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Posts posted by Sisaketmike

  1. Nok Air flies there, I think daily, well.... to udon Thani.

    Get a minibus from UDon Thani for 200 THB (book inside airport!)

    Get visa at border. Pay THB 20 to get bus across border, you HAVE to do this.

    Then several options. Get "expensive" tuktuk or go past the border and to your right and take a crappy looking small bus for THB 20 to Vientiane busstation, quite close to center/Mekong. From busstation in VT get tuktuk for about 10,000 kip to Mekong area/tourist/hotel area.

    Return: Go to bus station in VT, and buy a ticket to Udon Thani direct for THB 90, set times, get ticket early!

    If you have a visa for Laos, get that bus from udon Thani bus station for also THB 90 to busstation VT.

    From Udon Thani airport it's About THB 50 (book INSIDE airport) to get to busstation udon Thani.

    The booking of the minbus (bridge/border) and taxi to busstation (Udon Thani) inside the airport is INSIDE the building, right before the LEFT exit to your right. Ignore the guys standing there.

    If not flying, get a bus to (sorry) whatever the city is close to the border (google maps) NE of Udon Thani and then take tuktuk to brigde/border. Rest of trip same as described above.

    Need a nice hotel recommendation for USD 23 a night (not too bad, really in VT) send me PM for a new, clean, aircon, tv etc. hotel at mekong. I stayed at some guesthouse for 150k kip which was CR*P and this one was 170k kip and very very nice (that's like uhm 100 THB difference or so)

    TukTuk from that area (most populair with tourists) to Thai embassy should be about 15,000 kip one way.

    Minibus from Thai embassy to border about 60-80 THB, but be prepared to wait 5-10 minutes for bus to filll.

    More Q's,send me PM

    Off to sleep now....

    I'd take a government VIP bus to Nong Kai, where the friendship bridge is located. Just go to the bus station in CM and ask for it. You can buy your visa for Laos in Nong Kai. Good luck.

  2. Sorry to hear about that, maybe guilting the embassy into helping through notifying the press might be an option..Maybe Thai Visa could help out with that through any potential contacts they might have and possibly a YouTube vid or something else relevant it seems a worthy, noble and notable cause sometimes the inhumanity of such insensitivity needs to have a light cast on it to finally help them identify the error of their deeds..

    Thanks for the supporting words. You are appreciated. Brain often relates to Carsten the different supporting posts that are found here.

    I think it is likely that the Embassy of Denmark is on firm legal ground in their refusal of help to Carsten. I'm not sure just exactly how they rationalize their decisions but I am certain that Carsten isn't the first such case and he won't be the last.

    A personal opinion here: I notice that whenever people get into trouble politically, such as being nabbed crossing into unfriendly countries, most nation's Embassies get very involved and no expense is spared into winning their freedom and flying them home. That is a good thing, I guess, even though some of the people that receive such help are really literally asking for trouble. Carsten wasn't asking for trouble. True, he didn't take care of everything that he should have prior to making the trip to Thailand but there wasn't an obvious expectation of disaster when he headed this way. When others make choices that ARE obviously going to be met with disaster, Embassies seem to be ready to pounce to help them. I find this an odd thing. End of opinion.

    The press thing you mention has already been accomplished. It didn't move the Embassy. There was quite a write up in Denmark, with pics of Brian sitting bedside with Carsten in the hospital. That piece did move quite a few Denmark citizens and many have contributed funds. Shortly after the funds started coming in, several people caused some fuss about the fund, causing it to get suspended while all of the legalities and accounting were set up. I believe that the donations are due to resume any time now, if they haven't resumed already.

    I’m very sorry to hear that.

  3. It is illegal to drive the vehicle with red plates between dusk and dawn or outside the registering province.

    The police however don't seem to enforce this very much. The problem is more your insurance cover.

    If you have an accident look out as you will be totally responsible for the cost of not only the vehicles but also god forbid hospital costs and anything associated as well.

    Get your white plates asap.

    You can get your license plates earlier. Be aware that insurance companies are doing business.

  4. In Australia and you get caught for drunk driving you lose your licence for a year, but if you are a habitual drunk driver they keep giving your licence back. I think if you get caught a second time it should be a mandatory 6 months jail, without even having to clog up the courts. Just take them straight to the lockup.

    What do they do in Thailand??? Especially considering a lot of people don't even have licences to begin with.

    This guy is so lucky he could have killed so many more people or doesn't that matter.

    Keep your western idea's in the west. Show me all the stats that prove that the Aussy drunk driving laws are working so well. I can responsibly make my way home after a few beers with my steak with no problems. In Thailand I can do that, in the west I cannot.

    Almost 1,500 posts in four months is great. .....( <deleted> is wrong with your brain??) You moron.

    You should understand that it's better for you to see a psychiatrist. "In Thailand I can do that."

    I hope they get you and let's see if you can do that in Thailand. People like you shouldn't be here. Full stop.

  5. another accident with drunk drivers ... Does it surprise you ? 15,000 people die in car accident in Thailand , I wonder what is the % of accident involving drunk drivers . Anyone knows ?

    The reality is always different from statistics. 15,000 isn't true, many of them die afterwords, being crippled and so on.

    The sad thing is that even this guy could buy his way out without having bigger problems.

    Happened here two years ago: A so called big shot, working for the government was so drunk that he caused an accident, where five innocent men on their way back from some construction work died while their Pick Up turned over.

    The drunk driver, a well known person in this area was staying in a hospital for some weeks, still has his job being something like the director of some provincial hospitals.

    First he had to pay a huge amount to the cops, then somebody had to get in touch with the relatives. He's still drinking and driving, wasn't a lesson.

    The sad thing about it was that money helped them more than a man without money in a prison. Depending on age, social status starting from 100,000 for a life.

  6. Phuket Provincial Police Commander Pekad Tantipong said, "Even though we have campaigns against drinking and driving all the time, there are still people who ignore them. I would like people to see what happened here and how much damage was caused to remind themselves of the dangers involved."

    I wonder about the motorcycle riders. How many of them were wearing proper helmets correctly? I'd put a lot of money down on the injured children not wearing protective gear of any sort. Maybe we need some campaigns educating motorcycle riders as well, eh?

    None of them died either. Who needs helmets ?

    Is it possible that you've got a mental disorder? How can you write something like that? In another post you're saying that you can drink and drive here? What's wrong with you?

  7. <deleted>! I don't know why I even looked at this post. OP, why are you even posting this and why is everybody discussing it? Get off your duff and walk into your Siam Bank branch to find out <deleted> is going on. Your answer is there; not here.

    Are you deaf and blind? Banks closed, the OP having a problem. Was anybody asking you? How can you be upset about somebody you don't even know. Stop using vocabulary like that. It's disgusting.

  8. Everything is quiet in CM, but will it stay that way?

    Tokay can answer that. Outstanding Khun Tokay.

    Not even sure why you're being an asshol_e, but whatever, it's obviously in your blood.

    May I ask how many poorly made tattoos you have on our forearms? :)

    Our forearms? Please stop drinking and grow up. Won't use your vocabulary, shows what and who you are.

  9. Pattaya defies everything. They don't really close for HM's birthday, Buddha's birthday or even a curfew that is in place for a reason. It's sad really.

    Lets pray to whatever God you pray to that the Mayor is not wrong on this one.

    In my opinion that's beside the point in this case. I live near the city hall and saw how the reds were watched by the whatever color you might like to call them. This is not a red city and rest assured Thai citizens in here are watching over their city and know every movement better than we foreigner expect!

    I hope for the sake of Pattaya and Thailand you are correct.

    My fear is not the "reds" necessarily, but those factions within the reds hel_l bent on creating chaos. Can you imagine a few M79s shot into Walking Street at 11pm? It would be the end of tourism in Pattaya for a long, long time.

    No, I can't imagine and I pray it won't happen. But in my 16 years in here I know that Pattaya is in fact more like a village, not like Bangkok and that the different "forces" know each others moves completely unnoticed from us foreigners. I do have trust in that and know that nobody really want to hurt us rest of kind of loyal foreigners!!

    Sorry, excuse me, forgot it's Tokay's forum.

  10. Pattaya defies everything. They don't really close for HM's birthday, Buddha's birthday or even a curfew that is in place for a reason. It's sad really.

    Lets pray to whatever God you pray to that the Mayor is not wrong on this one.

    In my opinion that's beside the point in this case. I live near the city hall and saw how the reds were watched by the whatever color you might like to call them. This is not a red city and rest assured Thai citizens in here are watching over their city and know every movement better than we foreigner expect!

    I hope for the sake of Pattaya and Thailand you are correct.

    My fear is not the "reds" necessarily, but those factions within the reds hel_l bent on creating chaos. Can you imagine a few M79s shot into Walking Street at 11pm? It would be the end of tourism in Pattaya for a long, long time.

    No, I can't imagine and I pray it won't happen. But in my 16 years in here I know that Pattaya is in fact more like a village, not like Bangkok and that the different "forces" know each others moves completely unnoticed from us foreigners. I do have trust in that and know that nobody really want to hurt us rest of kind of loyal foreigners!!

    I'll pray for you.

  11. Being ex police I got friendly with a lieutenant colonel that works in one of bangkoks stations, the one that covers RCA. He told me that thailand does have a points system for driving offences but to his knowledge he has never known points to be issued.

    So he knew something what he forgot about? Please don't buy a HUMMER.

  12. it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't have a drivers license, nor insurance.

    Why do you think that he was without insurance? Most people do have an insurance. Doesn't mean anything now. Even a first class insurance won't cover this even with a drivers license, because he was MAO.

    But that's not the point. The sad thing is that innocent people got injured and we'll never know how badly.

    I hope you're never driving through Ubon after some beers.

    A friend got killed there not too long ago, sober, a Pick Up made a red light and ended his life in the age of 24. Be careful, Might be easier to drive in Bangkok. Good luck.

  13. We're getting quite specific in racial profiling now, aren't we?

    Still, a good set of stereotypes can save a lot of time and avoid wasted effort at the start of a relationship, so thanks for the effort


    " Is an elephant from Surin different to one in Buri Ram?" No more to add.

  14. What a IDIOT , typical english houligan , past colonial behaving, arrogance and stupidity put him in thai jail for a long time ,then send him back to that his bankrup country .

    A bit of anti Britishness coming out there from you, where are you from, as your spelling is a bit on the poor side, I assume your not British. What has Britains financial state got to do with this idiot (Bankrupt country)? Most British people are in general good people. Although there does seem to be a small section that come to Thailand to get away with things that they wouldn't be able to do in England, this hasn't nothing to do with Colonialism, just stupidity. I hope he gets what he deserves for getting involved with things that he shouldn't be, surely its common sense to not get involved. Lastly I think people should keep things to the point and not get involved with showing there dislike for his nationality, it just makes you look like a bigot.

    Another uneducated Brit.

    Another bigot

    Sorry, but you shouldn’t judge others, like a narrow-minded bigot.

  15. "I hold my hands up — it was me, and I'm ashamed that I lost my temper," he told The Times by telephone from his home in the Thai resort town of Pattaya. "I was tired and emotional and full of steroids. I said we're going to burn down Central — I was being sarcastic."

    A Brit, tattoos, steroids, empty threats, throws tantrums, home in Sisaket and lives in Pattaya. I get the picture.

    Loaded, you should stop that. There was never a post that this guy would stay in Sisaket, being very polite now.

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