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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. I have been in Thailand for 5 years and have not had a HDD fail during that time. In that time I have also built several PC's and used Seagate HDD's in all. A friend on the other hand seems to have the same HDD luck you have.

    As someone else stated power in this country is not the best so don't go cheap on the power supply and UPS.

  2. Cost on diagnosis will depend on testing ordered by doctor. I think it will be consist of one of the following three (ultrasound, CT scan or MRI scan) plus urine and blood analysis.

    My wifes abdominal diagnosis cost slightly over 3000 baht for test, hospital and doctor fees when done at St. Marys Hospital in Korat. In her case they used ultrasound. I know CT scans in the same hospital cost 4000 baht alone and I am told the MRI cost even more but I do not know how much.

    Once they have the diagnosis they will then give you an estimate for surgery and hospital stay. It will not include follow up treatment because until they get inside and have biopsy done on tissue they will not commit.

  3. Got no chickens to count mate.Read the post again i said ABOUT.It could be 1000,000 or 400,000.A couple of houses near me have come on the market and both sold so not pulling figures out of the air.

    chill out and answer the question if you own an house,if not dont reply.

    I'm cool man.

    Just because someone bought the ones down the street doesn't mean a person will come along and want your house for that price. House markets can change overnight.

  4. You might use GPRS/EDGE if only using GPRS. Its usually 3 to 4 times faster than regular 56k dialup and GPRS during non peak network periods.

    Don't know anything about your server problem because I only use web mail.

  5. Do not uninstall driver if you are wanting to only install firmware update.

    Yes you only run the exe file and it usually is automatic. Make sure you have proper firmware for your model or you will end up with dead drive.

    If you are not having problems sometimes people cause big problems attempting updates.

  6. I thought TOT / True are the same company - I'm looking at an invoice which was in the apartment for TOT which also has True on it.

    Most of it is in Thai so I cant understand it but it has a blue banner across the top saying TOT and the 'true' logo in the middle of the page.

    Now I'm confused.

    TOT owns all the wiring so even if you do have True, TT&T or TOT phone number it travels over TOT lines. At least thats the way I understand service.

  7. I don't know how old your computer is but you might replace battery on motherboard. I had a PC do the same and it was the MB battery but computer was 5 years old. Batteries are usually good for 5-7 years.

  8. I am looking to replace some of my monitors. I prefer to run tandem monitors so 19 inch is my size preference. I get the impression that Viewsonic and Samsung are the way to go, but it is difficult to find good comparisons. I am also confused by the contrast ratio. Is 8000:1 considereably different that 2000:1?

    I often send graphics and photos to print so I would prefer the most accurate image, not so concerned about speed. But I need DVI, and HDMI might be good in the future. I also want widescreen, matte screen if possible.

    Does any one out there have any helpful information about this category?

    PS: I am shopping in Thailand.

    I have a 19 inch Samsung that I am happy with. I chose it because of the low response time because I play games from time to time.

    A higher contrast ratio gives you brighter whites and deeper dark images. This in turn gives you brighter colors.

  9. Should be repairable in of out of warranty. Check you warranty and see how long covered and location of service center in Thailand. I had a different brand I brought in from the U.S. some years ago that failed at 1 year on a 3 year warranty and its was repaired in Thailand no problem.

  10. I don't tip that much unless there has been a special circumstance or unusual service rendered (like help finding an elusive address or carrying stuff in and out of the cab) but I do always round up on the theory that seeking change in amounts less than 5-10 baht is petty.

    I think this (the slight rounding up) is what most Thais do rather than tipping as we know it.


  11. I am well aware that it really depends on my own situation as to whether a car purchase is advisable or not. I just wanted to get the forums experience here, running costs etc.

    I find myself spending on average about 150-200 a day on taxis to get here and there, I have a motorbike for short trips. Since I will be here for the long term, do you think that it is wise for someone in BKK to own a car? I can fully understand if I was in a regional area it would be a benefit. What are the costs for running them here?? Any advise??

    I've been here 5 years and although I own a car I very seldom use it in Bangkok. I have always found it better to use public transport rather than fight the traffic and then spend time looking for a parking place and paying parking fees. As someone else mentioned you have other options besides a taxi. I use taxi's or air con buses when going around the city but most places I seem to frequent are located within walking distance of BTS or MRT station.

    If you do take trips out of Bangkok then I think it is great to have your own wheels.

  12. Its sounds to me like your buying a car for in-laws because they will use it and probably trash it while you are gone. You might want to read this recent thread and see what might happen.


    If your still intent on buying a car rather than renting or leasing while in Thailand you could scale back to a Toyota Vios or Honda City and save a couple hundred thousand baht. Both are great little cars and much cheaper.

  13. I get my Mexican food fix at Bourbon Street Restaurant Bar all you can eat buffet on Tuesdays. Its located off Sukhumvit Soi 22 in Washington Square. Another great place with maybe the best Mexican food in town is Senor Pico Restaurant located in the Rembrandt Hotel. Its not cheap but worth it when out with friends for night of fine dining.

  14. The data bus is used to move the data around inside your computer. In a 32-bit computer, the width (or size) of the data bus is 32-bits wide. A 64-bit bus is twice as wide so the system can move twice as much data around. Being able to process more data means a faster system -- but only for specific things. Normal office productivity and web surfing will show no advantages at all, whereas graphics processing and scientific calculations will go much faster.

    Now you might think about using a 64 bit OS but I do not think it is ready for the normal user for the following reasons:

    1. Various and assorted application compatibility problems. This has improved considerably since release but there's still no blanket guarantee that a given piece of software, especially older software, will work in 32-bit Vista, much less 64-bit.

    2. No compatibility with existing 32-bit drivers. Everything on your computer will need a new driver.

    3. No support for unsigned kernel-mode drivers.

    I still use Winxp and will continue to do so until 64 bit OS is ready for normal user.

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