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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Would like to add that I have, with my own eyes, seen a second-hand Kawasaki Boss 175 for sale in a motorcycle dealership in Canada. Made in Thailand.

    the second-hand price was about what they sell for new here in Thailand. Unfortunately, the salesman I asked about it did not know it's history.

    Gee, wonder how it got there?

    Anything to add, beardog?

  2. Wow, we have a room full of experts.

    Yes, bikes do slip in, mostly from Mexico on a racing waver. Its expensive and time consuming. There is bonding involved and you dont ever want to be caught on the street with those grey market babies, it is incredibly painful financially. You could get it into the country in pieces and reassemble it there, I am in the process of doing that right now. Again, if you were ever caught on the street with a bike that did not have DOT or EPA certification or import papers, there could be jail time in addition to fines. The jail time comes from operating a vehicle without insurance and possibly smuggling charges. You cant get insurance without a title, you cant get a title unless it is approved by DOT and EPA.

    NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS! You can ship a bike over to the states, have it modified and the DOT and EPA will be glad to test it for you. As a good round number for a motorcycle, figure about $35,000 per test and you will probably pass it by the second or third time. There are companies in LA that specialize in this. I am sure your CBR150 is worth that effort. If you want any names I can provide them. So for around $70,000 you could impress the whole neighborhood with your CBR150, maybe.

    I can tell you all about the regs, the testing, the process, the costs. I have done it. You dont have enough money to get it done. If you do a backdoor, you might end up in far more trouble than you care to handle.

    So again, here is the facts, you have no chance of getting it done, none, zip nada forget it. If it were a 1939 Brough Superior, we could talk. It isnt quite in that class, so do yourself a big favor and drop the idea and dont listen to the peanut gallery here, they have great advice but in the end its not their money either.

    Thank you xbusman

    That is the the info I was requesting when I asked if you could elaborate on your previous post.

    Relying only on memory (admitedly not always the best) I was sure I turned up a Cbr150 for sale in the USA (Google search).

    Also, when you Google for "gray market" bikes, there is a lot of info out there.

    The remarks I made in my first post were mostly an attempt at humour (always dangerous :o ) i.e. changing the the steering side. Automobiles are known to be expensive to modify to US specs but common sense would say that motorcycles obviously would not face the same problems.

    I would still think that Honda's engines would pass the emissions tests.

  3. will save you a bunch of money if you just toss it in the nearest lake. Under no circumstance should you even think about sending it to the US. You have no chance of ever seeing it again. None, nada zip.


    Since you have mentioned in previous posts that you import HD's from USA to Thailand, would you elaborate on your above comment?

    As to others talkiing about modifications to legalize the import what would need to be changed? the steering from right-side to left? :o EPA? Honda's small bike engines probably exceed any smog regs for the next 10 years! Check out their adverts..in Thai of course. They are clean-running engines!

    Enough with the bull What do you propose he does, so far you have given zero input. This site is suppose to be about helping with info got any, Did you look up the custom req's. Didn't think so! What country you from?


    That's harsh, dude!!

    As a matter of fact i have a few artcles saved from searches I made regarding "gray market" bikes. It has and can be done.

    What did you bring to the party in this post?

    Note that I have read your following post which is more informative but quite pessimistic.

  4. will save you a bunch of money if you just toss it in the nearest lake. Under no circumstance should you even think about sending it to the US. You have no chance of ever seeing it again. None, nada zip.


    Since you have mentioned in previous posts that you import HD's from USA to Thailand, would you elaborate on your above comment?

    As to others talkiing about modifications to legalize the import what would need to be changed? the steering from right-side to left? :o EPA? Honda's small bike engines probably exceed any smog regs for the next 10 years! Check out their adverts..in Thai of course. They are clean-running engines!

  5. Last night, while leaving my condo, a yellow Pattaya taxi pulled up with 2 passengers. I asked them if the meter had been used and they replied that it had been used. They hailed the taxi from the road in central Pattaya.

    The trip to the further (but not farthest) part of Jomtien cost 100 baht. The passengers explained that usually they took the song-thaew to a point on Jomtien Beach Road and continued with motorcycle taxis to the condo, as the baht-bus go up our road infrequently. This arrangement costs baht-bus 10 baht x2 = 20 baht and motorcycle 10 baht x 2 =20 baht for total of 40 baht.

    They said that the extra 60 baht was well worth it for the extra comfort , quiet and convenience..

    So things look good!

    Hope they make money and we see more of them!!

  6. Well!! What a post to read first thing in the morning!!

    30 years ago I lived with an English girl for more than 2 years who exhibited some of the behaviour you describe. it never got to the physical attack stage (if you don't count throwing things at me...with the intent to hit the target) but still similar emotional upheaval. Luckily the relationship fizzled out without injury to either party. She seemed to need the emotional intensity.

    Later, I was married for 20 years to a woman who would never consider such behaviour. Even during the divorce she retained her composure.

    The obvious point is that there are all kinds of people. Jai yen and Jai rawn. Jai yen is better though maybe a bit boring in comparison.

    I think that by letting her seriously attack you the first time without making it perfectly clear that a second occurence would mean the end of the relationship, you set the stage for everything since.

    To paraphrase....hit me once, shame on you! hit me twice, shame on me!!

    It's time to run.

  7. http://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=$CDW...id=p15221446404


    Yes, you got me on the first link but the second wasn't neccessay because that's the common way to quote Aus$ and NZ$. I knew I should not have said that no international sites used the percentage value vs. the US$. And then I went and capitalized the NO.... :o

    But won't someone respond to the even more interesting way Bloomberg is quoting these currencies? I'm getting lazy to explain again but their current method does not make sense re the spread between Cdn$ and Aus$ and NZ$

  8. I think your example is wrong. When the loonie was below parity it was quoted as decimal figure of less than one (on US based websites) and more than one on CDN based websites. Now that ot's above parity the situation is reversed and it list as number greater than one, like the GBP. If the NZD and AUD ever reach parity they will read as numbers above one (on US based websites).

    No, you are incorrect in your recollection. As a Canadian, I have followed this for years. As I noted, sometimes Canadian sites would use the Aus and NZ method but NO international sites did so.

    Still does not address the impression that ,as Bloomberg etc. are reporting, there is only a small difference between Aus$ and Cdn$, When there is over 10% difference. Look for yourselves and see if you would realize this if you weren't clued into the real situation.

    Still waiting for someone to explain the different quoting methods, and also to address the current "incorrect" quotes.

    Do you think someone at Bloomberg or any other Forex site would answer this question?

  9. Ah guys.....

    All these references to GBP are missing the point. All three are former British colonies but not for a long long time. Aus$ and NZ$ are quoted one way and Cdn$ another. That blows your theory out of the water.

    Please re-read the original post again.

    This system, to one not following the market, make it appear that there is only 0.03 US cents difference between the Aus$ and Cdn$. Actually, there is about 0.13 US cents difference.

  10. When the Cdn dollar was worth less than the US dollar, it was quoted like this... Cdn$ 1.0385. At the same time, the Aus$ and NZ dollars were quoted like this..Aus$ 0.8945 and Nz$ 0.7336. (all quotes are dated).

    Why were/are the various dollar currencies not quoted in the same way?

    Today on Bloomberg they show the Cdn dollar as Cdn$ 0.9530, the Aus$ 0.9224 and NZ$ 0.7655. Of course I am not picking on Bloomberg as this is not their proprietary system. This is the common method.

    Now it is obvious that, for me at least, this method is flawed!

    There is a much larger difference in value in these currencies than this method shows. While it requires 95.30 Cdn cents to purchase one US$, it requires Aus$ 1.0776 to purchase one US$. And NZ$ 1.2345 to purchase one US$. (as of today Oct 31)

    When living in Canada, we traditionally (it was down so long!) thought of the Cdn$ as being worth so many cents on the US$, i.e. the way the Aus and NZ dollars have always been quoted. Not the method (used above) that shows how much it required to buy a US$.

    This question has bothered me for years! If no-one can explain this, perhaps someone could suggest a source to question. A source that would actually answer! :o

  11. The digital bicycle speedometers do work, I have seen them. You also get the advantage of all their other functions. i.e. trip meter, average speed. fastest speed, elapsed time etc.

    Pick one up at any bicycle shop but check the literature that comes with them first. They show the speed range the model is capable of registering. Some of the CatEye models are good to 150 mph+!!

  12. Maybe someone can buy them and then close them down and do something to end this plague of English/Irish pubs in Thailand :o

    First we have to do something about the hordes of Brits flooding into Thailand, as they are the customer base!

    Between the pensioned-off "brickies" and the yobs who still manage to travel despite being on Probation, they are doing their best to create "jolly ol' East"

    I used to be a big fan of English accents. After arriving here 5 years ago, and since hearing about 15 different English accents, most of which are almost unintelligible, I realized I was a big fan of BBC newscasters accents! :D

  13. Geez! The labour-rate for Honda mechanics is so cheap here why is he trying home remedies? If you can't diagnose and fix a problem instantly, you are wasting your time.

    And then wasting more of your time posting. Get thee (and your friend) to a Honda shop! :o

  14. The poster who said HD riders are the motorcycle equivalent of the Mac users of the computer world is on the right track.

    I have owned many motorcycles. Several Japanese models, one British Triumph 650 and a HD Sportster 883.

    At the end of the day they are either transportation, recreational vehicles, or an image. The HD is an image vehicle. The Japanese figured out several years ago how to build a big V-twin that is better engineered and half the price, but they did not slow HD sales because so many are more concerned with the image they project than the machine they are riding.

    And here in Thailand, unlike N.America, where many H.O.G. owners are professionals, most of the Farang owners have opted for the "outlaw" image. If the Thai people were aware of the negative connotations associated with color's wearing riders, I doubt they would be happy to see so many of them here..

    Stick with the Honda, You get just as dead if you are hit while riding a bike that would pay for a house in this country as you would if riding a Honda Phantom.

    HarleyDavidson = over-kill...over-priced.

  15. It really does get tiresome to see the knee-jerk "Pattaya is a cess-pit" brigade dusting off their tired cliches every time this issue comes up.

    There is no question at all that Pattaya is a boom-town. No.. not a boom-boom town though that aspect of it is cetainly one of it's attractions. The amount of investment here is plain to see and the future is bright for Pattaya/Jomtien.

    Does it really make you feel better to slander a whole city and everyone who lives here? :o

  16. You just can't stop yourself can you.

    Go into your controls and have a look, even you, i think can work that one out.

    Please feel free to post yours and my pm.

    Let it go


    Are you guys exchanging PM's over this issue?

    OP should let it go.

    And plasticpig, 185 posts in 19 days? Are you going for a record or do you have something to say about everything? :D

  17. Honda sells a tank-bag for the Cbr150. I've had mine for 2 years now. I've seen red and also black versions. About Baht 400 then. You can order through Honda Accessories at any Honda dealer.

    There are magnets in the back piece and also in the side flaps. I would give the tank a good coating of wax first as it has scratched my tank up a bit. Not noticeable unless you are looking closely.

    I use mine most of the time I'm riding. it also has backpack straps that I haven't got round to having removed, as they interfere a bit with the bag seating on the tank. I've never used them, as the bag has a handle on the top.

    Worth buying.

  18. Never forget that your low cost paradise where you can be lord of the manor is built on the backs of the peasant classes. If it weren't for the people willing to work for a pittance your 25 - 40 Baht norm wouldn't be there.

    Just a regular little ray of sunshine, aren't you Phil. :o

  19. As others have posted, a more permanent solution is stretching exercises and orthodontic insoles.

    I used to read and listen for any advice on this condition and one day I read about a 'beat' policeman who developed this problem in middle age, and he swore blind that stretching the Achilles heel by facing and standing on the step of a staircase, or even standing in the road with the top part of the foot resting upwards on the kerb or stair,will produce very good results. I tried it and got instant relief. This was at least ten years ago.It is the tightening of the Achilles heel that is the main cause of the pain, and after I found the cure - I was able to jog regularly for many years without any problem.These days I just walk and swim, and very occasionally, if I am not careful with my foot wear and do a lot of walking, I get the old twinges of pain; then I do the 'stair' stretching for a just a few minutes, and the pain will disappear for months.

    Good luck.

    This was true for me as well. After a couple of episodes in 2-3 years, I was ready to go the orthotic route. When I called to make an appointment at a local orthotic specialist, the nurse asked for some history first. When I explained the problem , she suggested using a bath towel (or similar) placed on the ball of the affected foot and held in both hands to gently stretch the Achilles tendons. She said that she suggested this to all potential new patients and that it seemed to be effective for up to 50% of those who called. It was for me. And like Mobi, when I overdue the walking (2+ golf games per week) and feel the pain coming, I do the stretching a few times over the following days and so far have escaped a recurrence. It was no fun to be crippled the first 20 minutes after getting out of bed every day. :o

  20. Better late then never.



    As a Thai citizen that could afford an American post-secondary education and who is a significant stakeholder in this country (based on references to ownership of revenue properties), do you think this idea has legs?

    I hope you do because I would like to see a movement by farangs to have some say in the direction their lives will take.

    A proper, influential entity that could quietly offer the position of the many farang who have voted with their feet and relocated to Thailand.

    A grass-roots approach marked by cooperation between the various expat groups leading to retaining the services of "some organization/someone" who knows the system here and can work it.

    Unfortunately, the experiences of the various Chambers of Commerce relatve to the FBA don't offer much hope. But then again, it has stalled out for the time being.

  21. Ok I can live with the sub-forum. I won't read it.

    However, after my last post I belatedly realized that if this sub-forum were closed, there would be nothing to stop Libya and Brit posting in the general Pattaya forum. And that would probably earn me few friends!

    Actually, I think the Admin. set it up as a private sand-box for these two to play in after seeing all the other negative responses when they were posting in the general forum. Yes, I remember those posts as I have been living in Pattaya for 5 years now Libya. No newcomer me. :D

    Here is a suggestion tho. Try setting this up in some of the other local forums and see how it is received. I know what I think the response will be. You have just worn everybody down here by refusing to stop. :o

  22. Crossy

    I have a question after looking at your site.

    It seems to primarily directed at home installations. I was going to say homeowners but realized there are no farang homeowners in Thailand :o

    In a condo building there are these earthing wires that come out of the concrete walls in the bathroom to earth the instant water heaters. So in reference to my wanting a complete earthed system, will the electrical guy tie into the building earth system and how would that be done?

  23. I see after a very brief flurry of posting by Libya and comments from Brit, immediately following my post re shutting down the (Bad News) Pattaya News Clippings sub-forum, that things have return to normal i.e. no updates and/or boring.

    Libya and Brit don't want to give up their private re-broadcast tower. They made that clear.

    I'm bored and offended by their "all bad news all the time" .

    I want to do a poll on whether we "need" this sub-forum but have never started one. Maybe I will try to figure it out unless some of the poll-masters can guide me.

    Hopefully the poll will show that most have no need of it and the moderators will respect the majority and be done with it!

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