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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Arggh! "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in again!"

    Yes I am a newbie to posting but not to this forum. I have been reading and enjoying Thaivisa for over 3 years now.

    Mobi, I have enjoyed many of your posts in that time. But you won't be getting rid of me that easily.

    LaoPo, thanks for the "erudite" comment. I have so few opportunities to use the big words while dealing with the ladies here. :D

    If there have been many threads like this I seem to have missed them. And that would be strange since I often read the forum almost "cover to cover"

    The big picture is so easily lost when the mud starts to fly. Many posters on this thread have swallowed the original post hook, line and sinker and swarmed onto the "accused" This is one man's characterization of events. Yet you accept them without reservation.

    I stated that I had no problems in my business dealings with Dr. Steussi. With one exception, nobody seems to have noticed this point.

    I suggested that midas could have made his original post in a different manner, one which is common on other forums. To date, silence on this point as well except from midas who seems loathe to give up his right(?) to publicly "name and shame"

    If the OP's offer of quarterly payments had been accepted there would not have been an original post.

    Why the OP travelled to Pattaya to see a single condo sourced from a newspaper is beyond me. Perhaps if his "short list" had been longer his disappointment would have been less intense.

    Private Property: Does anyone dispute an owner's rights to lease or sell only on terms with which he is comfortable?

    Privacy: It's a good thing. "reasonable expectation of privacy" is the bedrock of all anti-defamation and libel laws. Thailand is well supplied with these types of laws and the Thais use them or the threat of them often. And before someone suggests Dr. Steussi avail himself of them, please take a moment before doing so. Two farangs in a civil libel case? None of us would live long enough to see the outcome! :o

  2. [midas, I had almost completed my detailed response to your questions when I caught myself in time. You offered one experience and I offered a counter-point experience. I am now going to lay that burden down and I humbly suggest you do the same.

    My largest concern is the potential for abuse that lies with the ability do disparage someone by name while doing so from a position of anonymity that these internet forums provide. I believe that on other forums such a dispute would have been handled by the OP offering to provide the name by PM, thereby avoiding this situation.

    I am surprised that the admins did not intervene in this thread. By not doing so they have seemingly given the green light to all who feel the urge to target someone by name in order to vent their personal frustrations.

    May I offer a gentle caution to Pattaya residents to be extremely circumspect in your dealings with midas once he has relocated to our fair city, lest you find that you are his next target. :o

  3. Post #2. midas, I have not quoted your reply to my initial (1st) post because frankly I have not figured out out how to do it yet. My point in posting was to respond to your enquiry as to whether anyone has had previous dealings with the person being "discussed". That post is further up the thread and easily referenced. Note the sentence " He respected my privacy and returned my (security) deposit without argument...". What more does a renter require from a landlord? As to my point that this is fundamentally a "failure to agree to terms", which you dispute, I maintain my stance that this is the key issue. He wanted a years rent in advance and you refused. End of story. As for your subjective impressions of his character, they are irrelevant to this issue. You were disappointed and I was not. Are your experiences more valid than mine? Considering that I actually did business with this man and you did not. Business being defined as money changing hands.

    Your posts in this thread smack of "tabloid journalism". Throw enough mud in the hope that some will stick. And some may indeed stick. Not because what you say is true but simply because you say it in a public forum. :o

  4. Alright, I have lurked on thaivisa for over 3 years and never been sufficiently motivated to get off my butt and make a post, even tho I have benefited greatly from other's contributions. :o Here goes post #1. I HAVE had dealiings with Dr. Steussi. I rented a condo from him 4 years ago on arriving in Pattaya. He was my landlord for 18 months. He respected my privacy and returned my deposit without argument when I left the condo for a larger one. I had given him 1st months rent, one month inadvance and one months rent as security deposit. After the first month I paid him month to month. Perhaps he has had some negative experience with renters since then to explain his desire for payment of one years rent in advance. I do not know. What I do know is that this issue is fundamentally a failure to agree to terms. Happens all the time. What I have not ever seen in 3 years of reading posts on many topics is a sustained personal attack on an individual such as midas is doing in this post. :D Researching someone's CV? Come on. I think midas will be a busy man if that is his new pre-occupation in the Land of Smiles. :D

    Also, as I have just registered in order to post, I would draw the moderators attention to rules 1 and 2 on the registration page regarding defamatory and inflamatory posts which midas who has over 350 posts should be well aware exist.

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