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Posts posted by gisele

  1. I guess there must be some women super market somewhere.


    Aisle 3 Scandinavian women

    Aisle 4 Canadian women

    Bob, can I have a price check please for a .... women? :D

    Funny thing is you joke about this yet youve probably had a very much

    enjoyable time with the thai ladies and where do you usually get those huh?

    in the line up in the massage places!!!

    so when you replied you obviously thought that would never be possible for farang women

    What a clever and witty reply, I wonder what my husband would say about it! :D

  2. I guess I could generalize and say that Russian men, Greek men, French men, Italian men, Chinese men, Canadian men and Thai men are no good since I was disppointed in one way or another with every relationship I had with them, otherwise, I was still be in the relationship.

    We all have our share of bad apples.

    However, I am very happy married to my husband who happens to be Thai. He had us married with children the second day we knew each other, it didn't bother me. Is it better if the guy says right away that he isn't looking for anything serious?

    It's just talk anyway, you really get the true picture with his actions.

  3. one flew over the cokoos nest

    withnail and i

    once upon a time in america

    the warriors


    murder in the first

    the van

    darby o'gill and the little people

    rush(jason patric)

    in the name of the father

    fort apache

    the lost boys

    the champ

    rocky 1,2 and 3(great movies to watch with a hangover)

    They shot some of this movie in Montreal, I was working a few blocks away from one of the sets. It was cool to see the shoot outs in familiar places, or familiar store fronts blown up and then seeing what it looked like in the movie.

  4. Pirates of the Carribean - I love it, and never ever get tired of seeing it. Johnny Depp just amuses me so much in that film.

    Also Love Actually, although I dont own it on DVD, if it comes on the movie chanel I can sit and watch it, as I think it is a very lovely film.

    I totally agree, Pirates is great. I have Love actually on DVD, also watch it alot.

    I also have Princess bride on DVD, love it and I used this movie in my stage fighting class.

    I have watched "The return of the King" of Lord of the rings many times, my daughter just loves Orlando Bloom. I prefer Viggo.

    I've watched Raiders of the Lost Ark many many times and

    the Die Hard movies, especially 1 and 3

  5. I love movies. There are no movie theatres in Nakhon that show new English movies so DVDs to the rescue.

    However, there are some movies I just like to watch again and again. Not necessarily the best movies ever made, just movies I love.

    When I was a kid Wizard of Oz played on tv every year around Easter I think then as an adult I bought it necause it was comforting to watch. I haven't watched it in a while though.

    For some unknown reason, I like "Lake Placid" alot.

    I also like "Under the Tuscan Sun"

    My husband (he is Thai) loves Titanic, it's always near the DVD player if not in it.

    So, what is it for you?

  6. The year goes by so quickly, sometimes we are so busy that we are surprised it's another month already.

    So, Valentine's day or any other holidays is a nice occasion to do something special, and if you often do special things well this is just a bonus.

    Carpe diem.

    It's commercial only if you let it be, it's the spirit of it that matters. Nice things are not only bought things.

    Why are we in the world if not to make it a better place for the people we love. :o

  7. However, I have yet to come across - in any situation - a culture/religion where it is normal to be a virgin at the age of 31...


    Hello Jez....second time I'm answering to one of your posts... :o

    To the above: China!!! Although not 'normal' there are many, many girls/ladies well into their 30's and forties who are still virgin. My wife is Chinese and she knows quite a few of them in her friends' and family circles. Sad but true.

    Also, it is considered very normal in China that these girls/ladies still live with their parents....not quite a 'healthy' situation for them in order to find a partner :D



    Quite true, I lived in China 5 years and had several friends ask me what they should expect. And this from women and also men.

    It's not as if there's alot of places they can go to be private. They live with the parents and there's always a relative at home, often the grandmom. They have no car, there's no motels. In Beijing, they go to the park, stake out the most private bench they can find. there they hug and smooch, that's it. All the benches are taken at 5pm until sunset. It's cute.

  8. ''I was in Samui yesterday, just for the day, 5:30 in the afternoon we came out of Atlas supermarket on Chaweng, my husband nods for me to look back at the store front and whispers that the woman sleeping on the bench was a farang. The cashier had just told him she lives here and is often seen in such a state. There she was clutching a can of chips, shoes off, sunglasses dangling, skirt hiked up, wallet in clear view, so vulnerable .

    I wondered what will happen to her, so easy for anyone to take advantage. In such a state anyone is a magnet for trouble.

    The sad thing is that she isn't alone in similar precarious situation.''

    Yep, she has been here years. I wont mention her name or were she is from here, but she is usualy seen outside burger king/islander with a bottle of loco or chang, very pissed and talking to herself/shouting at tourists. Completley bonkers, proper lost the plot.

    Rumour has it (and i have heard this of a few people) that she used to be a concert pianist. Honestly. For whatever reason, she came to the island, over-indulged too much and lost the plot. Has a half Thai kid here.

    She's Greek or at least speaks Greek. Her English is quite good. So if you speak Greek, have a word.

    I know a bit about her story. She had a bit of a soft spot for me. Whenever she saw me she would straighten herself up. I've had a few chats with her.

    She's not totally 'lost the plot', but she doesn't want to deal with reality. I can understand that.

    It's surprising how articulate she can be. Once she walked in on me whilst I was in a restaurant toilet(I had my back to her) Her apology was remarkably polite and articulate. She then went back to ranting outside the LEK Supermarket.

    She can be quite defensive with people at first. Not with me though. I must have a friendly face.

    I had to distance myself though, as I couldn't make a positive difference. Plus, she'd taken to trying to caress me. Not good when your trying to talk with someone else and mortifying if out alone.

    If you can help, do so.

    I was in Samui this past Saturday evening, there she was, in front of the Islander crouching amongst the motorcycles, playing with the fingers like she was counting something.

    Wondered what could be done to help her :o

  9. OK, so back to the topic.

    Yesterday afternoon, I was having a massage on Chaweng beach, (oddly enough a girlfriend and I had just been discussing this thread) when low and behold, a topless extremely white woman wearing a pale blue barely there thong walked by, escorted by (I assume) her boyfriend and a persistant beach vender.

    So we asked the women giving us the massage what they thought of topless women on the beach, they were about 7 women in their 20s, 30s and 40s. In unison, they answered "mai dee" but they laughed as Thais do, an attitude of tolerance, "chuai mai dai" even though it clearly bottered them.

  10. In the countries where it is legal to go topless the laws came after much deliberations and alot of opposition. There are nice beaches in some Middle eastern countries, what about going topless there.

    A few years ago, I was living in Ontario, Canada, a law was passed making it legal to go topless (assuming beaches of course) it was a big deal. Men went around topless saying if the women could then they could too. some women webt topless in the city.

    So that summer we saw more skin on the beaches of lake Huron and Erie (The great lakes) and every where else, many places inappropriate.

    I wasn't so carefree about the whole thing since I was afraid I would meet some of my students or worse, their parents.

  11. hey gisele, what is the treatment for allergic bronchitis? i am beginning to think that's maybe what i have since my antibiotics aren't doing squat. :D

    I don't know for sure what to do, I am just muddling along. :o

    Last year, I didn't go to the hospital to get proprely checked as I thought if I was back in Canada I would just take some over the counter stuff however now,I go to the hospital not just the corner clinics. So this time, I went after 5 days of being ssickly. He gave me some pills (muchotic?? and something else) also some vitamine C. No anti-biotic, they didn't work last year.

    And of course, drink plenty of liquids, rest and rest.

    I hope you feel better! :D

  12. I guess the saying "misery loves company" is at least partially true, because I am so relieved it's not just me. I was starting to think something was seriously wrong with my health.

    It seems like I am sick every couple of months out here. It switches back and forth between the same things: bad cold which turns into a very dry throat, with horrible, violent, coughing fits that make me nearly wretch, to frequent stomach problems that included a parasite bug about 6 weeks ago. Horrid :D I almost never feel 100% healthy anymore.

    that's exactly what I get, it's terrible, my husband doesn't know what to do to help, I don't know what to do since cough sirops don't help, drinking water/juice just helps a little. Little yellow pills, little white pills, more little white pills.

    Now, I'm almost better, I still have to blow my nose, and I especially have problems in air-conditionned rooms. I don't want to be too optimistic yet since last year, every time I thought I was getting better, I would soon get a relapse. :o:D

  13. True, but I wouldn't really expect a topless woman to be wandering around on the main ring road. Or at least, I would hope not.

    Regardless, on the main tourist areas of Samui topless sunbathing is not the major taboo it would be in a less populated area or another island.

    I still wouldn't recommend topless bathing but I think comparing Chaweng beach to a less developed island is a little disingenuous.

    For sure, I would venture to guess that if any one is topless sunbathing it would probably be in Chaweng and Lamai, less so in Bophut or Maenam.

    How about Koh Phangan? and Koh Tao?

  14. Neither do I consider helping the family out "paying for sex" and I sincerely doubt anyone else on this forum does either. If my family needed financial help would you consider my husband to be paying for sex by helping them out?

    Actually men pay for sex while women pay for love, but at the end it's the same, you pay for something. For many Thai men, the only reason they stay with those "western" women is out of "convenience" or "simplicity" if you get my drift. The reason many Thai women "hates" Thai men is because of their legendary "unfaithfullness" and lack of "reliability". Thai women can see through them right away while farangs women would fall for their blatant lies and find their "unreliability" refreshing and cute. The number of "nightmare" stories I have heard with Thai men put all the Lady Bar scams in a different perspective. I wouldn't want to be a gay men or a farang lady in this country. I think the old, fat, and bald guy has the better end of the deal after all.

    I am always amused by comments similar to this one made by farang males. I suppose, Thai women who are foolishly entering marriage with Thai men are only doing so as a second option because they can't find a "better" farang male ro marry. :o

  15. Not really applicable to Koh Samui, don't you think? Last I knew the Muslim villages were nowhere near the major tourist areas in Samui.

    A few weeks ago as we were driving from Chaweng to Phang Ka, I was surprised to see that there's hardly any un-built piece of land left between Chaweng and the Muslim village. Since we usually only go for a weekend and we don't often go to Lamai, it was a bit of a shock.

    From Nathon to the Muslim village (and beyond) is pretty much all tourist areas. :D

    I guess topless sun bathing is seen all over Samui, it wouldn't go over too well in my neck of the woods where I am the only woman in an actual bathing suit :D

    but Samui is more "Farangland" than Thailand so the rules are not the same. :o

  16. Wat Suan Mokh in Chaiya, Surat Thani offers meditation retreats on the 1st of every month but also offers very basic accomodation to people in between retreats.

    I was going to suggest the same, A colleague went a few months ago and enjoyed the experience.

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