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Posts posted by chachachacha

  1. ^

    or a Mark (two) government not accepted by PTP and Thaksin as they got 10 less eats or something.

    That's what I see as the most likely scenario - similar to what we have now with the second largest party having a coalition to form government.

    The PTP / Red shirts will scream because they believe that the largest party should be in government.

    The largest should be in Government

  2. Not one country on the UN security council objected.

    Not all voted for it either.

    a no-fly zone and other measures to protect civilians with 10-to-0 vote, with five abstentions - China, Russia, Germany, Indian and Brazil.

    The U.N. action bans all flights in Libyan airspace in order to protect civilians.

    At the end of the day it was a civil war.

    If a civil war was taking place in a western country how would they react to an outside power stepping in & destroying their air defense systems?

    If the no fly zone is to be touted as a protection of civilians then the forces being directed at Libya should not be one sided.

    As it stands now it looks as if the rebels are being backed by this action.

    If successful....Will the rebel forces then be the new installed regime? Will the forces that now help them be happy with that or does a designated puppet need to be installed?

    Does not look good IMO

    Their non vote was a vote.. Just as mine was when Obama was elected, and Bush and Clinton, etc..

    Any one who hasn't been hiding under a rock and just surfaced like a cockroach to bash the U.S. would know that you need to abolish their tracking and defensive capabilities first to safely implement (relatively speaking) a no fly zone and this entire action was headed by the British and the French (amazingly) and not the U.S. who actually expressed misgivings but of course it's the U.S. instigating once again just out of being good allies...

    People always use to comment on how ineffective and impotent the UN was as it never acted but merely threatened and now that they are actually enforcing their resolutions it's still not satisfactory to the bleeding hearts who are usually of a certain ilk and nationality I might add..

    Mass State MURDER never sits well with me

  3. So here we go again with the right wing Christian crusade.

    Actually, this is mostly coming from the left. Many conservatives are saying it is a big mistake, but Hillary and Obama are insisting on it. ;)

    If you imagine that any President of the US since FDR has been anything resembling a leftie, then your definition of left is only relative to being left of America's right. The democrats are conservatives and the Republicans are ultra-conservatives.

    Exactly & the same can be said of the UK now . The Lib Dems & Cons in bed together. Labour is more right wing than Thatcher was

  4. So here we go again with the right wing Christian crusade. As to the rebels well seems their leaders are part & parcel of the Gaddaffi mob that has had their face pushed out.

    The UN now is just a joey to the USA war mongers.

    Can anybody tell me why no intervention in other Middle East Countries where the same is going on. How about Saudi ? They seem to be killing enough. The people of Libya are just being used as a porn .

    They just never learn fking halfwit murdering USA, UK UN gangsters that is all they are

    Thank you for your articuate, reasoned and well-thought out response.

    So Obama and Clinton et al are now "right wing" -- this is breaking news! The Arab League is part of a "Christian Crusade" - more breaking news!

    There has been no other intervention " in other Middle Eastern Countries" , because no other dictator has hired mercenaries to execute his own people.

    " The people of Libya are just being used as a porn" -- I sincerely hope that you meant "pawn" -- I have seen no hint of pornographic coverage of the fighting.

    Obviously you are driven by hatred of USA, right wing, Christians, UK and and the UN -- did I miss any ?

    I sincerely hope that you are merely trolling . If not you have my sympathy.

    Another right wing support post of support for murder. As to no other nation has hired mercinaires Bahrian ? Also you are so pathetic in your support that you want to point out a spelling error ,how sad is that ,but then oly to be expected of a thying that supports murderers

    Sad Sad Sad

    The Arab league have been bought with the promise to support their murderous Kingdoms with weapons . I am driven by the fact that right wing always want war & never learn nothing

    Maybe you should learn by the past as opposed to spelling sad thing. Also give your false sympathy to your sad little self .


  5. I have found the best way to get Thais to try something different is to let them think that it is them that thought of it. I just get her indoors to plant the seed .She just says that she heard the rich people in Bangkok talking about how they make big money.

    Then I just sit back for around 4 wks for them to think up these plans that she has told them. Usually 4wks is enough time to make the idea theirs LOL

  6. So here we go again with the right wing Christian crusade. As to the rebels well seems their leaders are part & parcel of the Gaddaffi mob that has had their face pushed out.

    The UN now is just a joey to the USA war mongers.

    Can anybody tell me why no intervention in other Middle East Countries where the same is going on. How about Saudi ? They seem to be killing enough. The people of Libya are just being used as a porn .

  7. It is one thing for the US & allies to make this move it is another when Russia & China state openly calls for stability.

    China and Russia didn't vote against the no-fly resolution, they abstained. Both could have vetoed the resolution, but neither chose to do so. They aren't backing Gadaffi. I don't buy the 'war for oil' theory this time. Libyan production is quite small compared to the likes of Iraq, and the guy is a genuine nut case. I think its a good thing that other governments have decided to step in and stop a slaughter.

    I agree. P.S. also Brazil abstained on the Sec.Council. China will ALWAYS lean to commercial interests over human rights. That's why they aren't involved either with Iraq or Afghanistan, except to rush in after the coalition does the dirty work, and, with big smiles, wave mineral contracts offers in the faces of locals. China didn't get involved in East Timor, in the Balkans. Its only involvement with Sudan was to try and make commercial deals on the fringes.

    One of the spookiest moments for Chinese foreign policy thugs was when Bosnia declared and achieved independence from Serbia. Scary visions of Tibet and Taiwan gaining full sovereignty tormented politburo minds. It's also no surprise that the movie Avatar was forced to stop showing in China in its 2nd week, while it was breaking records for attendance. It shows low-tech insurgents taking on and beating the bloated established military regime.

    I think it is obvious who instigated the rebel uprising. Who was the first to recognize them? Who was the first to call for military action? France of course.

    If you think France could incite 90% of men in Libya, between the ages of 15 and 45, into a sustained armed insurrection - you're naive indeed.

    If you're against the armed intervention, then perhaps you're in favor of insurgents and bystanders getting killed by Gadaffi's armed forces.

  8. They just never learn . Strange that Gaddaffi is the only one they want to assininate. Also amazing is that the west want to support the so called rebles . These are the very same people that have been controling Libya since Gaddaffi came to power.

    I am discusted with the UN . Also with the UK . Why does every prick that comes to power in the US & UK want their war ? You can bet none of their kids will be fighting in it .

  9. Are you doing the info for Bacon face Taggart ? Seems he lost his voice . LOL

    really mate, even the most one eyed city dweller on here (Mr. BJ or JandD) are heads and shoulders above you in terms of quality posts, banter and dare I say it class. Nobody cares about taking the p out of each other but I find you just plain annoying / rude. Please grow up a bit. For the record, everyone else on here is over 25.



  10. In the picture the girls all look very happy, most girls who suffer at the hands of Paediphiles even when smiling look sad. Mind you in the same photo they neither look undernourished or ill clothed. Could he have genuinely been helping these girls to compensate for his past sins? Have any of these girls complained about his behaviour?

    Are you real ? You have just come out with a paedo statement . Most paedos claim 'that the children like doing it for reward . Sad Bastards. What about you ? Why do you say that

  11. This is not about the weapons is it ? dear me

    Nope this is about the guy convicted and sentenced for the weapons which makes the weapons relevant. It isn't about Libya, but then again nothing in Thailand really is about Libya :)

    No not about Libya however I will use the Libya Situation to point out how selective the supporters of murder are when they claim that Thai's have not been murdered by the army.

    So I take it that anybody found with weapons in USA automatically are terrorist . I should think that the time & Date of any offence is a very important point in any court. . Video evidence has to be supported with factual evidence & here they couldn't get the date right. So what has the guns got to do with an offence which hasn't got a date

  12. This is it... I can't stay calm and keep my Mouth shut anymore!!!

    When will enough be ENOUGH!!!

    Is everyone in this Country Brainless.. or maybe Brain-Dead???

    How is This Conflicting????

    He said the date of the clip was February 26 2010 but he held a radio program on February 27 2010 so the dates were conflicting.

    And this is his alibi?? ... and It was Impossible for him to make and post that YouTube Clip.. Like he had no accesses to recording equipment... a DJ who can't make a recording. (Ting Tong Mak)

    It's embarrassing to tell people I live here, when this place is just a Laughing-Stock in the world...

    Key Stone Cops and Laws that are taken from Bazooka Comic Strips.

    Doesn't ANYONE care that they are laughed at?? Or do they really believe that they are "saving face" ???

    No wonder their kids are no smarter then the monkeys they are descended from!

    Look who's genes they inherited!


    Live with it he was fitted up

    on the weapons charges too?

    oh sorry, he pleaded guilty to that...........

    This is not about the weapons is it ? dear me

  13. Well at least you know its a wind up MR BO. I am baffled that you know the last time I posted on the utd thread, even I didn't know. I have been busy bringing another little rag, glory hunter into the world. I just hope he can be like his glory hunting dad who must have been tripping all those years ago when he thought he had a season ticket (even in the 80s cha cha when we were pretty shit) for 17 years, travelled all over the UK and went to Wembley numerous times and followed the rags round Europe until he came to Thailand.

    cha cha, that is rich coming from a blue to say anything about munich, dont you think eh. even to this day your lot still sing about it. So, which part of North Manchester are you from then cha cha.You may be right about the pubs cos i have been away from the uk for years but when i left, it was full of match going reds. Yes, most successful clubs have glory hunters but Utd had the best attendences even when we were shit all those years ago,so go figure.

    There is a big big difference concerning Munich & that is that manure milk it year in year out. Go back as long as you want there has never been many manyoo fans traveling down Rochdale RD , Oldham RD or Ashton New & Old roads .

    I have supported City since 1963 & have never witnessed Manyoo fans going to the match from North Manchester . As to where I come from . Ancoats, Bradford, Cheetham Hill Langley, Harpurhey, Moston & New Moston are all places I have Roots.

  14. This is it... I can't stay calm and keep my Mouth shut anymore!!!

    When will enough be ENOUGH!!!

    Is everyone in this Country Brainless.. or maybe Brain-Dead???

    How is This Conflicting????

    He said the date of the clip was February 26 2010 but he held a radio program on February 27 2010 so the dates were conflicting.

    And this is his alibi?? ... and It was Impossible for him to make and post that YouTube Clip.. Like he had no accesses to recording equipment... a DJ who can't make a recording. (Ting Tong Mak)

    It's embarrassing to tell people I live here, when this place is just a Laughing-Stock in the world...

    Key Stone Cops and Laws that are taken from Bazooka Comic Strips.

    Doesn't ANYONE care that they are laughed at?? Or do they really believe that they are "saving face" ???

    No wonder their kids are no smarter then the monkeys they are descended from!

    Look who's genes they inherited!


    Live with it he was fitted up

  15. The thing is with you bitters is you have nothing better to say other than no utd come from manchester and Manchster is blue <deleted>. Oh and city are a massive club. :lol:

    The thing with you RAG's is, you have nothing better to do than to come on the City thread trying to wind us up. Or are you secretly becoming a blue, because you haven't posted amything, not a jot, in the United thread since September last year. ;)

    You must remember that rags are just glory hunters. He will be a blue when we dominate the English & EURO comps. He dosen't come from any North Manchester that I come from .Unless he is talking about the sad shits that sit in the pub all day saying they couldn't go to the match because they couldn't get a ticket.

    They would get lost if they tried to find Owed Twatford . Lets not forget how they defaced a memorial to the Munich Dead . That is the low life that is a RAG

  16. Anyhow, you keep harping on about out of towners supporting United and correct me if I am wrong but I thought you come from Rochdale, so why are you supporting little City eh.

    OK I'll correct you. No, I don't come from Rochdale, we just moved there 20+ years ago and I used to go to watch them sometimes if City were away.

    Thanks for correcting me MR Bo,

    Where are you from then? :rolleyes:

    Come on lads give the berties a break. After all, little city are going to wembleyyyyyyyyy and are not used to being so close to a trophy, so you can understand their giddiness :D

    Carlos Tevez will be at the front of the bus

    cos he is the only little f....

    who knows the way


    Dear me another non Manchester rag

  17. No, it really is just plain silly. Can one of the more informed pro-red posters please confirm this for chachachacha's benefit? jayboy? emptyset? hanuman1?

    Not a perfect way of getting into govt maybe, and arguments and rumours to suggest it might have been brokered, but definitely not a "junta government by proxy".

    I dont need people to explain to me what this government is . They can wrap it in layers & layers of BS but behind it all is the army Generals with their agenda. The reds was voted into power yet was not allowed to take their place in government .

    Really I don't expect many from the west to see through all them layers .Reason ? well people from the west claim they come from the free world . I did ask in 1 of my post for someone to define Free to me . It is just that I can't define free world when the citizens from such self proclaiming countries actually have to ask permission to marry or to take their wife home with them . (NOT ME I DONT DO WIVES) & I am not from the so called free world I come from the UK

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