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Posts posted by Lordfoul

  1. Seems Amazon still delivers Books/CDs/DVDs to Thailand http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/dis...88country

    Also Check Kinokunia in Bangkok first http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/indexohb.cgi?AREA=07

    I tried ordering books from Amazon.com & another big online book store, but they wont deliver to Thailand.

    Has anyone succeeded in ordering online to Thailand with any other company ?

    The books are pretty obscure so Suriwong book store aren't likely to to have them, will they order for you ?

  2. It's nice to see someone reporting a bit of truth about the Beach .. The only Damage the Film caused was making it into a Pilgrimage spot for Dicaprio fans.

    Regarding Rambo .. Thai News outlets are already reporting that this article is inaccurate and that this location has nothing to do with Rambo at all

    It is a shame (but not surprising) that the Nation printed a translation of an erroneous article from a Thai language newspaper without actually checking any facts for themselves.

    I didn't think Rambo IV had started shooting yet?

    The group in Bangkok (led by the infamous Ing K) who claimed The Beach had damaged Ao Maya on Ko Phi-Phi Leh had never visited or seen that beach prior to the filming. The producers actually removed several tons of garbage from the beach and from the bay bottom, and to myself and anyone else who knew the spot both before and after the filming, it was obvious they left the beach cleaner than it was before the shoot. ReefCheck monitered the beach before, during and after filming and reported that the impact was minimal, less than what nature and tourism throws at the beach every day, year in and year out.


    Back to Rambo!

  3. Looks like this is affecting some Non-modded 360s also.


    If you've bought a "modified" 360 the latest dashboard update will BRICK your console.

    Bricked means it will be totally unusable, even offline - doorstopped/bookended etc.

    Just hearing this now via my circles, and they are a very reliable source for this sort of information.

    i don't own one, so can't confirm, and tbh would be pissed off if i had to confirm it. Consider this a warning.


    Looks like it *may* only affect newer consoles:

    8:20 PM

    pxxxxx: heh lots of people complaining about bricked 360s now

    ^Rxxxxx: nice

    ^Rxxxxx: i was quite worried when mine went into power save mode during update and made screeen go blank )

    Pxxxxx: does it brick em ?

    pxxxxx: sounds like it bricks very new ones

    pxxxxx: but ###### knows tbh

    Pxxxxx: that's a bit :o

    Pxxxxx: but fairplay in the same sentance

    pxxxxx: ones that havent ever been updated

    pxxxxx: from the sound of it

    pxxxxx: get bricked once the latest dash is installed

    8:25 PM

    dxxxxx: funny eh

    dxxxxx: gotta love ms!

  4. Damage Control


    Bangkok is not dangerous for Cage

    Oscar winner Nicolas Cage is still filming his new movie in Bangkok despite the military coup in Thailand, a film crew said on Friday.

    He dismissed a news report that Cage already boarded a private jet to Hong Kong upon learning of the coup on Tuesday night.

    "It is true that a private jet is prepared in case of emergency. But from our estimation, it would be no danger for Cage and the production team. Cage is still with us. Our work is conducted at an outer ring of Bangkok and the security is fine," he said.

    Sina.com, a Chinese website, earlier reported that when news of the coup on Tuesday night reached the crew, Cage was rushed back to his hotel. Crew members remained on the set to keep an eye on prop guns until Cage persuaded the producer to send everyone home.

    Hong Kong-born twin brothers Danny and Oxide Pang are remaking their 1999 film, "Bangkok Dangerous."

    Sina.com said filming was scheduled to be completed next month, but may be delayed by the coup, which saw the military overthrow of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

    Cage, 42, won a best-actor Oscar for 1995's "Leaving Las Vegas." His screen credits also include "Adaptation," "World Trade Center" and "Matchstick Men."

    The Nation

  5. I find TV Land and Comedy Central seem to use the least bandwidth.

    Hopefully some Thai Visa members get inspired and set up streams for their favorite channels.



    I have downlaoded and installed the programme.

    It is almost watchable on the crappy wireless network here in the hotel.

    Great service. I hope to see more programmes soon.

  6. I am really impressed with it. This the only P2P Streaming program I have used that doesn't buffer ever 2 minutes.


    I have posted about this in football section when I was watching world-cup from it.. the best P2P streaming I have ever seen.
  7. I have a 2Mb/1Mb dsl line from CAT/Hi-Net the kind that is supposed to be share between 20 or 40 people.... My connection is is pretty good for getting torrents or multi threaded Ftp/Http downloads but really sucks when it comes to streaming media. This program however works great for me. The only time I have problems with it is when something is wrong on the streamers end. It does take a minute or two for the feed to start coming through smoothly. Most of the channels show that I am downloading between 15KBps and 55KBps (That's Bytes not bits)


    What speed of link are you on so that it works???

    Both quoted and real speed please.

  8. Check out TVUplayer.


    It's a peer to peer based streaming media program.

    with streams coming from some US and Chinese (a few other languages also) TV channels.

    You can even setup your own stream and offer a channel that you have access to that isn't already on the service.

    I have tried this out for a week and it works pretty well. There is no Adware or Spyware.


  9. It even looked real in person, very impressive.

    Even though the Production designer was a Farang everything was really done by the Thai Crew.

    BTW: They got that shot by building a ruined chedi in the empty lot across from the porn-ping hotel. It's actually all fiber-glass and plywood, but it sure looks real doesn't it?
  10. Hello,

    Does anyone know the state of GPRS in and around the city of Surat Thani or on the island of Koh Samui? Plus if GPRS is available which netwrok is the most reliable AIS or DTAC in these two areas?

    I had also looked at the alternatives of EDGE or 3G but from reading other posts it seems I would be unlucky outside of Bangkok to get anything other than basic GPRS.

    Hope someone can help.

    Thanks to all

    I have used GPRS from DTAC in Both places only 3 months ago. It works well. Basically if your Mobile works then so will your GPRS, but no EDGE just basic GPRS.


  11. I use them to go to the Airport.

    BUT... they are reliable and turn up on time, how else am I gonna get there?

    I wouldn't count on them being reliable. My Girlfriend books taxis for her boss who travels frequently, she always calls the taxi half an hour before they are supposed to pick him up. About 50% of the time they are still sleeping (or have a flat or some other excuse). They need their hand held in order to get their job done. Remember these are the same guys that Drive the rot daeng don't let the nice new vehicle fool you into thinking they are professional.

  12. I have a one year non O visa (retirement) valid till Dec 2006. Went over the border at Mae Sai the other day. The official this time tore out my departure card and stamped me out. Coming back in I had to do the paperwork and got stamped in till Dec 2006. No problem for me as I already had a re entry permit (multiple , as it happens.) A mate of mine with the same visa was thinking of heading up there next week but he doesn't have a re entry permit and is afraid he'll only get one month at the border and forfeit his retirement visa. He reckons, though that the official shouldn't have torn out the old departure card as I was only going for a few hours and I already had a non o visa. ........like in the old days.

    Any ideas anyone. Cheers.

    So when you handed the immigration official (on your way out of Thailand) the copies of your passport pages and said you were just going across for shopping, what exactly did he/she say to you?


  13. ... lately a couple of actual drug carrying farlangs - riding in vans - have been snatched at that route ... the Burmese shans are renowned as substantial providers

    I guess it would to be something like that ... A shame really ... I always enjoyed the "We're not Interested in you Whitey" look I used to get at those checkpoints. I just can't imagine the level of stupidity it would take for a farang to run drugs between Burma and Thailand.

    I must look particularly seedy as that's the first thing they mention, and when I politely refuse, the temple tour gets thrown in as an after thought. Once again a ploite shake of the head leaves a perplexed expression on their faces, wondering if I'm off ladies for the day. or that way inclined blink.gif

    Hmm not sure if I should be offended, As distasteful as I find sex peddlers I am not sure I want to be thought of as a guy who looks like he needs to see another temple.


  14. Today on my way back from doing a Visa run in Tachileik, The Van I was in was stopped at a checkpoint. An Officer walked up to the drivers side and spoke to the driver and his wife then looked back and spotted me, I smiled and gave a nod to the officer as I always do at these checkpoints. Normally this is the point where they see That I am not Burmese and they lose interest and send us off on our merry way.

    But not this time. An Officer opened the van door .. Smiled at me, so I offered up my passport (just in case they might have thought I was a Burmese Albino), one officer took my passport and three others grabbed my bags before another asked me to step out of the Van.

    So I was now standing by the side of the road watching them go through by shopping bags which consisted of enough DVDs to open my own shop in Pantip. It did cross my mind that maybe they Have their own shop and this was a cheap way of stocking it. As soon as that thought entered my mind an Officer handed back my Passport and the others repacked my belongings and loaded them in the Van .. I got back in.. was saluted by an officer and then we drove off.

    I am still not sure what that was all about .. They only searched my Things .. and I don't think they even checked the ID cards of my Driver or his wife .. I should note that everyone was polite and they were gentle with my belongs, but at no point was an explanation offered and I certainly wasn't going to ask for one.

    On a side note : Immigration was fairly quick going in and out .. possibly the fastest I have seen.

    The Tuk-Tuk Tour Guides were now offering Lady Boom-Boom instead of the usual temple tours (Don't know if thats new but that has never happened to me there)

    Dvd 5 are 35-40 Baht and Dvd 9 70 Baht

    I was pretty much left alone by the wandering sales people (when I said no they actualy walked a way instead of following me) with the exception of one lady who kept insisting that I really needed Saddam Hussein playing cards .. (good thing I didn't by those .. as I understand its Illeagal to bring playing cards into Thailand)

    that's all Folks...


  15. Lorfoul, your probably the first or one of the first users on your ratio, when more peopel subscirbe that should slow down quite a lot.

    Seeing as 100KBs is like 1/7000th of Thailands total internet connection.

    I was thinking that also, but It seems strange that they wouldn't have a full load by now, I live pretty close to CMU.. not exactly out in the sticks. When I first got connected it would sometime peak near 200KB. Interestingly websites load much faster now then it did back then and overall it seems more stable.


  16. That's very interesting. 2048/1024 for only 1000 baht per month??

    Where did you find this offer?

    That was the standard package from TT&T back in February (Hi-net 2048 from CAT) . The share ratio was/is(?) something like 40:1 yet I have never experienced slow speeds .. it is possible that I am just lucky.


  17. I have been using CATs Hi-Net (2048k) service since February of this year and for a 1000THB/Mo service it has been surprisingly good.

    My BitTorrent speeds run between 45-75KBs (Occasionaly peaks at 100KBS) and it is always running.

    I Use AT&T Callvantage VOIP sevice and it works Flawlessly (With No impact to my BitTorrent downloads)

    FTP Transfers are very quick and Reliable

    Websites load fairly quick.

    I have used more expensive "Business" Dsl services from Ksc and Ji-net that didn't work as well as this line.


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