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Posts posted by gisele

  1. This weekend, I received news that the body of my friend Kate, a colleague from Walalaik university who fell victim to the Tsunami in Khao Lak, was finally identified. Her body is going back to her family in Trang today.

    We are grieving her again today.

    Back in December we had accepted the fact that we would never have the joy of her company again but now we have closure.

    I thank the teams of people who are working at identifying the bodies, their diligence is appreciated.

  2. Just my opinion here, I used to be there a couple of times and the place sucks big time!

    I'll never go there again, that's for sure!

    Jan Werner

    Few tourists come here, there are only a few hotels and some guest houses, there are no bar girls like Samui, there are no cabaret shows, restaurants and bars close failry early especially compared to Pataya or Phuket, if you don't have a car you can't easily go see the amazing nature in the area.

    I am happy you feel the way you do, hopefully more people think like you and won't ever bother visiting the area therefore my Paradise will remain unspoiled.


  3. Yup, its gisele, give her a pm, she has been there for quite awhile and seems to really like the place (but then, after china, who wouldn't?)

    Yes, I've been here for awhile and I love it. I will be here for the rest of my life.

    It is Paradise. :D

    If I miss farang stuff I go to SAmui, to get food stuff like cheese or new DVDs, English reading material.

    There are a few bars, I think Brothers near Robinson's is where most of the farang guys frequent most, it has a cover band that plays American music.

    I prefer Country Home and Folkstreet which has good Thai music, but there are plenty of other places to hang out.

    The people who have been "terminated" were either in local politics or have made enemies in some business dealings. But this happens everywhere else in Thailand too and as SBK points out, who does the hiring of these hitmen. :o

    Welcome to my neck of the woods!

    I am sure you will love your life here. :D

  4. "I would NEVER send my kid to an international school anywhere in the world. They are generally filled with the most pretentious brats. The catholic school seemed very nice, no pushing religion, teach in English and Thai."

    I taught 5 years in an International school and I can say that the kids there were normal kids, not pretentious brats. They were mostly ambitious and almost all went to the best universities in the world upon graduation. I was proud to have my students accepted at places like Stanford and Harvard.

    The schools that produce pretentious brats are often the schools that shelter the kids from the outside world like some schools in the Middle East for example. Exclusive schools can breed pretentiousness. There are many example of those schools in the US, Europe and Canada and they are not international schools.

    Don't rule out international schools as a blanket statement, it's a question of making a judicious choice.

  5. They've been building the stretch of road from Surat Thani to Thasala for more than a year now, adding to the existing 2 lane so eventually we will have a nice :D 4 lane. They are busy busy at work, every day I see them flatten more and more dirt, (clay?) they are pilling it on, layer upon layer. At some places, it's pilled-on higher than the existing road next to it. I assume they will level it off at some point, though it could be used as a launching ramp.

    They seem to know what they are doing.


  6. Thanks for the clarification.

    I do know that the adjoining lands are home to different businesses (bungalows, restaurants, stores, diving shops, 7-11, etc...) having also the same land title.

    Ill make a guess and say it might of been - Tor Bor 5 (tax paid land)

    yes, that's it.

    Ok, well just to let you know Gisele - It is only tax paid land and is very hard for anyone to upgrade the title legally - in saying that though, it isnt impossible!. The government has also introduced a new law stating that tax paid land must be producing (i.e> rubber, cashew nut etc) or it will be placed back into forestry.

    Basically it was squatters land initially.

  7. There used to be a bar on the main beach road called Full Circle that played live music. This place shut about 12 months ago and now forms part of the terrace for "The Deck".

    One of the 2 bands that used to play at Full Circle, Siam band, now plays at the "Sound" at the end of the alley behind the Deck,

    they also play at "Springer bar" south on Chaweng on Saturdays, generally an older crowd, has comfortable seats, a rocker theme (a chopper motorcycle and half a car on the stage) pool table.

    Owners of Springer's are Danish, they are very nice, you should ask them what they think about owning a bar in Samui and your chances of success.

  8. Maybe it was just my experience this past weekend. About once every 6 weeks or so I go to Samui just for a weekend to see friends but also to eat farang food, and I look forward to good food.

    I went to reliable places (not expensive places but long established hang-outs) and I was surprised at the decline of quality in food and/or service. Maybe I was just unlucky :o

    Maybe there's so many customers anyway, with new places popping up to serve the increasing numbers of customers, there's no need to please regular patrons.

    Really, even since I was here in February, I can't believe how quickly the place is changing, you can't hardly find any green spaces left along the road driving from Nathon to Chaweng.

    What has been your experience lately?

  9. No one can say what the future holds for this union, and not all Thai men fall in the bar/island/womanizing type. Each man is different. Any inter-cultural marriage is a challenge, marriage in the same culture is a challenge. Maybe this man is educated, has a good job and a plan for a bright future.

    So ...

    Is he educated? (not that all educated man are better the than the rest but it helps)

    What does this man do for a living?

    Can he support himself? and a family?

    How long have they known each other?

    Can they just live together for a while?

    If they stay here, what will she do for a living?

    How young are they?

    Any marriage is at risk if going into it naively and unrealistically.

  10. Telling the truth and being exact with facts would be so boring and would not sell papers.

    Is it 3,000 bodies left to identify?

    What would they do with the bodies if they abandonned the task now?

    How many lives were claimed in total?

    Last night, friends and I in Nakhon were talking about it and we weren't sure what the number was.

  11. I have a friend here near Nakhon, she is a Thai woman, 23 years old, has two children with a Thai man. He went to Samui for "work" when she was pregnant with her second child. She knows he has girlfriends, she can't do anything about it, she is quite stoic and deals with raising her children as best she can. He comes around once in a while to play with the kids then goes back to Samui again.

    She is not alone in this situation.

    Who gets hurt?

    Certainly the children. :o

    and I don't think I would be happy in her shoes.

  12. I agree with Tuky,

    after having lived in China for 5 years driving here is a breeze.

    Thai drivers generally signal, generally wait at crossroads and traffic lights. They generally use their signal lights and they generally understand right of way.

    I feel much less stressed driving here than Beijing. :o

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