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Everything posted by transam

  1. So Goat is now a bird, tweet, tweet......😂 And "won't be long now" for what, Aussie bloke....? 🤭
  2. I always thought you were and still are a tool..........🤔
  3. I see Australia has supplied a No.1 piece of equipment to destroy Russian drones, so you tell me why another nation is helping Ukraine out..? 🤔
  4. Go back to bed, chap............
  5. Mr.DIY sells them for peanuts, various amperages. The higher the amp, the warmer it gets. I have them here, working OK for a loooooong time.....😋
  6. Really, telling lies about members is too........So, stand down...........
  7. Blimey, you can talk, "new boy"......................😂
  8. Ooooh, yes you are, and been buried for it........🤫
  9. Never mind, I'm sure it will all work out for you.......🥴
  10. He is a liar, I have the T-shirt......🤔
  11. That reads like you are a complete moron........
  12. Tel me any war that has not had civilians caught up in it..? 🤔 Take your time, oh, and let me know where you come from for a comparison...🤗
  13. A plus is, coming downstairs in the morning, and not looking at the door mat for daily money demand letters...
  14. Well, no, in LOS it is everywhere.........🤔
  15. That is two words, so I will take "tempered".. Harden...
  16. You did, how many thousands did you talk too on your 2 week hols, not including your Muslim chums.............🤣
  17. You support terrorist nations, then...? 🤔
  18. Yeeeeh, riiiight, and how do you know what British folk are actually thinking, they cannot spout any more, get arrested for it........ But many of your friends are Muslims, you told us so, so they won't complain about themselves to you, will they, eh...😂
  19. Weeeell, sadly, to you, they would be.........😬
  20. You worry too much, and LOS is not the USA..........🤭
  21. Communism kills off citizens, common knowledge, and you don't understand your leader's inner feelings, his history, his beliefs, you and a couple of others are daft........🤔 Tell me what political persuasion your leaders chums are, wouldn't be communist, would it.....................🤣
  22. You wouldn't be impressed, because if your leader found out, you would have to keep your head down...........😱
  23. 🤣.............I reckon we are all impressed..............🤣 But nice to hear you've got out of that flat..........😥

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