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Posts posted by streetlite

  1. Would be happy to give you some pointers on the cooking side of things as i'm a fully trained chef and worked in an Italian restaurant for over 5 years as well as many other styles of food, if you are interested pm me it won't cost you anything and would be willing to help you out a bit as i'm not particularly busy at the moment. ( btw i'm in Chiang Mai so it would have to be by skype or something)

    Jeremy...any tips on proper dough making....flour types, yeast, oil, salt, etc? [email protected]

  2. Retirement extension and Marriage Extension

    My question concerns the Income Verification letter from the Embassy for retirement Visa. Every year I must travel to the US Immigration Office, after making an appointment, write down an amount of income, pay $50 and get it stamped. At the Thai Immigration office I trhen have to supplement the letter with all the bank book copies and letters. Surely the bank book says it all. Why the need for the letter from our Embassy?

  3. Dirk,

    I am a retired High School principal from the USA. Classroom teacher for 10 years, Special education. I have taught all subjects in grades K-12.

    My English skills, spoken and written, are excellent.

    I would base a daily curriculum around his homework or current study area.

    My fee per day would be 1000 baht.

    I live in the Chonburi area. Contact me if you are interested.

    Thank you.

  4. Just finished a conversion from A-O to Retirement Visa at Jomtien. Had a letter of income verification from the US Embassy in Bangkok, filled out the application with an online from so everything was neatly typed in place, had my house lease and TrueMove bill, copies of passport pages and a passport size photo. Entered Immigration at 2PM on a Wednesday. It was crowded but I managed to get Barry's attention and before he would issue me a ticket he went through all my paperwork. He complimented me on how neat and organized it all was but informed me that I still needed a bank letter and copies of my bankbook pages. I decided to go home and return the next day with the additional information. Up Thepasit, across Sukhumvit, onto Khoa Noi I noticed a new Bangkok Bank so I went in and asked for the letter. Five minutes later I had a letter stating my account balance of 900 Baht. My pension check doesn't hit until the 1st of every month and my bank book reflects this so I took a chance and went back to Immigration. It was now approaching 4PM. I saw Barry again and he went through the paperwork, again with compliments on efficiency. He gave me a number and said it was the last issue of the day and it was now being called so I just went back to desk #6. The young officer checked the pages, removing some additional crap (letters of pension statement) which were unnecessary, handed it to the young lady next to him. She took my picture, asked for 1900 Baht and told me to go to the desk behind her. An older woman then scoured my paperwork page by page and informed me I had to put more money into my account. She did notice the prior deposits so this must have counted for something. My Visa expired on the 8th of March and this was the 24th of February. She told me she would issue a Visa good until March 8, 2011 and for me to return on Friday (2 days later) to pick up my passport. She issued me a numbered card. Went back on Friday, straight back to the last desk and had my brand new retirement Visa. A very good experience overall.

    The asked specifically for the house rental papers.

  5. Just finished a conversion from A-O to Retirement Visa at Jomtien. Had a letter of income verification from the US Embassy in Bangkok, filled out the application with an online from so everything was neatly typed in place, had my house lease and TrueMove bill, copies of passport pages and a passport size photo. Entered Immigration at 2PM on a Wednesday. It was crowded but I managed to get Barry's attention and before he would issue me a ticket he went through all my paperwork. He complimented me on how neat and organized it all was but informed me that I still needed a bank letter and copies of my bankbook pages. I decided to go home and return the next day with the additional information. Up Thepasit, across Sukhumvit, onto Khoa Noi I noticed a new Bangkok Bank so I went in and asked for the letter. Five minutes later I had a letter stating my account balance of 900 Baht. My pension check doesn't hit until the 1st of every month and my bank book reflects this so I took a chance and went back to Immigration. It was now approaching 4PM. I saw Barry again and he went through the paperwork, again with compliments on efficiency. He gave me a number and said it was the last issue of the day and it was now being called so I just went back to desk #6. The young officer checked the pages, removing some additional crap (letters of pension statement) which were unnecessary, handed it to the young lady next to him. She took my picture, asked for 1900 Baht and told me to go to the desk behind her. An older woman then scoured my paperwork page by page and informed me I had to put more money into my account. She did notice the prior deposits so this must have counted for something. My Visa expired on the 8th of March and this was the 24th of February. She told me she would issue a Visa good until March 8, 2011 and for me to return on Friday (2 days later) to pick up my passport. She issued me a numbered card. Went back on Friday, straight back to the last desk and had my brand new retirement Visa. A very good experience overall.

    I now have a couple of questions that they could not answer. My 90 day report is due on March 2nd. I thought the new Visa would cover this but the young officer at the front said no and that I still must come in on the 2nd. Is this correct?

    I would like to get a single re-entry while I am there because I plan to visit the US in July. Can I just get the reentry and fill it out when I firm up my plans or do I have to have exact dates and flights to get the re-entry permit?

  6. .

    "I'm going to Bangkok next Friday for an "income verification" letter from the US Embassy."

    You can save a trip to Bangkok to get an income verification letter if you go to one of the Consular Outreach events that the U.S. Embassy has, usually twice per year in several towns around Thailand.

    Here's the notice from this past November - they'll probably have another one soon - you could probably find out through the "Contact" on their WWW or direct eMail.



    Thanks, Surfrider. I've seen these outreach events in Pattaya, but I need to re-up the Visa before March 2 and those letters are only good for who knows how long, 30,60,90 days. Those outreach events are packed solid as well, sit for hours.

  7. Just need your passport. I recommend making an appointment. Here is a link: Link

    I had them add pages also while I was there. You have to fill out a form there, where you state your income. Easy as pie. Takes about 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on how busy they are.

    I heard they are now asking for copies of your bank book for the past 3 months here in Pattaya. I head over there Tuesday and will also try to get a letter from the bank stating my balance...

    Many thanks, especially on the heads up for an appointment. Does the US Ebassy require the bank statement info or are you saying just Pattaya immigration?

  8. What do you mean by 'the lady who took a photo'? I got my third retirement extension (which I assume is what you're talking about, not a visa) last December, and nobody has ever taken a photo.

    I just renewed my retirement visa in Jomtien today and they did take a "web cam" type photo immediately after I submitted my application.

    This was my first renewal in Pattaya, the previous six were at Suan Plu, Bangkok. Some differences that I noticed in Pattaya:

    1) I had to leave my passport overnight and can collect it the next day after 2 pm. In BKK I could renew my visa and re-entry permit in one day; not in Pattaya.

    2) The reviewing officer wanted me to provide her with a copy of my apartment rental agrement when I returned to pick up my passpot. Never had to provide proof of residence in BKK.

    3) Had to provide a bank balance letter even though I had a new US Embassy "Pension Verification" letter. Nevver had to have a bank + pension letter in BKK

    Not a bad experience but a little more bureaucratic.

    I'm going to Bangkok next Friday for an "income verification" letter from the US Embassy. Is there any forms I can fill out ahead of time? Do I need to bring any proof of income (I have a pension and social security but no real documents to prove it)?

    I also need some pages to be placed into my passport. Can I request this at the same time and wait while they do it?

    Did you bring copies of your bank book to Pattaya immigration or can you just bring the bank book to show?


  9. Go to immigration with your house/condo/apt. lease and a utility or Internet bill with your name on it. They prefer the bill.

    They will issue you a letter the following day confirming your address. It's good for 30 days (they took mine after 60 so I got lucky). Take that letter along with a medical certificate, copies of passport pages, international or foreign license (if you want to avoid written and driving tests). Fill out the application (it has English between the lines). They will give you a number (at least in Pattaya), go upstairs and wait (bring a good book).

  10. Two months ago my elbow swelled with fluid. Went to Pattaya Memorial where it was drained. Three days later it filled back up so I returned to the hospital for another aspiration. Prescribed antibiotics were not working. The third visit resulted in a one night stay and surgery to remove the bursa sac. Stitched up and sent home everthing was fine for one month when the elbow turned red and slightly swollen and yellowish substance leaking. Infection for sure but went back to the doctor and he performed another incision under local anesthetics, opened the elbow, aspirated and restitched the elbow. Now a month later everything seems fine except for the arthritic pain that I was told would be there for the rest of my life. Getting older is tough.

  11. I have a question about the proof of income letter from the US Embassy. What do you have to show the embassy in order to obtain their letter? I have a retirement income of $3400 US per month. It is automatically deposited into an American bank and from their I will wire transfer during the month as needed. I do not really have a piece of paper indicating this lifetime retirement benefit. Can I just state that this is my monthly income?


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