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Posts posted by sabajja

  1. I don't swift it.

    I carry it with me as hand luggage.

    There are no restrictions how much foreign currency can be carried out.

    I even checked out the Thai Customs website.

    It says the following:

    Outbound passengers:

    Unlimited amount of foreign currencies are permitted to carry out of Thailand. However, the amount of Baht 50,000 or more in Thai currency must be reported on departure, except those traveling to Lao PDR., Myanmar, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam are allowed to take out Thai currency not exceeding 500,000 Baht.


  2. I just converted 2.5 million baht today to a foreign currency in bills.(small currency)

    Not a problem if you go to Superrich, near the 4 faced buddha.

    Just make sure you call'em before, when you wanna do larger transactions, so they have your currency in stock.

    I got a better rate buying bills at SR than the banks gives here on swift transfers !

    As you know, Thai baht has to be converted at the Thai bank to foreign currency before they swift it.

  3. I saw the video only cause all the locomotion around it.

    If it hadn't become an issue, i'd never see it.

    Banning youtube will only make this whole "free speech debate" get to everyone's


    Probably exactly what the video uploader wanted.

    The video is un-professional.

    This kinda caricaturized stuff we see all the time of western leaders and monarchs.

    I think only a Thai could take offense to it.

  4. Dynamic only means "range".

    The ip adresses will all originate from the same isp anyway.

    If the isp check their logs, you will be identified if asked by an authority.

    You could offcourse spoof your ip, but that's another issue.

  5. How is providing information hampering free speech? Free speech is hampered when you can get arrested for expressing your opinion - as is the case in many areas of Thai law.

    If you are against that, blame the Thai law.

    If the fear of reprisals, would stop only one poster from expressing his view, free speech has already been compromised.

    And yes, i'm fully aware that it is not a luxury we have here in los.

  6. It works like this:

    The CAT,TOT,True and TT&T people all have one tin can each.

    All cans are connected with intertwined nylon string.

    When data is to be transferred, it is very important to keep the string in a stretched fashion, for maximum speeds to be achieved.

    However, due to the climate, and weak muscle power of the IT technicians here, the lines are often slack. :o

    There has been rumours, that the new giga-yarn-plus™ is to be introduced soon, to improve data tranfer rates between the cans :D

  7. Posting of ip adresses to the public is a security issue.

    I would even go so far as to say it's hampering free speech.

    Not all commentators are willing to disclose their identity.

    some might even have legitimate fears of reprisals.

    That the Nation would do this, just shows what a "soap bubble democracy" this is.

    About ip adresses in general, almost all websites (Including TV) has full records of all the posters ip adresses.

    It is NOT to be shown to the public.

  8. I just saw they have another package for buildings connected to the "city net".

    Also from Telia in Sweden.

    (You don't even need a modem, connects directly via Ethernet)

    10 Mbit/s down 10 Mbit/s up = 1.087 baht a month

    I must be dreaming here...

    Offcourse if that isn't sufficient, you can alway sign up for the fiber lan

    that gives 100 Mbit in both directions,(Not joking).

    I have friends living in Sweden, and they always smile when I tell them about internet here in Thailand.

    I wonder why...

  9. You knew that Vista was pre-installed when you bought it, right ?

    Here in Thailand, there must be literally hundreds of brands you can buy, without OEM software...

    Give me 100 brands of notebook that i can buy without OEM Software.

    Well, maybe not a 100.

    But there are plenty around to choose from.

    Can't be that difficult to find, and you only need one.

    I wouldn't even be surprised if they offered you a discount, on a brand that has Vista pre-installed if you didn't want it bundled.

    (It's always easier to negotiate before you make the purchase).

    Most computer stores in Thailand are well aware of the competition...

  10. 2 simple steps to approach USB sticks you "aren't sure of".

    1. Enter Group policy editor (run=>"gpedit.msc")

    Administrative templates>System=>Turn off autoplay on all drives

    2. Scan USB stick with updated antivirus by right clicking the drive Before

    opening it.

    Any malwarez that uses the "Autorun.inf", can be cleaned this way.

    USB sticks are just like harddisks, in that they can be cleaned of infected files.

    Offcourse, you can't expect hotel guests to do this...


    You can have "Autoplay" disabled all the time, you don't need it.

    If you want to autoplay anyway, simply rightclick the drive you wanna access.

    Autoplay will be listed as one of the options.

  11. Why not change the Thai baht in Thailand to GBP and then bring with you ?

    There are no limits to how much foreign currency you can take out.

    If you bought the condo and got the tortor 3(I think the name is) from your bank, proofing you brought the funds in from abroad to purchase the condo.

    You should be able to wire the money back to Britain.

    I assume that would give you the best exchange rate.

    Yes partially true except, regardless of how much money you brought into the country and regardless of how much money is shown on the Tor Tor Sam, you can only export the sales proceeds amount on which you have paid tax at the land office. I hadn't realized this was the case and when I sold my condo I followed the time honored practice of allowing the land office to set the sales amount and paid tax on that figure accordingly. Unfortunately their figure was only one third of the actual sales price. So, one third of the sales proceeds have been wired out, one third has been exchanged over time for GBP in country and passed to the UK and I'm currently working on the final third.

    Your experience should be a lesson to anyone thinking of investing here.

    Simply put: Don't do it !

  12. Nothing beats a well setup boot CD, as it can be booted on 99% of the systems out there, when you are locked out.

    Here's a good one:


    The CD above contains almost all the tools you'll ever need, and it has Antivir (which is great)

    Another great tool to add to the collection should be "Dial-A-Fix".

    The most usefull feature (among others), is it scans the registry automatically,for all those known regtweaks that malware uses to disable your

    windows, and removes them.

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