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Everything posted by transam

  1. You can talk, making excuses for murderers..........🤔
  2. Hamas supporter is in attendance......
  3. Being a bit cocky for a new bloke, give us your previous username, only fair......🤔
  4. As you seem to be in the know, are they also enraged over their religious group murdering 1200 innocents on 7/10...........? 🤔
  5. Sorry, not for your eyes, non-tools only.............😉
  6. And towns...............😂
  7. And yourself...........😬
  8. My friend's Thai wife has a British passport............
  9. Because he has to cough up some wonga........🤑
  10. Yep, trawling for decent shop changing rooms.....😝
  11. I gave you a laugh........🤗
  12. Yeh, but, you think like that because you don't like your country......🤔
  13. Yes, the nutter brigade..........
  14. I personally am not interested in your opinion, you always seem to support the baddy......
  15. Because he's on their side........🤕
  16. The most embarrassing Prezz ever has been embarrassed yet again.....🙄 Wake up, U.S.A., you deserve better than this crook......
  17. What are you talking about.........
  18. I reckon even ordinary Russians don't like these wannabe "Reds".........🥴
  19. So yes, it can happen, the many videos of Lithium battery explosions on an array of things is a fact. Yes, I have a mobile phone.........😉

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