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Posts posted by Sisaketmike

  1. Hi,

    A friend was asking me if I couldn't help him with his four year old Acer notebok, type unknown, doesn't really matter which one it is.

    A Thai Super technician told him his motherboard would be broken, but:

    He had his notebook in his fridge, and it started up okay. Switched off after a few minutes. I guess the fan cooling the CPU is out of order.

    Any help would be appreciated. My friend can't afford to buy a new notebook and he needs it to work.

    Thanks a lot for any helpful advice.

  2. Oh, I forgot to add, welcome to the forum.

    Well, you’ll have to stay there so many times without students, if it’s not a public holiday. The best time to prepare lessons, to talk to- may be- more experienced teachers, to go online to look for teaching material. You signed a contract, that’s it.

    You’ll have to work, but the students will have to study. Be glad that you’ll have your salary for not teaching.

    What’s so bad about being there? Being a teacher here means you’ll have to be available when the school wants you to. Wish you a great time without being bored.

  3. Was your Non Imm O-A Visa a multi entry or single?

    The requirements for a 12 month extension at Immigration are,

    800,000 Baht in a Thai bank for 2 months.


    A monthly income of 65,000 Baht.


    A combination of the two adding up to 800,000 Baht.

    The US Consulate will issue a letter verifying your income.

    They do not need any proof. You swear on oath that the amount is correct and they sign it.

    There is a chance that Immigration may want to see proof of income but usually do not.

    You swear and they want to see that it's true. Times are changing. Better go the legal way. Even Immigrations in the middle of nowhere want so see a proof of income. ( For Americans)

  4. If the PM does not crush the rebellion he will be criticized. If he does he will be vilified. He is in a no-win situation.

    I'm glad we have such a good man in charge at a time like this. Look at some of the past PMs. Who knows what kind of bonehead will replace him?

    A good man!!!! What type of narcotics are you on? The whole world is saying he is incompetent and useless have they all got it wrong? Why hasnt he sorted out the demostrators, why is Thailand looking loke the Worlds buffalo? Why have there been assasinations and carnage on the streets of Bangkok? A good man, my arse!

    You know what they say about opinions "blah blah blah & everyones entitled to one".

    Of course, some people just can't see the forest through the trees :)

    Can't obviously see the forest, too many trees around.....

  5. Instead of cutting flesh or cracking nuts,

    how about simply offering any willing and able body a job in their own province.

    "It is understandable why the international community and human rights organisations are so concerned with the political crisis in Thailand - which used to be a poster child for democracy some two decades ago. Obviously, this country has serious social problems, especially the widening of the income gap between the haves and have-nots and other issues."


  6. A clutch? It's a manual?? If it ain't broke don't fix it in a sense, take my word for it you're likely to get a much bigger piece of junk you have to replace more then once.. I just bough a tranny for my VW but it was because 5th gear was foul and the most anyone would warranty a used one for was 2 weeks and there was good reason for that as it didn't have 5th gear either once I finished installing it.. Once it is installed you'd have to pay again for everything else to be done all over again so in short you could very likely end up spending that much and more putting in numerous trannies on a car that age not knowing the history of those junk trannies, if it's only the clutch, fix it...

    It is an automatic and they also have clutches. Same same only different. I am still exploring some options also right now. Since it has all the fluid, yet is slipping/shuddering when you accelerate at low speeds it means that the clutches just aren't getting the oil to them so I am draining it and changing the filter and looking over the modulator valve. Hopefully this will get it going...20% chance I figure. I have run into some amazingly good deals at junk yards. Where I used to be from, junkyards will generally guarantee engines and trannies for a short while even. We are not in Kansas anymore though so thought I might check it out... :D

    Yes I'm aware that autos have clutches too but from the vagueness of your OP I hope you can understand the confusion... Anyway Dorothy yes you're a long way from Kansas and junk parts warrantee's here are like everything else backed, #1 only as good as the junk yard you purchase from and #2 still junk compared to back home where a 3 or 6 month warrantee is common. Here the best I could do was 2 weeks on the first tranny (needed to be replaced only got a credit or spend double effort to remove and return not feasible and anyway I wanted a spare for rebuilding so in the end I still made out as I also hadn't spent the money on replacing all the external seals yet) and a week on the second one and they are manuals not autos...#2 Is still in and working well but I know I'm on borrowed time based on the crap I cleaned out of that unit prior to installing so I need to get one of my spares reconditioned ASAP.

    I hope your clean up and service works, it is certainly the way to go first keeping cost down but in the end all else is a gamble having just done this tap dance I don't envy you you're position, good luck...

    """""Yes I'm aware that autos have clutches too but from the vagueness of your OP I hope you can understand the confusion"""""


    Well, let me guess most Americans don't need a clutch, right?

    What was first? The egg or the chicken?

  7. No "slaggin'" going on here...automatics are not my forte so any and all info is immensely appreciated!!

    Is it the original engine and tranny in your Volvo, or is it a 1JZ? Can help you about repairing the auto tranny, but need some time to do the job.

    My Tranny is pretty old, could you fix that too? Help appreciated.

  8. I think the only games cheaper than this are games printed on pieces of cardboard, like scrabble, etc. Even then they are not so cheap.

    In my experience once a kid gets hold of one of these psp / nintendo ds style devices they don't put it down until it falls apart.

    What about Monopoly with real cash?

  9. You do not have to be on an extension of stay to be legal - only have a work permit and non immigrant visa entry that allows work. Many people do not qualify for extensions of stay but are fully legal.

    Hi lopburi, sorry another question.

    Just came back from my school asking for the letter signed by the director. Nobody had any idea what to write, so they told me to write something in English and they'll translate it into Thai.

    Any idea what to write? Fortunately it's just a letter saying that the period of employment ends on day XX , right? Any advice is deeply appreciated.

    P.S. Regarding the letter for the labour department.

  10. Time to start thinking. I hope they leave the airport open. Who knows? Times are changing.

    In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.

    Albert Einstein.

  11. "No governments allow any organisations to intervene in their internal affairs," spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said.

    <<< WHAT????

    The whole pitch patch political system in Thailand is a Made in Europe, corruption susceptible pile of garbage that has been bubbling and fomenting for 80 years. The Khana Ratsadon, 'the fathers of democracy' were squabbling among themselves before they even came back from France and England.

    Saying Thailand has never been interfered with is like saying a mama san is a virgin! FCS!!!

    The Joseph Solution is a partly made in Canada and partly "Made in Thailand" political design which 95% of Thais would agree to!

    It does NOT require the UN, but to follow the agenda of The Joseph Plan to bring about Stability and Peace, with the elimination of Corruption.

    Hello . Do you have a web link to the Joseph solution ?

    What is it ?

    Is the the Joseph Stalin solution.

    I thought it was ... marry a virgin who will give birth to the Messiah

    Joseph Stalin QuotesDeath is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem. Joseph Stalin Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.

  12. "No governments allow any organisations to intervene in their internal affairs," spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn said.

    <<< WHAT????

    The whole pitch patch political system in Thailand is a Made in Europe, corruption susceptible pile of garbage that has been bubbling and fomenting for 80 years. The Khana Ratsadon, 'the fathers of democracy' were squabbling among themselves before they even came back from France and England.

    Saying Thailand has never been interfered with is like saying a mama san is a virgin! FCS!!!

    The Joseph Solution is a partly made in Canada and partly "Made in Thailand" political design which 95% of Thais would agree to!

    It does NOT require the UN, but to follow the agenda of The Joseph Plan to bring about Stability and Peace, with the elimination of Corruption.

    Hello . Do you have a web link to the Joseph solution ?

    What is it ?

    Here another solution:

    An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

    Mohandas Gandhi

  13. Nice pics.

    It's such a shame that so many posters on Thai Visa call for bloodshed.

    It's very strange that these people calling for bloodshed are not banned.

    I wonder why ?

    is it i wonder that they don't know what it is like to live under a dictatorship and democracy is for the rich only or may be they are communists. the reds are the people there are a lot more than the yellow belly's who took power by taking it not winning it. and the reds they have nothing more to lose this will be a big problem for the government who are traitors to there own people apaist should stand down he has lost it .

    this is killing the king as he loves his people in the north as well as the rest of Thailand. stop the killing now. all yellows should be ashamed of them selfs, you have all gone mad with power. when will it end.

    stop the bloody war now!!!!! before its to late.

    The red out number the yellows only because they are getting paid by thaksin.in which i hope thaksin is brought up on charges for all this terrorism hes causes.I hope dubia sees this a releases him into thai custody to face multiple counts of murder


    Agreed 100%. Don't forget the Satthapip containers with the dead bodies, who suddenly disappeared.

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