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Posts posted by Hssl

  1. Depends on the returning PM - If he imposes a state of emergency then NO CONCERTS thai or farang will happen and there be a bloody mess at the airport. If on the other hand he steps down then Rock on!

    I will have a update later tonight - As I'm supposed to be working on the show :o

  2. A couple of friends are looking to do a days sea fishing - can anyone recormend a boat/captain that knows the 'good spots' and doesn't charge tourist prices, size of boat - around 6 people + crew.


  3. 18 months ago when i did my test in Pattaya on the then new computers - the Thai bloke next to kept checking his 'highway code' book. Me and the German guy (the only other farlang that day) did the test in 5 minutes and both passed.

    The funniest thing was the German bloke questioning the staff about the 'road safety' DVD we were watching as part of the test - repeatedly asking WHERE in thailand people drove cars like the video........zis is not Thailand yah?? "Yes this Thailand" No No i zink you joke me yah :o

  4. Just get a 'clone' of a standard back box or muffer, without replacing the whole exhaust system it is very unlikey you would gain any performance, more offen than not you would lose performance.

    You might even get a trade in on the shinny beer tin you have now.

    Timing belt should be good for more like 30k + BUT do check - cheap enough to replace early VERY costly if it breaks!

  5. Laugh you may - BUT The same contract I use with sub-contractors is the same contract that my company uses for work -stamped, signed, witnessed and very legal. Of course this wouldn't stand up with a local Somchai with no company - but I only use real companies not some buffoon 'handyman'

    The very same contract just got me the final payment on a project where the 'project management' company were trying to welch on the final payment.

    Oh and where did i get this magical contract - only the biggest importer of pro electrical equipment in Thailand.

    What ever - my backs covered............................ is yours?

  6. 40,000THB for my 3 storey shop house:

    Approx sizes

    3 x windows 1.2M x 2M

    1 x window 1.2M x 1M

    2 x single door & frame

    1 x window 0.8M x 0.8M

    1 x sliding double door (french window style)

    All mounted on the INSIDE of the frames with 1/2" angkor bolts

  7. Not quite the same as building your own house but any sub contractors that work for me have to sign a contract which lists things like:

    Plan / design of work to be done

    Start / end date

    Cost / payment plan

    Cuts for late or poor work.

    I looking at maybe building a house in the next few months and for sure all contractors will be signing this!

  8. Even the darkside has 'em

    When into 'crossroads' bar on Soi nernplubwan the other night and the place was full of them the only 'female' was the cashier.

    It was full of Bennies trying to be Miss Diane !

    A very swift beer and check bin please!

  9. There's a condo about 500M in from suk on Soi Siam Country club - What its like no idea

    One of the things i love on the darkside is the lack of noise from cars/bikes/karaoke bars/drunks/ etc etc.

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