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Posts posted by sabajja

  1. The consideration (regarding the salary) should be:

    do I employ 4 Thai nationals with poor knowledge or do I employ 1 farang with expert knowledge who will educate my technicians?


    And the choice is almost always hiring Thais.

    Companies here has to think about the bottom line, just like everywhere else.

    Remember, the company is forced to pay these high salaries by the labor department.

    It's not the choice of the employeer or employee.

    I work in IT and to me it looks more like there's a global shortage of skill.

    As for retired expats needing something to do - yeah, maybe. But I am not sure I would want to hire these guys. Maybe they don't feel like showing up one day since the money is no motivation for them. Can you imagine running a company where all employees are multi-millionaires? It would be a bit difficult... :o

    Offcourse, you wont attract the highest caliber of people just by opening up the job market. (cause of the low salaries)

    But you would give an incentive to the Thai companies, to at least keep the door open, for anyone with the right skill set to get the job,

    if they ever wanted it.

    As you mention: "I work in IT and to me it looks more like there's a global shortage of skill. "

    Then why aggravate the problem with these protective labor laws ?

    Thailand is in desperate need to lax these rules, otherwise I don't think

    there's going to be an end to "Nothing working".

  2. I understand why some companies choose to do this. It is not to segregate out the foreigners because the companies have high levels of nationalism but rather because locally graduated Thai 'technicians' or 'engineers' are paid sub-10k baht per month. Companies, even large corporations like True or Shin Corp, simply cannot fill these positions with foreigners who are more qualified for the current wages as the foreigners would not want the job. Would you want to work as someone picking up the phone on the support line for 7000 baht a month?


    You are slightly wrong in that assessment.

    It's not that foreign technicians wouldn't want the job, cause of the low salary.

    It's has to do with the labor department not issuing work permits, unless

    the foreigner has a Minimum salary of 40.000 baht a month.

    Hence it's illegal to work with a "Thai salary" for foreigners. That's the problem.

    I'm certain there are many qualified foreigners, staying in Thailand, that would be glad to do this kinda work, even if the salaries are low.

    Living costs here are low, and many would probably jump on the opportunity

    if it was ever presented to them.

    For many foreigners, salary is not the only measuring stock of happiness.

    Just having something to do, is sometimes more important.

    Especially if you're an long time expat living in here, (and there are plenty).

    Opening up the job market for foreigners, would also benifit the Thais tremendously.

    They'd pick up the necessary language, and skills in no time, working side by side

    with foreigners.

  3. Burmese diva causes You Tube banning in Thailand.

    Irrawaddy Daily Mercury3/10/2007

    The reasons behind the blocking in Thailand of popular website You Tube are slowly emerging.

    MTV Thailand on Wednesday debuted the new music video by popular Burmese pop princess U Teub.

    In her latest video the winsome Miss Teub can at times be seen wearing only a smile, rose petals and a dollop of whipped cream.

    The video was reportedly seen by the daughter of a prominent IT Ministry official who complained to her father that the video presented young women in a disrespectful manner and should be banned lest it corrupt the young people of Thailand.

    The IT Ministry official immediately rang his assistant to have all videos on U Teub banned.

    The assistant contacted the heads of all local ISP's and demanded that access to U Teub videos be blocked.

    Executives refusing to co-operate were told they would be transferred to TiTV.

    Kyawk Kywin

    This seems to be taken from some Hollywood B movie script, but totally plausable, in a country where rank, totally outweighs any institutional common sense of the censors.

    Letting a daughter of some IT minister, "freelance" as Thailands


    Banana republic tactics...

  4. The sad thing here, is that the rules and regulations, are to a large degree

    tailored to keep foreigners out of the job market.

    You obviously need skilled, English speaking people doing this kinda work.

    But they aren't allowed to.

    Technically perhaps they are, but Thai companys have to up the salarys 300%

    For foreigners to be able to get a work permit, compared to hiring a Thai.

    Therefore, skilled foreigners aren't hired.

    In the end, the Thais have to "do it themselves", no matter how poorly

    trained they are.

    Everybody suffers.

    If you look at some job seeking sites, where Thai companies are looking for skilled labor, you almost always see the:

    Thai Nationality only.

    They don't want foreigners, to expensive.

  5. Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Japan is, and will always be, ahead

    of this retarded backwater of a country.

    We all have problems with the way some things are done in Thailand, but this remark is insulting, and over the top.

    Tried to edit it out, but topic already "timed out".

    Heat of the moment anger flip.

    Have only had problems with the internet, since I started using it several years ago here.

    Can't understand how the Thais can cope with it, for as long as they have ?

    Have had TOT technicians at my house 4 times now, they can't fix my problem/s, and I only stay 300 meters away from the exchange.

    It has gone into month 3 now, and still no solution...

    If the underlying infrastructure is in shambles, (which it obviously is),

    offcourse nothing works.

  6. Yeah,

    I recall when talks were underway about that APCN2 cable thingy, that the authorities deemed it completely over the top, especially considering there were already talks about Thailand's iPSTAR satellite, able to supply whatever Thailand needs....

    I do realize that the location is increasing the cost for Thailand, but it didn't seem to be a big hurdle for Singapore and Hong kong???


    Consider these facts again:

    Thailand has 10.5 Gbit total bandwidth vs 80Gbit in Singapore and 100 Gbit in Hong Kong
    Think about the fact that Thailand's population (70 mill) far exceeds that of SG (3 mill) or HK (8mill). Even if only 10% of Thailand's population and 100% of SG/HK's population used the net, it would still be disproportionate (1:10).

    Over the top, I don't think so.

    Problem with decision makers here is, they think they know

    everything, just cause they have some degree from Chulalongkorn.

    But the sad fact is they know squat !!

  7. Here's a good way to disable Autoplay on all drives:

    Start=>Run type in "gpedit.msc" and click "Ok"

    Goto: Administrative templates=>System

    Doubleclick "Turn of autoplay"

    Choose "Enabled all drives".

  8. Thailand does not have the APCN2 landing point (the newer and much higher capacity (5gbps vs 2.6Tbps!) Asia Pacific Cable Network that was put in place in 2004 linking countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Japan together).

    (Great post Paveet)

    That is called forward thinking.

    Something that's non-existent in Thailand.

    Instead of putting the god stuff in from the beginning, let's save a buck instead...

    Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Japan is, and will always be, ahead

    of this [irrational thai-bashing removed; please read forum rules] country.

  9. I thought one of Vista's security measures was to periodically 'check in' with M$ to revalidate its legitimacy. Once M$ start seeing multiple copies of the same key turning up all over the place they may invalidate that key.

    So while the hack(s) may work now, maybe not for long?

    It's not that simple.

    All OEM copies uses the same key.

    Invalidate that key, and all the legitimate OEM customers are locked out.

    This "system-locked pre-installation 2.0" is alot

    like the "Corporate XP" MS made, when it released it

    without the need for validation.

    Go figure the crackers would take advantage of it...

    What were they thinking,,,,had they been drinking ? lol

  10. Just take my word for it.

    Ditto. Unlike the other "false starts," this is the real deal. How can / will MS counter this one?

    The genie is already out of the bottle.

    This will be a hard one to "fix".

    There are already 4 different solutions circulating that are slightly different from each other.

    MS would need to find a way to beat e'm all.

    Ain't gonna happen.

    At least not without seriously screwing up the OEM's.

    They made the misstake from the beginning by allowing the

    "system-locked pre-installation 2.0".

    I guess they have to remove that, in whatever replaces Vista in the future...

  11. At the same time as this "bios emulator" came avaliable on the net, a so

    called "keygen" was released by another guy.

    These hacks are not related.

    Even though the keygen might work, (if you have lots of time on your hands),

    it is not the preferred method anymore.

    I know for a fact that this new OEM hack works.

    I could post plenty of screenshots of peoples activated desktops, (as i've seen them already), but I don't think it's neccessary.

    Just take my word for it.

    Regarding the OEM:

    Microsoft allows large hardware manufacturers (e.g. ASUS, HP, Dell) to ship their products

    containing a Windows Vista installation that does NOT require any kind of product activation as

    this might be considered an unnecessary inconvenience for the end-user.

    Instead these so-called 'Royalty OEMs' are granted the right to embed certain license information

    into their hardware products, which can be validated by Windows Vista to make obtaining further

    activation information (online or by phone) obsolete.

    This mechanism is commonly referred to as 'SLP 2.0' ('system-locked pre-installation 2.0') and

    consists of the following three key elements:

    1. The OEM's hardware-embedded BIOS ACPI_SLIC information signed by Microsoft.

    2. A certificate issued by Microsoft that corresponds to the specific ACPI_SLIC information.

    The certificate is an XML file found on the OEM's installation/recovery media,

    ususally called something like 'oemname.xrm-ms'.

    3. A special type of product key that corresponds to the installed edition of Windows Vista.

    This key can usually be obtained from some installation script found on the OEM's

    installation/recovery media or directly from a pre-installed OEM system.

    If all three elements match Windows Vista's licensing mechansim considers the given

    installation a valid system-locked pre-activated copy (that does not require any

    additional product activation procedures).

    So the basic concept of the tool at hand is to present any given BIOS ACPI_SLIC information to Windows

    Vista's licensing mechanism by means of a device driver.

    In combination with a matching product key and OEM certificate this allows for rendering any system

    practically indistinguishable from a legit pre-activated system shipped by the respective OEM.

  12. A group called "Paradox" has finally managed to break the Vista activation in all Versions.

    It is a crack that is based on an OEM bios hack, previously released by the "Chinese".

    OEM versions of Vista are "pre activated" if installed on an OEM machine.

    The hack fools Vista into "thinking" it's such an machine.

    The crack is hardware independent, works on all machines.

    The Paradox group has managed to re-pack it into an device driver, hence messing with your own bios, or MBR is no longer neccessary.

    (Many people were very reluctant of using it cause of this fact)

    It will be very difficult, if not impossible, for MS to defeat this technique.

    Blacklisting the serial, would mean denying all the OEM owners access to


    Since the crack is a device driver, it's only a matter of time before we'll see a slipstreamed "click and go" install DVD's on the net.

    This is basically what the "scene" has been waiting for.

    Finally, the hornets nest cracked open on the floor at MS head quarters !

    I can confirm 100%, this is not a hoax.

    I'm sure you'll hear of it soon anyway.



  13. I was thinking, with a Usufruct setup in a proper manner, I could still reap similar benifits as being the owner, right or wrong ?

    Perhaps somebody could clearify what i'm entitled to do (and not do) with such an agreement.

    And offcourse, help me with my scenario above.

    I understand the land would never belong to me, but that wouldn't matter as long as I have the right to use the premises with legal rights.

    If I one day decided I didn't wanna stay, what would my options be

    with a Usufruct ?

    (If it can be done at all that is)

  14. Hi !

    I'm wondering if someone could piece together if this is possible.

    After reading thru plenty of posts regarding foreign owner ship, I don't want to go on the "Company bandwagon".

    Instead Usufruct seems more attractive.


    I find this nice little house (already built) and land, far away from any tourist areas. (In Krabi).

    Land and house owned by Thai family.

    I do not have any Thai relatives (spouse etc).

    Can I purchase this property with a Usufruct, or would me suggesting such an proposition scare the Thais away ?

    If possible, how would we setup such an agreement in an easy way, so

    that I can use the property (or sell) without legal hassles down the road ?

    I assume I have to get a "Foreign Exchange Transaction Form" from the Thaibank once my transfer has gone thru, specifying it's for house purchase.

    Reason being, if I sell the property, I wanna be able to transfer my funds back.

    Any comments would be appreciated, thanks.

  15. If you got good speeds at the beginning, it's probably cause there were many fast peers avaliable on-line at that time.

    Be patient, try again later, during the same time as you got the good speed initially.

    personally I always get 100 Kb/s, but that's because I have a 1 mb connection and only use PRIVATE trackers.

  16. Here's something I read elsewhere:

    If anyone is planning to buy Vista heres how you can save some money

    M*cros*ft's new licensing requirements for Vista, requires users to install a Windows Vista Upgrade from within Windows XP and to make matters worse, the Windows XP license is forfeited. The following process may be tedious, but when you compare the price difference between the upgrade and retail versions it may be worthwhile.

    The Method :

    1. Boot from the Windows Vista Upgrade DVD and start the setup program.

    2. When prompted to enter your product key, DO NOT enter it. Click "Next" and proceed with setup. This will install Windows Vista as a 30-day trial.

    3. When prompted, select the edition of Vista which you have purchased and continue with setup.

    4. Once setup has been completed and you have been brought to the desktop for the first time, run the install program from within Windows Vista. This time, type in your product key when prompted.

    5. When asked whether to perform an Upgrade or Custom (advanced) install, choose Custom (advanced) to perform a clean install of Vista, this means that you will have to install Vista for a second time.

    6. Once setup has completed for the second time, you should be able to activate Windows Vista normally.

    7. Delete the Windows.old directory which contains information from the first Vista install.

    Effectively you have to install vista to install vista

  17. "clonking drive" together with the fact it's old, I can guarantee you it's

    on it's final path.

    You're lucky, most of the times when it starts to clonk it's usually 100% dead.

    Backup any sensitive data immediately and go and bye a new drive.

    80 gig= little over 2000 baht.

  18. "clonking drive" together with the fact it's old, I can guarantee you it's

    on it's final path.

    You're lucky, most of the times when it starts to clonk it's usually 100% dead.

    Backup any sensitive data immediately and go and bye a new drive.

    80 gig= little over 2000 baht.

  19. Local Area connection

    Network Cable Unplugged Firewalled

    Via Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter…Red cross

    Has nothing to do with the firewall, "Network cable unplugged" seems to be your problem.

    Or with other words, hardware related.

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