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Posts posted by brain150

  1. It is amazing how the same agenda is rolled out world wide

    with the same nonsense excuse !!!

    They are traumatising the children - the harm that is done is unbelievable !


    With the known data about the virus this is just insanity !

    The virus is not more dangerous than a common flu - and that's SCIENCE as of now !!!


    I hope these criminals who do that much harm to children will go to jail !

    Just like all the others driving this agenda [Politicians, Journalists, Scientists and all the other idiots supporting this nonsense]

    The numbers speak for itself ... the REAL numbers - not the ones in the media

    • Like 2
  2. Prices will be free falling in 3 month !
    We have not seen anything yet in terms of economic disaster made by stupid  Government action.


    There are still some savings left and credit cards not maxed out.

    This will happen soon and then the real hardship starts !


    Government program and Social Security runs only for 3 month and after this

    nobody knows what is going to happen.


    Bikes and Cars will be dirt cheap. Property market to follow !!!


  3. 13 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Tourism 15% of Thai GDP, down by 65%. So now they have lost nearly 10% of GDP on tourism alone.

    Could be good, because if they don't devalue the baht, it will be even worse.

    It is surely a good thing when people who never harmed anybody and simply tried to make a living have nothing to eat and stand in line for a plate of rice !

    ... other than that it is a very good thing that you get more for your buck if there is anything left to buy and

    your buck is still worth <deleted> anywhere when your currency is also devalued.


    Surely this economic disaster will not affect you or any currency you have ... maybe not !

    Maybe Karma is real ... and people like you who wish bad things to others will have to face it themselves... Somehow I might hope so !!!



  4. 23 minutes ago, unblocktheplanet said:

    Your choice. But if I walked by you & caught Covid, I'd want you quarantined for everyone's safety.

    It's not about what you "want" ... but it is what the Government "wants" !
    And the Governments usually don't "want" what's good for the people.


    ... seems like everybody thinks they can just have anything they "want" ... and everybody else needs to do it !

  5. 18 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    So the world has conspired to pretend there's a fake pandemic just so the Thai government can collapse their own economy to starve their own citizens??


    Okay, whatever substance(s) your abusing, stop. And seek professional help very soon.

    Did it ever occur to you that bodies like the WHO or all NGOs are Supranational ?

    The WHO declared a Pandemic which basically makes them the world ruling power according

    to the contract between nation for such a case.

    This might explain why they all do the same - because they follow the same master ???

    It's all Governments collapsing their economies [except China] ... coincidence ?


  6. First comes deflation and then inflation !

    that's the result of Governments printing currency !!!


    What the market does has no real influence any more as soon as

    monetary policy goes insane !


    Germany 1922 comes to mind ... falling supply and printing money is a sure way to hell !!!

    Interestingly enough it seems like no central bank has ever heard of these pretty simple facts.


    you can't print your way out of a crisis ... not in the long term !!!

  7. With Tourism making 20% GDP per year it's roughly 1.67% per month !
    Being down 75% for just 3 month would lower total GDP by 3.75%


    ... that's 3.75% decline in GDP if no other sector is affected in just 3 month !
    With tourism probably being down 50% for 2020 it's 10% of GDP lost in the tourism sector alone !

    Seems like maths is not a strong subject in Thailand !


    The US is talking -20% to -40% and Europe has about the same numbers.

    ... it's going to be a long and cold winter out there !!!

    • Like 1
  8. 13,000,000 x 5,000 = 65,000,000,000 THB/month

    ... where does this money come from ?
    If all businesses are shut down and nobody pays taxes right now ... seems like somebody will have

    to pay a fortune in the future !

    First deflation then inflation then hyperinflation ... doesn't look too good

  9. If this story is true then the dear Doctor should instantly be released from his position and go back

    to medical school and learn something about health care and the spread of disease.

    Otherwise nobody should ever go to a hospital in Thailand again !!!



    Why is it that this propaganda gets more and more ridiculous every day ?

    And why is it that people who post in here get more and more stupid every day ?


    If any of this were true than the human race would be extinct for a very long time already !!!



    • Like 1
  10. I expect most of the people at the WHO to go to jail for what they have done and continue to do.

    I also hope that everybody that helps spreading this fear porn will have to stand trial also.

    All Governments responsible for millions of people losing their jobs and businesses need to be held

    accountable for their actions !!! ... which means pretty much ALL Governments !


    The financiers of this coup need to be held accountable !!! Bill & Melinda Gates, The Rockefeller Foundation etc ....


    Police and anybody enforcing the fully ridiculous measures and as such harming millions of people,

    traumatising millions of children through isolation, social distancing, wearing masks aso need to be released and

    held accountable for their inhuman actions and crimes against humanity !


    All assets of the involved need to be frozen and later released to help the people who have lost [or will lose] 

    everything due to the ACTIONS taken ... the Virus did not do much harm as the numbers show ! The ACTIONS did !!!



    I have lost hope that people start to think for themselves ... they let CNN and thew BBC do it for them.


    Smart people don't wear masks and don't do social distancing !!!

    All human culture in history in every country is about people coming together !!!

    ... with social distancing there would be no culture and no human race !!!

    • Like 1
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  11. All measures taken by all Governments world wide are against

    WHO recommendations from Nov 2019 !!! [Study from WHO is attached !]


    So why are all doing the same ?

    Wearing Masks is useless and harmful if you are not sick ! [Sick = having symptoms !]

    Cleaning your hands with Alcohol is harmful !


    Viruses and Bacteria are part of your Immune system !

    If you constantly destroy them you weaken your immune system !


    That's what physicians will tell you ... it's nothing new !

    WHO Study 2019-eng.pdf

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