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Posts posted by Sisaketmike

  1. You’ll never get a one year visa. They’ll give you 90 days but only if your documentation is okay. After 90 days you’ll have to see the Thai immigration for your extension.

    Next problem will be that you’ll also have to have a work permit. Why don’t you try to contact the embassy or consulate in Singapore?

    Not all applying for a Non-O are under the same circumstances. Guess others might know more about it.

    Good luck.

  2. Saisouk Guesthouse - Very popular

    Phetsalad Rd, Savannakhet

    T: (041) 212 207;

    This spacious wooden and concrete house, 400m south of the promenade, is the most popular backpacker's guesthouse in Savannakhet, with a good location and a range of rooms to suit all budgets.

    You'll have to walk a few meters to find good restaurants, don't forget to look for the steak house. Enjoy your stay. And good luck with your extension.

    P.S. Please be there very early, The consulate will open at nine, you'll have to take a number, fill out the form before you're leaving, saves a lot of time. Then pick your passport up the next day, mostly around 2 pm. Download the application form, for example TM 7, fill it out and don't forget two photos. (Passport size)

    There's a shuttle bus driving direct over the friendship bridge from Mukdahan. You can't take the ferry any more, only for Thais.

  3. Saisouk Guesthouse - Very popular

    Phetsalad Rd, Savannakhet

    T: (041) 212 207;

    This spacious wooden and concrete house, 400m south of the promenade, is the most popular backpacker's guesthouse in Savannakhet, with a good location and a range of rooms to suit all budgets.

    You'll have to walk a few meters to find good restaurants, don't forget to look for the steak house. Enjoy your stay. And good luck with your extension.

  4. :) Nobody coming this monh, occupancy at 23% here in Bangkok,I willbe staying in HuaHin for thenext 2 weeks,wonder what its like their.

    I did read in a Swiss Newspaper that there where not many People where changing away from Thailand and many Hotels in Phuket where fully booked.

    Here is the link to the Swiss Newspaper in German. Tagesanzeiger

    I've read some of this story. It's a guy having a travel agency. Don't believe this bla, bla, bla.

  5. [quote name='Old Man River' date='2010-05-20 17:19:10' post='3624219']
    something to think about

    Suthikiart Jirathiwat and Pracha Maleenont are quite close to Thaksin Shinawatra. They are still on good terms. If the reds set the blaze it would not make sense at all.

    Places burnt down are symbolic of regime/system and representation of success. However the perpetrators are sparing many business locations

    Dusit, MBK, ASTV, Nation, SisaoTewes, Pullman Kingpower, all left untouched.

    Those would've been the reds' targets. Remember who was feuding with Central and BEC before all of this? Who was the biggest enemy of the Central Group and Ch. 3 in the past 3 years? The direct beneficiary of the fire is not reds or Thaksin...it's the man who feuded.

    The fire kills 5 birds with one stone: Channel 3, Central, Thaksin, Reds, Anti-Monarchists. Pongpat was used. Game over for Thaksin as he and reds are delegitimized, while opponents of Central/Bangkok Bank/BEC benefit. Think about this for a minute and you'll realise the missing jigsaw of this puzzle.

    The men behind the blaze are the men who wanted to drive BEC/Central/BBL out of business and blame it on protestors. The fires irrevocably end the reds shirts movement for now, while Thaksin cannot conceivably ever return to politics or even to Thai soil.

    The victims of the fire are not Thaksin/Reds's enemies. They are the enemies of Thaksin's enemies. Ultra-hardcore-right-winged conservative types stand to benefit from this chaos.

    Watch the aftermath closely and you'll see. Those who are desperate about clinging on to power are required to create an element of fear in the heart of its population. The incentive is greater than those who are aspiring to attain power.

    People will go to great lengths to protect remaining interests while the threat is eliminated to foster a rally-round-the-regime type of feeling.

    The goal of the movement to eliminate Thaksin forever from the system was not accomplished until today. It is end-game for him. We lose. Regime wins.

    May I stress not coincidence ASTV, Nation, PullmanKingPower, Dusit remain untouched. This battle is deeper than what meets the eyes. And SiSao is untouched.

    This is a post right off twitter from last night. Either you are the original author or you have plagiarized. Which is it?

    I assume you are an American that is bastardising the English Lanuguage AGAIN . The word is plagiarism. THERE ARE NO Z's in the word. If you are going to use the English language, use it properly without your americanizms!!! and also stop pronouncing short vowels as long vowels when you talk!!

    Warning: posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette. If repeated I will suspend your posting rights without prior warning. I hope you got my point

    How can you write something about American English while lots of people are suffering?

  6. from his eloquence sounds like a typical TEFLer

    I actually did a TEFL course a few years ago, you don't see me rampaging on the streets of Bangkok.

    Just saying.... :D

    I did a TEFL too. Not all Teflers are morans.

    Good grief. The word is 'moron'.

    The mind boggles...

    A morantefler is much better in not teaching anything. Indeed. You must be a pilot, right?

    ...Wing Commander Christopher Moran.


  7. I don't know but having prior knowledge to a terrorist attack and not telling the police will land you in trouble in a lot of country's

    Jesus, some of you are thick. The reds said they would burn Central World (and Paragon) a week ago. It was made public. EVERYONE (but some of you guys) knew about it.

    Just a sad loser who's never achieved anything. A chance for a bit of fame by joining someone elses troubles.

    shouting and throwing a stick .... anyone can do that.

    1) You don't know what he's done in his life. Maybe nothing. Maybe more than all of us combined. Maybe he is a mercenary who loves to fight/kill. Maybe he is just sick and tired of all the wanke_rs, like some posting here, and wants to give you all a bad name. WHO KNOWS? Maybe he has a reason to fight? Maybe he was hired to fight? WHAT DO ANY OF US KNOW?

    2) I'd bet you didn't even have the balls to go into a red shirt camp, let alone when there were snipers on the roof tops shooting at them. Right or wrong?

    Are you him?

    Are you the wanke_r? Seems you can't be a banker.

    Nobody gives a free flying condom where this fool went through. Are you him? YOU ARE WRONG.

  8. Look, Tokay. I'm not sure if you live in Bangkok or not, but these riots and the anarchists within worry me greatly, especially since they have set so much of the city on fire recently. If some guy says 'We're going to burn CW down' and then a few days later it gets burned down, it makes me feel extremely uneasy that he is still at large. I don't know what he's planning to do next. I don't know if he's just all talk or if he took part in the actual arson and looting. I realize that there were plenty of videos of red shirt leaders claiming they were going to set the city on fire, but I don't think many people took those threats seriously. I wish they had. Additionally, he is now the poster boy farang for all the Thais to vent their anger on. This is another way this affects us (I'm saying us because I assume that you are a foreigner).

    I'm not quite sure why you are defending this guy so strongly.

    I'm not defending him, I'm posting logic and common sense. We are not in communist China (yet) yet many in this thread want to punish him as if we are.

    Yes, he said something stupid. Yes, he is a moron. Yes, MAYBE he should be QUESTIONED about what he said and why he was there. However, everyone already knew the reds were going to burn it down. This was THE WORD in the red camps. When the main camp fell, Central and Paragon was going to burn. He does not have information that was privileged. I knew it was going to burn a week ago. Everyone was talking about it. He just repeated what everyone else was already saying.

    So he says something dumb and now people think he single handedly burned down Central and should spend 20 years in prison. I give falangs a lot of credit, but not that much.

    How about we get ALL the facts and THEN work it out. That is why I'm posting here. Many of you are on a witch hunt. If everyone was jailed for 20 years for saying something stupid, we'd all be rotting behind bars right now. Lets see if video surfaces of the falang burning anything down or throwing a single stone. Then if he is guilty, hang his ass. Until then, all we have is a dumb falang saying something stupid that everyone else already knew was going to happen.

    Okay, so just a dumb farlang. :)

  9. what about that? same guy in 2 vids

    There's goes another idiot that deserves to be get more attention from the authorities...

    Of course, because he is actually doing something. Let the Thais find this punk and do whatever it is they will do to him because HE BROKE THE LAW. He didn't say he was going to throw something at the sign, he actually did it. There is a HUGE difference.


    I'm so sad to see guys like him. Makes me even more understand why so many Thais "dislike" foreigners. Looks like Songkran for mentally disordered people. Must be fun to destroy something which isn't yours.

    I came to my wife's village at a time where nobody had ever seen a farlang live.. Couldn't communicate at this time, but after a while they respected me.

    Drank their local whiskey and ate rats and snakes. Some people in this forum might not understand my point. But does it matter? NO.

    I worked with them on the rice fields and they realized that there's not much difference between us. Then I started to teach and things became better and better.

    Now is a different ball game. Too many weirdoes like this guy coming to Thailand are creating a hate farlang feeling, especially when they are so out of their minds. Cheers, wish all a nice time without problems excluding the mother's little helpers.

  10. If you are that worried, check departures/arrivals on the airport's website regularly.

    Note each and every main airport has his own website.

    You could also try http://www.flightstats.com/go/Home/home.do who has info on worldwide flights/airports.

    But it does not seem Germany will be affected in the next days, Great Britain might experience some hindrance.

    I am flying to Bangkok this Sunday out of Brussels and not worried.

    What happens in Bangkok is more worrisome, from a human perspective comments and replies on this board show the real nature of human trash and I do not mean just the brainwashed red/yellow/green/multicoloured masses but most sadly the brainwashed idiotic majority of farangs posting hatred on this board.

    Strangely enough on other Thailand related boards I do not read much farang venom as compared to what's written here by keyboard warriors :D

    99% of crap here, 1% on other boards, shame on you TV members :)


    Thanks for the useful information.

  11. I am also travelling back from Frankfurt to Bangkok, but on Sunday, 23 May.

    I too have been anxious about volcanic ash, but this has been superceded by the events in Bangkok, and whether I can get my pre-booked transport from BKK airport on arrival home.

    Try this link: It shows UK met office Eurpoe-wide 5 day forecasts for the ash cloud, and is the one the CAA use to close or re-open airports :)



    Sorry, I meant from Bangkok to Frankfurt on the 24th at 23.55. Would be great to let us know how your flight was. Or let's better say, if you made it to Bangkok. Thanks and good luck.


  12. This poor man needs to take a break from this forum. Its an understandable paranoid reaction in these tense times.


    He really is trying to get into the papers....


    Mr. Jan Ogeborg aged 47 from Sweden. He appeared in a drunken state and produced an expired Tourist Police Assistant Trainee Badge and claimed he was under the care of a high ranking Police Officer

    "It was also revealed that he had tried to re-join the group earlier this month without success. When asked why he was using the lights and siren, he claimed that he had no idea that the siren was on and was driving quickly so he could return home to take some medication. Police are now investigating Mr. Ogeborg further in conjunction with the Tourist Police who confirmed he left the assistant program in May 2009.

  13. Does anyone have a list of these provinces under curfew?

    I was trying to find something on line, but couldn't. For what I know right now it's:

    Bangkok with all its provinces, Korat (Nakhon Ratchatani), Sisaket, Ubon Ratchatani, Kon Kaen,

    Maha Salakam, Roi Et, will update this as soon as possible.

    Cops stopped me last night around 11 pm to tell me to go home. This is just the top of the iceberg believe me.

  14. Get out now, this is only the beginning.

    I’ve got a friend an Ex colleague at my former school, pretty cool and I can’t hate her for being red which doesn't’ mean that I agree with her political view.

    But she was sending me a kind of warning, please be careful next time. Things will get worse.

    This was two days ago, yesterday evening on my way home hundreds of cops and Army surrounded the city hall. Actually they sealed the whole area.

    Seems that there’s more coming. Watch out for high speed bullets.

  15. Hello,

    I'm planning to fly to Frankfurt/Germany on coming Monday. I've just met a Dutch tourist who just arrived from Holland.

    He made it pretty clear that some flights won't reach their original destination because of the volcano heading toward South East.

    I'd be more than thankful for any information regarding departures to European destinations for the next days. Thanks a lot. Khop Khun Maak Khrap. :)

  16. Thankyou. have direct flight to phuket so i will not cancel.

    You should know that not all sexy looking girls on Phuket are for real. Watch out, you might see something you were not expecting. Called Kathoeys, or simple: lady boys. Have a nice stay.

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