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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. "Another round of complaints and the employees told my wife that "someone" had "hacked the network" and they were trying to fix it."

    OP it might be possible. My condo building had very similar problems to yours and they found one of the condo units in building had hacked a few of the system settings. I heard mention that gateway address kept being changed. Once they discovered source that condo has been disconnected from LAN and all back to normal.

  2. Perhaps the children are the reason it cannot be done. The transfer process, even though a gift, would require the children to accept the usufruct contract that exist on the land and under Thai law they cannot sign necessary documents because under age. In my case the person willed the property by my wife was required to sign a paper agreeing to the usufruct otherwise land office would not transfer property to their name.

  3. I can assure everyone the standard usufruct form used by land office will stand up.

    My wife passed away last year and I had no problems in court with her will or the usufruct agreement. When I transferred ownership of house and land to family member named in will the land office made sure they understood that although they would be the new owner I still had complete control and use of property until my death because of a prior usufruct agreement that existed on property. With their signature they are accepting property and prior usufruct agreement.

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