of the race obsession has to do with gov't assistance. If you are a certain race (ie: African-American,Latin-American etc...) you are eligible for certain gov't welfare schemes and quota programs for universities.

    different groups compete for the limited welfare dollars, so it's important that your race is well represented by special interest groups and a well funded lobby.This ensures more dollars will flow to your cause. Affirmative action is a good example.

  6. Quote from gpt:

    The Italian word for Orient is Oriente, French - Orient, German - der Orient

    later he adds

    English - An oriental country

    French - Un pays oriental

    Spanish - Un país oriental

    Italian - Un paese orientale

    Portuguese - Um país oriental

    German - Ein orientalisches Land

    So do you still maintain that it is only the English who add a suffix to orient to make it oriental?

    So which is correct gpt, is it the first batch of names or the second?

    Contradictions anyone

    Or do all countries add an -al suffix?

    As the -al suffix is latin, it doesn't surprise me to see them used.

    Anyways similarity in related languages is not unheard of or strange in anyway. 

    Do the chinese also use the suffix -al? 

    So at least we agree oriental and occidental are not chinese words.

    Do you deny the use of the word occidental and oriental in the english language. You say others use them, well others also use english words like computer. does that change the origin of the word. Many people in the world use the word doctor. does usage denote ownership?

    And as to that conference, does the list of attendee countries add up to

    all the countries in the world who would be affected or are they composed mainly of current,former

    and aspiring empire builders?

    The French did not adopt the Greenwich meridian until 1911 so obviously they were not in favor of such a move.

    Many countries invited would have protested the placing of the meridian in grenwich, but it seems they had no input, or better yet, their input was unwanted as they were not invited.

    The notion of the day being split in 24 hours was not conceived of at this conference nor the notion of a day starting at midnight.

    So if you think I am brit bashing, I believe you are mistaken.

    And roll your sleeves back down, it's getting cold in the LOS.

  7. Do I detect a hint of Brit/non-Brit friction creeping in here? The terms were not coined in England. The Italian word for Orient is Oriente, French - Orient, German - der Orient. All of these words have the same source but, according to your logic, the British coined the term and exported it!

    Britain and the map. Why does Britain appear to be in the centre of the map? I can only surmise; Orient is East and therefore looking at the map at the righthand side. The Occident goes to the left, by using this layout then we do not have to cut the Europe/Asia landmass. You can get other map projections -USA in the centre of the map, Australia in the centre and at the top and countless others. Maps of the Roman Empire show Rome in the centre.

    Look at the three maps attached and tell me, purely from an artistic point of view, your opinion of layout

    My point exactly. French,German,Italian,English etc... share the same roots (latin) and are Indo European languages.

    But if you look at the suffix -al,   as in oriental and occidental, the french version and the italian and the german don't use this suffix. So Oriental and Occidental are the english equivilant and this form of the word as I rightly stated was coined in england. In france,germany and italy, they don't say oriental or occidental. They have their own form of the word which you have included in your post. Ethnocentric map projections have existed for a long time as have other projections which are not ethnocentric. I found the maps you included to be a good mixture of projections. the mere fact that the prime meridian is in grenwich can tell you a great deal about ethnocentric thinking.

    so if the prime meridian is in england and at 0 degrees of longitude, where will the center of my map be?

    India maybe or how about japan?

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