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Everything posted by transam

  1. Exactly, you are one, a Putin fanboy...........
  2. Think I will give you a miss............ Too many odd-balls on here...🤕
  3. I am not, I am not from the USA....Why are you asking, Commie bloke.....? 🤔
  4. What about you, first you must understand yourself, advertising commie stuff is a really daft thing to do if you want to be taken seriously, I think you failed on that.......
  5. I am amazed at the fruitcakes that are turning up on the forum....😬
  6. So why the advert........? 🤔
  7. What do you care, a Commie........😂
  8. Oh, a fruitcake, case closed...........🤔 Another Commie on the forum........🤕
  9. Get an online visa, no probs, no full page sticker, 50 US dollars, less than 2000bht....😉
  10. Can you explain your avatar, then I will go from there.....🤔
  11. The only thing embarrassing, is you turning up on this Forum again....🤫 Does your mum know.....?
  12. But he can't think beyond his car salesman handbook...Talk rollox so folk believe it. Oh, you believe it..........
  13. With what, support from N.Korea.....🤭 I read Sweden has sent huge amount of military stuff to Ukraine. Thank you, Sweden....
  14. Blame Zelensky............🤣 I can't believe you wrote that.........🤣 Putin fanboys seem to be a bit.........
  15. I would hate to have a yellow steak on my plate, let alone my back... Are yellow steaks from Russia.......?
  16. Eh...? Now come on, Offy, most can't understand your posts at the best of times, I am beginning to wonder if you are Dyslaxative......🤣
  17. "Mum, why are all those ladies dressed the same, ready for bed".......
  18. 🤣........that takes the biscuit.......🤣
  19. Yes, your hero Putin......🤔
  20. Aaaaah, your Red side coming out now........😂
  21. Are you confused..........

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