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Posts posted by TaoNow

  1. You said a "typical use" (i.e., of multiple accounts).


    Do you have some data to support that assertion about TV members who extend on the basis of retirement?


    The point is, as a veteran poster, you need try to be as objective as you can about the simplest and most straightforward ways to comply with retirement extensions at most/all Immo offices around the country.


    Otherwise, some members will be led astray.

  2. Many moons ago, I argued withJingthing that we retirees should view the 800K baht (money-in-the-bank) method as a "bond" submitted to Immigration.  


    IOW, Immo wanted some guarantee that we retirees had financial viability.


    JT vehemently objected, saying that the 800K baht funds were not tied up, as an escrow account or bond arrangement would be.


    While that is true, I felt that TV retirees who wanted peace of mind should simply stash the 800K away in a liquid, Thai savings account and forget about it -- until renewal time.


    That, in my view, is equivalent to placing a bond on our guaranteed retirement extension of the permit to stay.


    It has worked for me, and no need for "multiple accounts."


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  3. Pumpuynarak:  I think 'grain's' point is that, if you cannot afford to maintain the 800K baht balance in a Thai bank account for the periods required, then you cannot afford to do a retirement extension (using the money-in-the-bank method).


    Grain is absolutely correct that the 800K+ is your money and can be withdrawn in full with a single visit to the bank, to do whatever you want to with it.


    We all accept that 'burden' (who use that type of retirement extension).

  4. For a number of years (2008-2011), I maintained a dual residence:  one in Bangkok (for annual processing of a retirement extension), and one in Phuket where I resided for most of the year (for 90-day address reports). 


    There was never a problem with Immo in either location. 


    That doesn't mean there won't be a problem now.

    • Confused 3
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  5. Beside the 2,000 baht fine for a late 90-day address report, Immo may put a big red stamp in your passport saying you were delinquent.


    At least that I was my experience 10 years ago at Immo/CW when I was 3 days past the 7-day grace period. 


    That said, when I got a new passport, there was no transfer of the red stamp, thankfully.


    I didn't ask why they needed to put a half-page red stamp in there, but one possibility is that a repeat infraction could up the fine. So, the stamp is a precautionary alert to the Immo officer.   (Maximum fine for late report is 5K baht).


    Any other explanations?

  6. Lemsta69:


    OP said the following in his/her first post:  And people actually go to an immigration office?


    This suggests that OP is getting around the requirement of appearing in person at Immo to renew an annual extension of stay.


    If you think that it is odious that people object to this corrupt practice, do you also think it is odious to complain about how corrupt Thailand is?

    • Haha 1
  7. This morning (March 7) on Channel 8 News, there was a disturbing story of a foreign English-language teacher who was charged with negligence in the death of a Thai friend of his son.


    I didn't catch all the details, but the teacher (didn't get the nationality), his (non-Thai) wife, their son, and a Thai friend of the son went to a beach on the ocean (didn't get the name of the beach).


    The two boys had an inner tube and went into the surf to play. 


    A rogue wave came in and knocked the Thai youth under the water, and he was taken away by the current. 


    The English teacher frantically tried to rescue the Thai youth but could not find him in the churning water, which was now over their heads.


    I post this since it is a situation that many of us ex-pats might have found ourselves in, and with dire consequences all around.


    Did anyone hear the whole story or have a link to a credible news source on this incident?

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