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Posts posted by chachachacha

  1. It would be nice if they (Government) decided to make ALL cigarette smoking ILLEGAL there would be a lot less moody people around. (and less toxic stink) Cigarettes are as addictive at Heroin, whereas Marijuana is not at all addictive and has health benefits.

    Pattaya should do this and legalize Marijuana and become the Asian cannabis Cafe HUB.

    Tourism would sky rocket through the roof, compete directly with Amsterdam I know which city would win... :w00t:

    "Come on nicotine addicts bring it on".. :violin:

    You can already smoke fairly openly in Cambodia, no need to go to a dump like Pattaya. :jap:

    Hilton, Sheraton, Royal Cliff, Centara Grand, Dusit x2, Marriott, Amari, Royal Cliff to name but a few, all in that dump Pattaya

    who would have thunk it?

    Still a dump though

  2. Does anyone know if I can get a double entry visa in Phnom Penh?

    Thru an agent no problem in PP. Hard I understand to apply yourself and get a double there. about 3000 baht. Otherwise can get a double in VTE if you don't have a many previous tourist visa's.

    Next time post in the Visa section or better yet search the Visa forum where there is plenty of discussion of availability etc.

    The guy is asking for latest info , What does it matter to you if he posts here ? Ya not a od so how about you leave the mod duties to the mods . Dear me

  3. I take it that this is not for the Manure fans in Thailand as I have never seen a Swampy actually watching a match. I used to watch alot of matches in a local bar that had a good few swampies always in there. They never watched manure . Just used to sit outside & give it the gob if manure won . Strange people but then not one of them was from Manchester . One of them just did not believe Bury was not Manchester & HAD ITS OWN CLUB Where KING COLLIN BELL (Nijinsky) came from.

    Thanks for the heads up mate.

  4. The United States used to be 1st world. Then it squandered it's wealth on pointless wars and now it's currency is trash.

    Let me ask you a question. How many Americans travel to Thailand each year? And how many Russians travel to Thailand? I see more Russians around. Now who's got more money? Seems the 1st world and 3rd world countries are changing places.

    I would much rather live in a "3rd world" country these days then a "1st world" country. The "1st world" has become impoverished through socialism and government spending. Defininitely not where's it's at anymore.

    Socialism ? I think you will find that capitalism is what has got us to where we are today in the west. THE BANKS DONE IT Along with right wing Governments .

  5. Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

    Or could they just be doing what the Israelis think is OK to do ,which is retaliate by killing innocents.

    Innocents being forced to act as human shields in front of the rocket launchers used by Hamas.

    Yet more bs that dont relate to this

  6. And now Jews are Arabs-LOL, Chacha, you may want to go back to your cave and do some reading.

    you seem to think that the ISraeli / Jewish peoples are not Arabs . How ignorent of you Back in your cave & read



    I await your apoligy

    You think they dropped out of the sky ? dear me

    I only hope that possibly you can not read well.

    Having some genetic similarities does not make Jews Arabs and vice versa.

    Even by some crazy notion hypothetically assuming that Jews and Arabs are brothers, it again does not make Jews Arabs and vice versa.

    To talk of 'Jewish Arabs' is to assume that the Middle East was ethnically homogenous when in fact it was made up of a patchwork of different ethno-religious groups many of whom spoke Arabic or were Arabic in culture, but were not Arab. A more correct term would would be ' pre-Arab' Jews, as the Jews, like Christian groups, were indigenous to the region long before the 7th century Arab-Muslim invasion.

    I am pretty sure this is taught in primary school.

    You really are making a fool of yourself by not admitting you did not know.

    Anyway now I know that you are not man enough to apoligise I have a full pic of you bye bye Troll

  7. Sadly I expected the Palestinian terrorists would attempt to escalate things in an attempt to conjoin their cause with the largely unrelated turmoil in the wider middle east. I'm too young to remember 1967, but sadly I get the impression we are heading towards war, a feeling reinforced by the recent flare up in internet jihadist activity.

    Or could they just be doing what the Israelis think is OK to do ,which is retaliate by killing innocents.

  8. Considering the chaos that reigns throughout North Africa right now, I am convinced

    Israel actually wants to start WW3 :bah:

    After barrage of rocket and mortar fire, Vice Premier Shalom says Israel may have to consider a wider operation in Gaza; Minister Limor Livnat: Operation Cast Lead 2 may be in order.

    " "We may have to consider a return to that operation," Shalom told Israel Radio. "I say this despite the fact that I know such a thing would, of course, bring the region to a far more combustible situation."

    He is not wrong about that :rolleyes:

    And there's another 15 boat "activist" flotilla on it's way from Turkey to Gaza right now. :ph34r:


    Its the military machine of the Zionists that is the root of the problem why there is no peace in Palestine.

    oF COURSE it is!!!

    Has absolutely nothing to do with rockets fired into Israel or bomb in Jerusalem

    same old same old. Just excues to slaughter the innocents .To keep them dollars rolling in from the mugs in the USA

  9. Barak: Israel facing regional 'earthquake' and diplomatic 'tsunami'

    Speaking at New York event, Defense Minister says Israel has proven it is an island of stability, an 'outpost of the free world values in a tough neighborhood.'

    By Natasha Mozgovaya and Haaretz Service

    Israel is facing an "earthquake" rattling Middle East regimes as well as the threat of an anti-Israeli diplomatic tsunami, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Tuesday.

    Addressing a convention organized by the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces in New York, Barak said that 2011 has proven fateful for Israel, as it faces "on the one hand an 'historic earthquake' in the Middle East, on the other hand a diplomatic 'tsunami' that is rising against Israel."

    "It will culminate in September this year with the intended recognition of a Palestinian state along the '67 lines, followed by a wide effort aimed at de-legitimization of Israel," the defense minister said.




    Another fine example of the racist arrogance of the Zionists and their paranoia that the whole world is against them. and when Palestinians are treated equal it is the end of the world.

    I guess events like the one below would not be paranoia

    25 injured, 3 seriously in Jerusalem bus bomb

    An explosion took place near a bus in central Jerusalem Wednesday afternoon.

    Police said that a bomb exploded outside Egged bus number 74 at a station opposite the Jerusalem Conference Center (Binyanei Ha'uma) in the center of town.


    The UK has been attacked many times by terrorist (IRA) did the government start bombing the catholics ? The British army done some bad things during them times Bloody Sunday being just 1. However none was as bad as what the Israelis are doing now.

    Lets also not forget that the only reason there is a Israel is because the Israelis was the first to use terrorism as a means to an end . The first ever terrorist attack was on the British by the future Israelis.

    The Israelis /Jews are Arabs but seem to think they have a divine right to do as they please. Self proclaimed chosen ones need I say more.

  10. Talks between the two sides have been stalled since late September following Israel's refusal to extend a 10-month freeze on settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory.

    With Zionists will never be peace in Palestine.

    Would you care to comment on the following. In this thread this is a statement from IDF

    ""The IDF regrets the involvement of civilians in this incident, however it must be noted that the Hamas terrorist organization chooses to operate from within its civilian population and use them as 'human shields'

    When Hamas rockets hit Israel or Kill civilians, all we hear is

    "Allah aKBAR"

    So who is killing in the name of God and who is killing(regretfully) in self defense?

    Up to the last big invasion of Gazza the victims of rocket attacks was a MASSIVE 0. It was only during the slaughter in Gazza that a rocket fired by Hamas claimed it's first victim. So less of the spin & crying the victim as far as them rockets are concerned. They was just a inconvenience

    You try to justify killing women & Kids with bs lies.

  11. Or just count the dead, the killed children and killed woman, that could give you an impression who is destroying who.

    That has already been established:

    A member of the al-Aqsa Brigades attacked a house in the Itamar settlement, south of Nablus, the group claimed in a statement sent to reporters.

    'The mujahid killed all who were in the house at around 1:15 am local time (2315 GMT) at predawn on Saturday', the leaflet said adding that the attack was carried out successfully thanks to Allah.

    How sad that you try to weigh 1 Arab child's life against another Arab child's life .Have you ever lost a child ? dear me

  12. Talks between the two sides have been stalled since late September following Israel's refusal to extend a 10-month freeze on settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory.

    With Zionists will never be peace in Palestine.

    Peace would be nice. What's Palestine? Define the borders, if you please. Terminology is important in a discussion, don't you think? Since Israel is packed to the brim with Zionists, what do you propose as a final solution to this problem of these pesky Zionists, as they aren't planning on leaving the area?

    I would suggest that the usa seize all Israeli assets ,make a no fly zone & total blockade of Israel. All USA support grants to Israel stopped totally until such time as Israel stop doing state murder against the people. You claim there is no Palestine so it seem that Israel is murdering it's own people .

    Next I would say that all these Israeli murderers should be tried for genocide ,

    Can anybody tell me the difference in what Israel is doing & what is alleged that Gaddaffi has done ?

    Israel keep it going because they want all them dollars from the clowns in the USA

  13. She turned this down once already because she prefers her business interests. She either gives up her business interests and goes for it, hides her business interests, which won't work, gives up business which I sure she doesn't want to do, or turns it down again. I suspect she is being pressurised to take this rather than doing it through her own choice. I can understand her; who wants to become a slippery Thai politician?

    I hope most Thais can see the PT shenanigans for what they are. Anyone who votes for them serious has given up any ethics and wants more same same Thai corrupt politics rather than the slow but improving politics, which is what is happening at the moment. One could easily criticize Abhisit for his performance, but with so many powerful figures in the shadows manoeuvring for control over various things, being a Thai PM must be a very difficult balancing act (and a dangerous one at that).

    Agree with all your points, but I still see strong danger that PT can win the election through massive vote buying, and I suggest they won't hesitate to buy votes on a massive scale. And their scaly mentor still has plenty of funds.

    One 'theory' I've heard is that they will go all out on vote buying, win with a landslide to give them enough votes to very quickly change the election laws so that they can't be scrutinized at all for vote buying, and quickly railroad legislation through parliament to overturn t's conviction and overturn the current bans on hundreds of their former party members.

    Further, Khun Sodsri (not sure which way to asess her, she seems to be at both ends of gthe story) just saud that the EC cannot make any progress to find / stop a lot of the vote buying.


  14. I think the terms 1st or 3rd world country is obsolete these days as it was used to define so called non-aligned countries during the cold war. It just so happened these countries tended to be South America, Africa, and parts of Asia and were not very well developed at that time.

    It is much more accurate to classify countries as developed, developing, or undeveloped based on their social-economic progress.

    The OP was trying to show that many developed countries have lower economic growth rates and as much income disparity as many developing countries. He couldn't put the GDP per person in as that would make it obvious what he was trying to do.


    Lets face it , New words are just spin . A new word don't change what poverty is

  15. The other bus company (I Forget The Name) but on the same level as bell runs a bus untill 9pm .However it only stops on the Suk At the main Juntions. About 200mtr away from bus station.

    Your information is outdated and slightly incomplete.

    Last bus is at 10pm. You can get them to stop at the junction of any on the main arteries into Pattaya; North, Central and South. They then continue on the Thapphraya Road. (North of Thepprasit Road, opposite Pan Pan Restaurant)

    I had heard that they now run till 10pm & every hour rather than 2hrs . However I posted what I had experienced rather than not witnessed . I did not bother with the final destination of the bus because the enquiry was to get to Pattaya bus station .

  16. Highly placed Thais I know, who ought to know what they are talking about, have told me hundreds of thousands of rai, of what were once public lands, found there way into this families holdings during Thaksin's administartion. Mostly coastal areas near Ko Chang and Cambodia border. I wonder if any of it found its way into SC Asset management's holdings?

    More stories with no foundation . Somebody told me this or that ,dear me

    Not entirely true. I was would be purchaser in the area and it was pointed out to me which areas had been purloined and a brief outline of how it was done and by whom was given. This was corroborated to me by others not associated with the first party. These explanations were given to me as a reason for why land departments are "frozen" in many areas from upgrading title papers for many worthy applicants as there are so many shady deals mixed in.

    Stories given out by Government supporters. Cant you see it is bullshit ? After all the in depth investigations into anything Thaksin or close to .Do you not think some sort of charges . Like I have said just stories . SPIN SPIN SPIN

  17. Nice, draw your conclusions then design a survey that supports it. May I suggest adding a few other questions? GDP per person, literacy rate, live expectancy, vague things like freedom of speech and minimal corruption?

    That's how it looks to me. The squalor that people live in here is hidden but can be found easy enough if you want to find it. Most people from western countries seem to only see the not so filthy living standards of the poor people of this country. Just as bad as the Indian slums & shanty towns of the world.

    Tunnel vision perhaps or just the refusal to see anything that dosent fit into thier cosy life

  18. Highly placed Thais I know, who ought to know what they are talking about, have told me hundreds of thousands of rai, of what were once public lands, found there way into this families holdings during Thaksin's administartion. Mostly coastal areas near Ko Chang and Cambodia border. I wonder if any of it found its way into SC Asset management's holdings?

    More stories with no foundation . Somebody told me this or that ,dear me

  19. ^

    or a Mark (two) government not accepted by PTP and Thaksin as they got 10 less eats or something.

    That's what I see as the most likely scenario - similar to what we have now with the second largest party having a coalition to form government.

    The PTP / Red shirts will scream because they believe that the largest party should be in government.

    The largest should be in Government


    What if the largest party can only get 30% of the MPs?

    Shouldn't the group that gets a majority of MPs together be in government, regardless of how big the parties are?

    The largest should always be the ones in power as more people voted for that party than any other.

    They are all lying fukers no matter what country So the people never get what they want.

    Just the same old suit with a different spin.

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