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Everything posted by transam

  1. Don't have to, you know I know you, so do others, you are an anti-Brit lefty.....🤗
  2. So then, you are saying you are using ANY Brit thread as a lefty political platform.....? Hmmmmmm....🤔 Hey, you even slagged off the SAS, for some reason, you are BS-ing, anti-British.....
  3. I never hear here about EV problems, but it seems they do get problems......🤔
  4. This is funny, and probably right........🤭
  5. So has/did ISIS, where are they now.........🤗
  6. Putin is probably, sooooo proud of you............😂
  7. They always have been, so why should they care.......
  8. I doubt 80 US Generals are forgotten they know too much, and knowing too much gives them a pretty good angle on things, I would have thought..🤗
  9. Or anything MG...........😂
  10. But ICE fires are must easier to put out, I would have thought, plus the gases are nowhere near as toxic as a EV Lithium fire........🤗
  11. I look forward to the day when you post something sensible, but I think I will have a long wait..........
  12. I am surprised the Swift has a CVT whine, I believe Mrs.T's Celerio has the same CVT, it has no whine at all. About 5 years back we looked at a s/h Mirage, now that had a horrible whine, we walked......😝
  13. You seem to believe a lot from blokes who write columns in newspapers.....
  14. You know as well as I do you are an anti-Brit, never a good word for the country. The UK now doing better than the EU, where is your praise....? Nothing, just pick on unemployment figures, you are laughable. A Leopard never changes its spots, eh, CH.......😂
  15. Perhaps the pool gradient........😋 I saved a lady in Italy, and an old guy in, I think, Minorca, because of the pool shallow too deep end gradient, though a long time ago... 🤗
  16. Me, fragile, don't be daft, you forget, I have read your anti-Brit stuff for years.....😉
  17. Well, you, a lefty, would say that............. It will be very funny if your Angela Rayner ever has to control the country.......😂
  18. It's all you do, blame the UK for everything, no matter what the subject is, but a nice dodge attempt.........
  19. I did laugh at the owner, that can't be located, was from Belarus.......🤭
  20. Don't think so, she hasn't got handcuff's on.....

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