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Posts posted by Doro22

  1. Don't look back in anger - Oasis

    Me and my friends sang 'We're Geordie's' to the same tune on La Ramblas in Barcelona. Drunk as skunks and a million miles from being Geordie's. The original song by Babybird is pretty good.

    Speaking of Geordie's, I have seen an amateur video of a bunch of Newcastle footie fans at an European championship tournament back in the 90's. One guy sings 'Whip Pattsy Kensit, whip Pattsy Kensit, whip Pattsy Kensit til she bleeds' everytime he is on film (and he is onscreen a lot). Bizarre and fun as hel_l.

    My mate sings 'you're gorgeous' by Babybird (?) and he reckons the ladies love it. He also reckons he's ten feet tall and bullet proof though...

  2. The beauty of great shows like Fawlty Towers is the godsend writing, so timeless and well thought. I probably seen every episode 40 times over a span of 20 years, and I still laughing my pants off.

    On the other hand I loved Fresh Prince in Bel air as a teenager, when I catch a re-run nowadays, I wonder why I laughed the first time.

    For shows that been on "for years", no show beats the consistency of Seinfeld.

    "Basil: Mr Carnegie the scavenger gourmet from…?

    Mr Carnegie: The Public Health Department."

    Interesting, if you look at the one common series on most people's list it is Fawlty Towers. I would venture that this is probably the funniest show of all time, worldwide. Gut splitting at times. Too bad it was so short.

    Two great characters:



    And John Cleese is fantastic on the big screen too. Who can forget "A Fish called Wanda?"

    I too feel that Fawlty Towers was the funniest show of all time!

    I'd say the fact that Fawlty Towers was only a very short run is one of the reasons that people have so much affection for it.It never ran long enough to get tired, and every episode was a classic.

    The sad thing is, that in these PC days, it probably would never get shown again on the BBC.

  3. To clarify, I am talking mainly about fresh ready to eat meals.

    I do believe there is a healthy market amongst Thais and foreigners that wants nice and clean restaurant quality food to pop into the microwave. I am not only talking Thai food, but Western and pan Asian food as well.

    Plenty of suppliers doing this already (although not my cup of tea). Tesco is trying with their own brand for example. The market is there already.

    Food safety, organic and low calorie/carb food will massive in the near future.

    Street food vendors might be history in five years (for healthy reasons or something else).

    If I had the money, I would go for ready to eat meals, preferably organic and low on calories, but still got the taste of real food. The market is growing, but the selection and taste is pretty daft in my opinion.

    In a country where basically every steet corner has a variety of freshly made food and where people turn their noses up at meals that are only slightly different in taste and cost from the bloke down the road? Even the hi-so people I work with eat their day to day meals from decent vendors, and home meals are made by maids or cooks. Good food is eaten out at some fancy restuarant.

    Healthy meals though or very good fruit dringk, from a vendor...then maybe, just maybe...

    One lady and her husband on the top floor of All Seasons Place do a roaring trade.

  4. If I had the money, I would go for ready to eat meals, preferably organic and low on calories, but still got the taste of real food. The market is growing, but the selection and taste is pretty daft in my opinion.

    A lot of innovations out there , that will assure of good quality and long shelf life for the products. It will however cost a small fortune to enter the market. But their is a lot money to be made.

    Yes, I agree with Steve again. I looked seriously at the car wash investment in Phuket about 7 years ago, even thinking multiple locations. Walked away shaking my head no, no,no. for cities like Bangkok, even worse idea.
  5. I know two gents that made and possible still makes good money in advertising. They made a fortune when they sold their agency to a worldwide ad chain.

    What about the dutch beggar?

    Ever heard of Rakesh Saksena??? Newaspaper man who made billions from real estate and banking business. He made it out alive to Canada but barely. He also left a lagacy..... GREED and CORRUPTION!!!!!!

    Eeast asians in manufacturing businesses are doing well, using cheap resources here and exporting the products back to their own more affluent countries, from what I know surely with some handsome profits. Mind you, not including the YAKUZAS.

    Many Chinese came to Thailand with practically nothing and ended up filthy rich, the only thing is that not many of them left afetr making their fortunes.

    My banker once told me that some of her aquaintances from Europe are doing well in the antique trades :o .

    Competitiveness appears to be getting tighter generally, the era of multiple profit takings with modest amount of investments within the reach of most people is over in Thailand!!!!!! Now these days, you need big bucks if you are in for big returns!!!!!!

    "My banker once told me that some of her aquaintances from Europe are doing well in the antique trades :D . " Dont you mean some thai ladies are doing well with their antiques ! :D

    Lets' not get confuse with our wordings here. Well.. you surely do not want to be at receiving end of antics by some wicked Thai lass. Is that right???

  6. Hi,

    Have to much time on my hands :o , but hopefully this will help.

    http://www.yellowpages.co.th/newyp/ypresult.php Put Toyota and then Bangkok, I got a full list of hits.

    Thanks for the link. I can open it up, but nothing on the site is updated. I select the region, but nothing happens.

    It's just unbelieveable, can't find info on toyota dealers in bkk. Yes, this is a test. Plz see if you people can find something. Even on the google searches, everything is one to three years old.

    Toyota: Get your sh_t together...

    Still need help if anyone knows of a dealer with contact info.

  7. Hi,

    Try this one: http://www.toyota.co.th/red/en/sale_network.asp#.

    I know this topic maybe should be placed in the motor forum. But I hope the moderators leave it here so I can get most exposure, possibly from someone who normally wouldn't visit the motoring forum.

    I live in Chiang Mai and cannot for the life of me get any reliable information from these dealerships.

    I have done a google search. Not many dealers listed. The ones listed, I have sent emails to, only one reply (from soni motors), and he was not helpful.

    Want I am asking for is: When is the next Bangkok auto show - the dates???

    When will the new Toyota Altis be available?

    I suspect it will be at the auto show, whenever that is, and I am willing to come to Bkk for the show. I am waiting to purchase a new vehicle. Hopefully the new Altis.

    I looked at the Hondas, Mazdas, Ford, Chevy, etc. I've narrowed the search down to the Toyota Camry or Altis. Camry is very nice, but a bit bigger car that I feel safe for the little wife to drive. For me, it's not a problem. So, if the altis is close to comfort and somewhat plush as the Camry, that will be the choice.

    I've asked three Toyota dealerships here in CM, all they say is "next year" for the Altis to come out.

    Anyone have any info, please pm me or put it up here. All I need is some Toyota contacts in Bangkok.


  8. 1. Seinfeld

    (In no particular order)

    The Fast show ( Love the latin american news bit)


    Not the nine o´clock news

    Simpsons/Family guy/South park (same, same but different)

    SNL (Chris Farley, David Spade, Kevin Nealon etc era)

    Talksoup (Greg Kinnear)

    Kids in the hall

    Fawlty Towers

    Alan Partridge (forgot the name of his talkshow)

    Dave Chapelle Show

    Its interesting to consider how comedy shows age. Do they still seem really good over time?

    For example, I loves Monty Python's Flying Circus as a kid. But I would never watch those old shows now. I can't imagine ever not seeing the humor in a Seinfeld classic. And, btw, wasn't Seinfeld a huge hit in Japan?

  9. Hi,

    I would be happy to supply some more inputs/ideas, as I have plenty of experince of this kind of magazine concept. And no, I am not looking for work...

    If needed; Let me know and I will give you some inputs/ideas.

    As for future events, I would suggest that you have sneak previews of every issue a couple of days before it hit the stores. It should be exclusive for advertisers (present and potential), co-workers, freelancers etc.

    Throw quarterly parties for the readers, VIPs and self acclaimed VIPs.

    Sure. Actually, this is exactly what we did with the last party since the magazine is not out yet. We also offered it for download as an exclusive for Thaivisa-members.

    Quarterly parties is not a bad idea. All we need now is more advertisers so we can afford them. :o

  10. As for future events, I would suggest that you have sneak previews of every issue a couple of days before it hit the stores. It should be exclusive for advertisers (present and potential), co-workers, freelancers etc.

    Throw quarterly parties for the readers, VIPs and self acclaimed VIPs.

    Change is no problem because it is a single coin and Thais won't need a calculator.


  11. Greg,

    If you really want to blow out the competition, this is the way to go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4O9DnnsksI

    Note: Not sure if adding a youtube link is alright. Please remove if not appropriate.


    In the shadow of the You say Potato, I say Kartoffel... I am intrigued with explosion of the "Mexican fast food concept" in Bangkok. Will they all survive? And are the Thais up for this after the novelty runs out? Will this expansion trigger Yum! to open up Taco bells?

    I love this kind of food and will taste and survey all the brands when coming back home to Bangkok.

    Also, anyone wants to bet on the next big thing on the Thai fast food scene. If I had the money I would go for something similar to Schlotzkys or Prêt a manager.

    It appears the thread was deleted due to a brewing spat (and even implied lawsuit threat) on the same thread between the opening poster (Clipped) and the owner of Sunrise Tacos (Sunbelt).

    It's deletion by one of the Mods seems to be for a good reason, I believe.

    In that thread, I reposted a detailed e-mail that was sent to my mailbox on July 6th in reference to the size of the tacos in Bangkok. I asked for other views. The next post by the OP was screaming in caps and was simply defamation of character. That post is now invisible.

    I have been the biggest fan and supporter of Thaivisa.com since 2002. I believe in different views and changing of ideas.

    On a side note, I don't have no problem with any competition and in fact have always felt more choices are better for business so people can compare you against others. The last thing I would ever do, is want a discussion deleted as for options available to people.

    I do however have a problem when someone hides behind a computer and makes false accusations. I ask George to please not to delete the post but rather make it invisible until I meet to discuss these false allegations. The ISP and false accusations had to be saved before the moderator deleted the post. George rather than delete the OP post decided to make the whole thread invisible.

    As for Sabrosa Mexican Grill... They are also at the Tops in Tonglor and also the Tops at Skytrain stop Ari right?


  12. Hi,

    In the shadow of the You say Potato, I say Kartoffel... I am intrigued with explosion of the "Mexican fast food concept" in Bangkok. Will they all survive? And are the Thais up for this after the novelty runs out? Will this expansion trigger Yum! to open up Taco bells?

    I love this kind of food and will taste and survey all the brands when coming back home to Bangkok.

    Also, anyone wants to bet on the next big thing on the Thai fast food scene. If I had the money I would go for something similar to Schlotzkys or Prêt a manager.

    It appears the thread was deleted due to a brewing spat (and even implied lawsuit threat) on the same thread between the opening poster (Clipped) and the owner of Sunrise Tacos (Sunbelt).

    It's deletion by one of the Mods seems to be for a good reason, I believe.

    In that thread, I reposted a detailed e-mail that was sent to my mailbox on July 6th in reference to the size of the tacos in Bangkok. I asked for other views. The next post by the OP was screaming in caps and was simply defamation of character. That post is now invisible.

    I have been the biggest fan and supporter of Thaivisa.com since 2002. I believe in different views and changing of ideas.

    On a side note, I don't have no problem with any competition and in fact have always felt more choices are better for business so people can compare you against others. The last thing I would ever do, is want a discussion deleted as for options available to people.

    I do however have a problem when someone hides behind a computer and makes false accusations. I ask George to please not to delete the post but rather make it invisible until I meet to discuss these false allegations. The ISP and false accusations had to be saved before the moderator deleted the post. George rather than delete the OP post decided to make the whole thread invisible.

    As for Sabrosa Mexican Grill... They are also at the Tops in Tonglor and also the Tops at Skytrain stop Ari right?


  13. Hi,

    Boring answer, but how much are you willing to spend? What is the occassion? etc. Plenty of places and the sky is the limit? Provide some more info and I am happy to suggest some places, and I am sure that other forum members can do the same.

    Does anyone know of a good function room for a party for between 100 - 200 people?

    It can be a hotel or a stand alone building.


  14. From my "why do I know this" department, The picture is from Copnehagen, and feature Arsenals and Galatasarays finest following: translated into married and semi-married middleclass guys with 2.1 kids, trying to defend their respective supremo races.

    C´mon then!

    Load of rubbish!!!! Utter tripe!!! :o
  15. Thanks for all the input and comments. I will try my best to get hold of the people I want to meet, I have some ideas on how to make this happen. I will keep you updated.

    Are you a member of the Rotary club? I don't know if this opens doors in Thailand but it works in other countries.

    It does indeed ! Just be aware that you'll have a "test" period during which you'll be observed. Go to every weekly meeting, go to all events you are invited in, get to know and to be known, and eventually things will turn out fine. First you need to be invited to the Rotary Club.

    Wish you success

  16. Hi,

    No intention to be a cheeky monkey. Been living in Thailand for some years, done some business and know its very tough. Now, I managed to get a job for a large company, and I am very proud of that. I have set up some goals that I want to achive, some of them are just out there, but I will give it try. Even if it is invloving to meet people that are "un-meetable".

    I would like to ta take up your "offer" of help. Its always good to gain knowledge from people with brains and experince, but have to think about giving away info regardring my projects on an open forum.

    To you and the rest of the good people thats answerd my post; thanks.

    I admire your cheekiness, if not naivete. How old are you? Are you resident in Thailand? How do you present yourself? Are you well dressed, groomed, respectful and sharp? I suspect I'll get an affirmative to those.

    I'm always interested in helping young people with balls, male or female, but you're going to have to show and tell a lot more before real people here start giving you advice.

  17. Hi,

    I would never take anything on an internet forum personally. I might be out of my leauge, but I also lernt that if you not ask, you will never find out stuff. I also know there is a wealth of great info from people here, that is why asked.

    I will still try to get in contact with the persons I would like to meet, maybe I get lucky, mabye not.

    The do indeed exist in Thailand, as in virtually every country in the world, including western ones. Don't take this personally, but if you have to ask how to get in contact with such a person on an internet forum, you are way out your league.


  18. Thanks for the reply,

    I know this is very vauge (spelling!?), but I can not remember the whole story when I first read about it. It might be ex-politcians, ex-business people that is doing this and they have the whole spectra of people to get in touch with.

    For me personally, I would like to get in touch with the Mayor of Bangkok ( for a business project that I am planning) and some top dog at CP group (for a charity program that I hope to execute one day).

    think you are going to need to be more specific as to what type of person you are hoping to get into contact with

    well connected law firm might be a good place to start


    Long time ago, there was a discussion on a Thai oriented forum about Thai nationals that would help out people to get in contact with politicans, higher ranking government people and larger corporation executives. Of course some money had to be exchanged before a meeting was set up.

    These people acts like a door opener for people with limited connections. Not sure if they can be described as lobbyist´s

    Did I dream this or anyone knows more?

  19. Hi,

    Long time ago, there was a discussion on a Thai oriented forum about Thai nationals that would help out people to get in contact with politicans, higher ranking government people and larger corporation executives. Of course some money had to be exchanged before a meeting was set up.

    These people acts like a door opener for people with limited connections. Not sure if they can be described as lobbyist´s

    Did I dream this or anyone knows more?

  20. Hi,

    Not an expert. But by reading your post, I have to say; stay away from her and don’t visit her. Go somewhere else and have a "...once in a lifetime trip"...

    Best of luck.

    I never thought I would make one of these threads but right now I really need the support. I've just finished with my tha gf over the phone 10,000km away. I found out after being home 5 months and only a week before I was set to return she had be sleeping around and even emailing her ex bf about how she loved him. I don't believe her letters to him were anymore real than those to me. I think she truely believed in her head that she wasn't doing any wrong. Right now I'm really trying to keep my chin up and look forward to what would otherwise be a once in a lifetime trip. I know for certain the 1st thing I'll do is head over to kpg and see her depite her calls for me to never see her again. I am angry for that she has done to me but I'm more angry that she has been so supid. If she was just in it to find a husband to take care of her and her family she was going about it all wrong (I never gave her any money), if she was playing the very long con why would she mess it up by sleeping around. When she talked to me I don't feel she even recognised she was in the wrong. I feel like she is wasting her life moving from one bf to the next then always screwing him over without having anything to show for it in the end.

    The worst of it is all my friends over there are her friends much more than they are mine and I really fear I'm just going to be lonely. Basically, I just want to hear from someone that I will have a great time and meet loads of new friends and hopefully a good girl to look after me and not spend what should be the best time of my life wallowing in some dingy bungalow. I think I definately need to learn how to ride a motorbike to get around or else I'll be in the same place all the time (are they easy to lear?, she always drove me around before).

    Stupid ######ing thread I know and the biggest cliche possible (except the money and thai bf) but I needed to do it.

  21. Hi,

    Not an expert, but you can only get a 7 days extension ( based on Voa) at Immigration at the cost of 1.900 Thb. Consider "I have a job offer with Chulalongkorn University..." Its not to wise to have an overstay in your record if you are going thru the Non-B, Wp procedure etc in the near future.

    Better to go on a Cambo visa run, and have a clean sheet when you start your process towards the new job.

    Hi Everyone!

    I am a frequent visitor to Thailand

    I have been in BKK for 3 + weeks... I have a job offer with Chulalongkorn University to begin in October and I have been preparing for that...

    My current 30 day tourist visa is up on August 6th or 7th -- depending on how you count the days...

    Here's my question (s)...

    I am flying back to the USA on August 19th and...

    I do not really want to make a border run just for 12 -13 extra days...

    Can I do an extension at the Immigration Office in Bangkok?

    How much would that cost for 12-13 days??

    Where is the Immigration Office in Bangkok located?

    Many thanks for your help and advice!!!

    kawp kuhn mag krab!



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