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Everything posted by tubber

  1. Nonsense. Get an IDP and you don't have to sit the test. Then take your present license and the IDP to the DLT and see what they require, each office is different. I got a motorcycle and car license without doing the test.
  2. It is the platform behind the cab. The boom is lying across the building so it does look like a wire parted. Wire inspections and greasing are probably a low priority here.
  3. There is a video of the lady walking with the aid of a walking frame in a UK newspaper. It looks like she has lost her left leg from above the knee.
  4. Don't know where you are located but I recently did a 1 year non imm O using the Thai Embassy in London. Applied early hours of 9th June, visa fee deducted 9th June and visa approved on 15th June. Think it mentioned 15 days if all goes well on the website.
  5. Could well be her, always wore a denim jacket. Remember Glitterman. Guess it isn't too good for an Englishman to have Glitter in his name out this way anymore.
  6. Cheers, someone else beat me to it in the post before.
  7. I remember that as well but I think things have changed. In an article from The Nation on November 26th 2022. They are now cooperating. Can I link The Nation here?
  8. If it is the same one I am thinking of it is closer to two decades ago.
  9. It was a genuine question as to what the OP was calling drugs. The statement that "30% or more of the population use drugs daily." doesn't state whether they are illegal drugs or not. 30% or more of the population on illegal drugs, Yabba, Ice, K etc would appear to be on the high side, would it not?
  10. Would you care to provide anything to substantiate that? What are you classifying as drugs?? Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol etc???
  11. It's all part of Thailand 4.0 so inevitably all the banks will do it.
  12. Completely agree with social media shorthand. Nothing is more annoying than those initialisms and acronyms they use these days. On adjustable speed record players it was written as "33" so I feel it was somewhat warranted.
  13. It may have been a small town USA thing or perhaps you are maybe a little older................ From Vinyl Engine
  14. Aye yer right there, work of the Devil that stuff. Now can I get back to sorting my 33's and 45's in to chronological order?
  15. Been using the Krung Thai app that replaced Krung Thai Netbank and find it OK. Easy enough to use, haven't had any issues.
  16. That app isn't actually too bad. You can top up overseas and buy internet packages.
  17. That was the first thing I tried this morning. Then gave the Call Centre a phone to express my indignation but they were actually very polite and helpful.
  18. Phoned the Krung Thai Call Centre this morning. They said the problem with the app had been fixed and to go to a Krung Thai branch. Went to a Krung Thai branch this afternoon and after about 15 minutes, signing a few forms and entering a PIN on my phone she got the app to work. She bypassed the facial recognition and I just use a PIN to open the app. You can also use fingerprint recognition. Haven't actually transferred any money but had a look around the app and it seems OK. The only solution seems to be to go in to a bank and get them to bypass the facial recognition and get you to use a PIN. Not good news if you are overseas.
  19. It definitely asked me to blink. Before that it asked me to open my mouth.
  20. Just tried it again. That is the furthest I have gotten. The face scan works up to where it tells me to blink then says it is unable to connect to the system. Maybe it will work next week and they are genuinely trying resolve the issues.
  21. The bank said there was error in the app and to try again next week. I'll try again next week, if I still can't get it to work I'll go back to the bank. Possibly try to open a Kasikorn account.
  22. Has any non-Thai managed to register on the app recently, in the last few weeks, and actually get it to work? I have tried and failed miserably along with bank staff.
  23. Never had a problem receiving an OTP abroad.
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