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Posts posted by gisele

  1. Has anyone who's been to Ko Samui recommend a beach and hotel/bungalow to stay? My parents are coming for christmas and I don't know where to take them. We want a nice beach, somewhere not too developed but with some nightlife; they're  also into good restaurants and drinking!

    I would recommend Samui New Star on Chaweng Noi

    [email protected]

    secluded beach quiet, few venders, must take a songtao to the big action however there are some excellent restaurants in walking distance

    or Sans Souci South on Chaweng. A small resort


    nice quiet part of Chaweng beach, shallow, few venders. Excellent staff.

  2. Driving around this morning, what do I see, a fully grown tree planted in a old front loading washing machine painted blue.

    Made me smile. :o

    Since all the other trees are planted in the ground or in nice planters, it struck me as quite a whimsical thing to do.

    What whimsical sights have you found living in Thailand?

  3. I will be odd man out here and vote against 1st class.  The across track beds roll you every time there is a start/stop and there are a lot of them.  So no sleep if that was ever part of the plan.  The carriages are old and noisy (unless they have recently been upgraded - have not used in years).  Second class a/c has new cars on the main routes that are much more quiet and beds are along the tracks rather than across.  And at half the price much better value.

    Time you took another ride Lop.

    In 2002 october they were modern sleepers.

    No probs sleeping.....

    I agree with Udon. I have had no problem sleeping (though some very very happy Germans boarding at 1AM did wake us up last time) the cars are modern and clean. It's cool that the attendants come to make your bed and give you water.

    I had friends come to visit me in Nakhon (same train that goes through Surat) they did not listen to my advice about first class and took 2nd class, :o they took first class on their way back to BKK and had a much more relaxing voyage.

  4. If we're going to take a taxi we always pay only 300 baht from Nathon to Chaweng. Though I have heard drivers ask for 400 or even 500.

    We generally rent a motor bike in Nathon, it's convenient as we drop it off again on our way home. We always leave our car in Don Sak.

  5. Wow, maternity clothes. Thats a tough one, its hard enough finding regular clothes! It seems most Thai ladies opt for what I call the "pregnant dresses" as soon as they get a bulge. Not very fashionable but comfy I guess  :o

    Thanks for taking the trouble to reply. Not the best news I guess but at least now we know :D


    I would suggest she finds a few designs she likes from magazines or web sites and have it made to measure, not really expensive and this way you are sure to like the fit and the colour.

  6. Finding a good face cream isn't easy, (I'm also not into the whitening products) I brought some back from Canada last year.

    Last time friends came over from Canada, I asked them to bring me: "Secret" antiperspirant sticks which used to be available but no more, "Caramilk" chocolate bars, sweet green relish, and bras I bought on the net but could only be shipped to an address in America or Canada.

    Nakhon is getting a "Booths" soon, never thought I would be excited about a drugstore opening


  7. How much compromising is necessary for you to live with your Thai partner? And how about communication, I don't mean language, I mean understanding each other's needs?

    Are you asking this question of your husband as well or are you thinking you are the one who should compromise even more in order to change and become who you are not for the relationship to be to his liking.

    Then you must ask yourself if this is what you really want in a partner.

    I have seen it many times with friends who did not want to abandon a sinking ship, but suffered trying to salvage a relationship, their partners perfectly happy not recognizing the despair their wives were experiencing.

    If your needs aren't met or understood now, what will it be later.

    You should be happy.

  8. Hi Scamp,

    I haven't read all the postings so I may be repeating what others have written,

    I lived 5 years in Beijing until i moved here last year.

    I loved Beijing, it has everything a foreigner needs, Starbucks everywhere, bar streets with any music your heart desires.

    I had a variety of different outlets in one apartment, generally they are 3 prongs, With such a variety you would think one of them would be compatible with Thailand outlets but no, not one of my appliances can be plugged into any of the outlets here. :o

    It is one of the most expensive cities of the world to live in foreign style however, it isn't bad if you live more like the Chinese do. You can find cheeses, delis, breads, beers, amazing bagels, anything, (I was once in the Lido Market at the Holiday Inn and they had beer from a tiny brewery from my hometown in Quebec, Canada, I was stunned :D )

    Foreign appartments are expensive but it is possible to live in many of the Chinese housing.

    The Chinese may not smile as much as the Thais but once you gain their friendship, it is sincere and forever. :D

    Have a great time,

    Ganbei is what you say instead of cheers it means dry glass :D:D

  9. I have pants made by a local tailor from fabric I bought in Bangkok (where there's more choice than in Nakhon Si Thammarat), this way they actually fit well.

    I buy T's at Tesco, Robinson is a little pricey.

    I think it is very simplistic and arrogant for a man to say to any one, man or woman that:

    "all it takes is will power and effort - and you are in one of the easiest environments in the world to make it happen. Take charge of your personal situation and transform your life."

    the initial post has nothing to do with being unhappy with one's body but rather unhappy with the lack of choice.

  10. I haven't been in a while but there used to be a vigorous game of frisbee/football every Friday, 5:30PM at Talad park, a regular meet-up for a bunch of athletically inclined farangs.

    where is Talad park Gisele? obviously near a market, but in Nakhon city itself? near Lotus? please explain :o

    Talad Park is near the football stadium, closer to the army base.

    It's off of the old main road downtown Nakhon.

    It's a big park, there's a zoo, a big aviary, children's playground, horse riding lesson, jogging paths, paddle boats, a big indoor facility and of course food stands galore. (no amusement park rides though) :D

  11. I have lived in thailand 7 years now. the last 2 in lan saka and i spend a lot of time in nakhon si.I have never met nicer people.come and enjoy the real thailand.

    Hello neighbour,

    We often go through Lan Saka, we go to Khao Luang alot, I love going to PhiPun we like to go climb up to the Buddha on the hill, or romp in the Phrom Lok waterfalls.

    PhiPun = Rophibun? (spelling?), close to Thung Song? :o

    there's PhiPun the other side of the mountains in Khao Luang about 1 hour from Nakhon and then there's Ron PhiPun about 20 minutes from Nakhon, not the same place. The Buddha on the hill is in PhiPun.

  12. If price is no object and it's only for a weekend, then I would suggest a spa (in Samui for example,) there are many to choose from, and being totally pampered for a weekend would be a treat I am sure.

    Both of you should share in the experience, not only your wife.

    Sensual, relaxing and very romantic. :o

  13. I have lived in thailand 7 years now. the last 2 in lan saka and i spend a lot of time in nakhon si.I have never met nicer people.come and enjoy the real thailand.

    Hello neighbour,

    We often go through Lan Saka, we go to Khao Luang alot, I love going to PhiPun we like to go climb up to the Buddha on the hill, or romp in the Phrom Lok waterfalls.

  14. Thank you for your thoughts, it is very much appreciated.

    This is most disconcerting, especially for the family.

    They feel quite lost, the usual funeral rites for them would be to assist in dressing and preparing their daughter and sister to say their proper goodbyes, but they can't, so this is very emotional right now.

    Her father who had been travelling to Phuket every week to seek answers, has aged way beyond his years. I fear at how this will affect him and the rest of her family.

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