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Posts posted by jdinasia

  1. Then, of course, the fact that the bodies were found by Burmese cleaners that then raised the alert completely demolishes Boomerangutang's latest display of self serving prejudice.

    Whether cleaners found the bodies or not is not mentioned by either side of the prior missives. That's a side topic. You wanna talk about who found the bodies, and what action they took? We can talk about that, if you want. It may include Mon saying he was notified, and went running out, dressed only in his briefs (wrong direction, then right direction), and so on. Mon sure looked youthful that morning. How a 40-something yr. old man can look like a 19 yr old skinny kid is amazing. If he's got some 'fountain-of-youth' pills, tell him I'd like some. And all those players are hard-drinkers who party-hardy 'til the wee hours.

    Stealing a cell phone and pair of sunglasses from a corpse (if that's what either of the B boys did) is disgusting, but not grounds for putting someone in jail for a year without bail, while facing the death penalty. There's still the prickly issue of who would get so enraged as to bludgeon a young woman to death. Two guys who, minutes earlier, were playing guitar by a campfire?

    Answer that question, and you're probably well on the way to solving the case.

    I am not sure if we will ever know the reason why her face was smashed so bad but someone in the past mentioned that she may have been shot and the bullet could have been removed.

    No credible source has ever suggested that.

  2. Then, of course, the fact that the bodies were found by Burmese cleaners that then raised the alert completely demolishes Boomerangutang's latest display of self serving prejudice.

    Whether cleaners found the bodies or not is not mentioned by either side of the prior missives. That's a side topic. You wanna talk about who found the bodies, and what action they took? We can talk about that, if you want. It may include Mon saying he was notified, and went running out, dressed only in his briefs (wrong direction, then right direction), and so on. Mon sure looked youthful that morning. How a 40-something yr. old man can look like a 19 yr old skinny kid is amazing. If he's got some 'fountain-of-youth' pills, tell him I'd like some. And all those players are hard-drinkers who party-hardy 'til the wee hours.

    Stealing a cell phone and pair of sunglasses from a corpse (if that's what either of the B boys did) is disgusting, but not grounds for putting someone in jail for a year without bail, while facing the death penalty. There's still the prickly issue of who would get so enraged as to bludgeon a young woman to death. Two guys who, minutes earlier, were playing guitar by a campfire?

    Answer that question, and you're probably well on the way to solving the case.

    Strawman -

    The defendants aren't in jail for theft, they aren't possibly facing the death penalty for theft. They are in jail for rape and murder.

    Yet your fixation with people who aren't suspects is quite telling.

  3. According to some facebook pages she was not alone in the car. A 56 year old high ranking army person was with her. So 23 year old Uni student, the mia noi of the army guy perhaps ? Both drunk from a night out, rushing to get back, boom, 3 people dead.

    Won't need anything to get away scot free. The old guy will just get the mad general to "have a word"

    Strange how the Thai media seems to omit the presence of the high ranking army officer.... The silence speaks volumes.

    Have you considered that this claim comes from FB? Silence is the appropriate response to BS rumors

  4. re; post #235 and all its verbiage. The H's and RTP defenders will try valiantly to complicate and obfuscate issues relating to this crime. It's already been established that the police lied when they announced Hannah's phone was found near the B2's room. It's a canard. A red-herring. Let's go on.

    A phone was found. It is significant to the case. It was misidentified to the press. It will be used in court along with the testimony of the person who broke it and where he got it.

  5. Whether the alibi video is altered is secondary. The concept of a desperate man, with money getting from the island to Bangkok. in 5 hours is a stretch, but not impossible. But the question of that person's guilt doesn't hinge on that video. The primary issue is whether all the evidence which might pertain to the crime - is taken in to account. Just before the first head cop was replaced, all evidence pointing to the original two prime suspects was tossed in the trash, never to be considered again by officialdom. That's not a proper crime investigation.

    Again, you haven't seen the exculpatory evidence.

    Once a person is cleared you don't waste time and resources on them.

    Your obsession is bizarre.

  6. Re Si Thea01

    Firstly, there is such a thing as evidence management, which is practiced by the RTP and those within the judiciary, and if you doubt this, do some research and you will find out that it is fact and only highlights just how ludicrous your statements are.

    Is the wanton contamination of a murder crime scene an example of evidence management ? I would suggest you re-think.

    You may want to read the rest of his post.

    I remember the first policeman stating that some people have tried to destroy evidence - and my point is that the evidence management displayed in this investigation falls far short of competent, whether or not it is accidental.

    Was this in some personal conversation you had with a policeman or something you can share a link to a news report with this quote?

    One thing that was widely reported earlier was they confessed to police and then met with lawyers, embassy officials and human rights worker outside of police presence and once again admitted the were responsible. Of course later they said they were threatened by police and now the word tortured is being used despite no physical evidence to suggest such a thing and physical evidence (medical exams) to disprove this.

    Probably not in a personal conversation. When, briefly, Mon was a suspect due to Social media ; a statement was made.

    To deny that would be cherry picking. Then again, to bring it up after the people in the statement were cleared is cherry picking of a higher order

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You have got to be kidding me! Did you just read the story today and now concluded they are innocent.

    Okay, let me help you out a little bit. You find a few fresh L&M Regular Cigarette Butts at the Crime Scene when neither of the victims smoke. By now you have suspects. Witnesses who saw them sitting on a Log, near the Crime Scene, in the early hours, and playing their guitar and drinking.You take a DNA Sample which matches one of the accused. You look in his pocket and discover he smokes L&M Regular. And exactly what they did do! You couldn't find a match for the other accused because he doesn't damned well smoke cigarettes. Geese!

    You damned right that a second DNA Test was preformed, after everyone made such a big fuss about it being tainted, and it was sent to Singapore for an independent test. This is a know fact!

    Who said they were both killed by a Hoe. David was, but Hannah had her pretty head bashed in, and as far as I know they did not find the weapon that did that.

    An Alibi is being seen at the Police Man's Convention and having dinner with the Police Chief during the time of the murder! Or a Sporting Even when several witnesses can testify they saw you there or sat next to you. What an Alibi isn't is to have your co-accused say you both went to sleep but nobody else saw you.

    And No! I am not going to did all this information up for you so you can sit on your Butt and play your game. It is all on the Internet. Dig it up yourself!

    Most of that commentary of yours is not true although you do have an active imagination.

    The cigarette butts were found about 50m way from the crime scene where the 2 admitted they were sitting and playing guitar.

    None of the DNA testing was done outside Thailand.

    Police said they were both killed with the hoe and the re-enactment depicted that.

    So to you this proves they are innocent?

    Whow! If I ever get charged for murder I hope you will be on the jury.

    No jury system in Thailand
  8. Re Si Thea01

    Firstly, there is such a thing as evidence management, which is practiced by the RTP and those within the judiciary, and if you doubt this, do some research and you will find out that it is fact and only highlights just how ludicrous your statements are.

    Is the wanton contamination of a murder crime scene an example of evidence management ? I would suggest you re-think.

    You may want to read the rest of his post.

  9. Stephen -

    Not only is a murder weapon not required to get a murder conviction, your don't even need a corpse.

    You saying it should be impossible doesn't make it true. There appears to be enough to get convictions on both of the 2 Burmese defendants.

    Feel free to keep focusing on one of the 2 murders, but my guess is that the court will conclude that it is reasonable that both of the victims were killed by the same perpetrators.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You have got to be kidding me! Did you just read the story today and now concluded they are innocent.

    Okay, let me help you out a little bit. You find a few fresh L&M Regular Cigarette Butts at the Crime Scene when neither of the victims smoke. By now you have suspects. Witnesses who saw them sitting on a Log, near the Crime Scene, in the early hours, and playing their guitar and drinking.You take a DNA Sample which matches one of the accused. You look in his pocket and discover he smokes L&M Regular. And exactly what they did do! You couldn't find a match for the other accused because he doesn't damned well smoke cigarettes. Geese!

    You damned right that a second DNA Test was preformed, after everyone made such a big fuss about it being tainted, and it was sent to Singapore for an independent test. This is a know fact!

    Who said they were both killed by a Hoe. David was, but Hannah had her pretty head bashed in, and as far as I know they did not find the weapon that did that.

    An Alibi is being seen at the Police Man's Convention and having dinner with the Police Chief during the time of the murder! Or a Sporting Even when several witnesses can testify they saw you there or sat next to you. What an Alibi isn't is to have your co-accused say you both went to sleep but nobody else saw you.

    And No! I am not going to did all this information up for you so you can sit on your Butt and play your game. It is all on the Internet. Dig it up yourself!

    Who said they were both killed by a Hoe. David was, but Hannah had her pretty head bashed in, and as far as I know they did not find the weapon that did that.

    You really don't have a clue, do you? Hannah "had her pretty head bashed in", as you so elegantly put it, by the hoe - accepted fact! David died from drowning and appeared to have wounds caused by a knife of some sort, although the prosecution is saying (and the re-enactment showed it) that they were both killed by the hoe. I presume the defence will claim that the hoe was not the weapon used on David and that that weapon was never found!

    You are mistaking the prosecution with the police.

  11. Folks, let there be no miss-quotes or errors: statements I make are for my self alone and not for Andy Hall or any member of the Defense Team; I am not the spokesperson for the team nor anyone on the team but myself.

    My proclamation of innocence of the two lads is neither emotional nor made in a vacuum, nor from undisclosed or hidden knowledge.

    I base my opinion of innocence of the two lads on more than 25 years trial work in the USA, more than 200 criminal trials and more than 2,000 torts and mass-tort litigation cases I tired and/or supervised where crime and accident scenes have been investigated and witnesses (forensic, medical, and fact) have been examined and cross examined.

    Most certainly I am not a fortune teller or an astrologer or a professor of black science, but a thoroughly knowledgeable trail lawyer who has made my own fair share of errors but on this case I am to a professional degree of certainty sure that given the crime scene as described and shown in the media (many from the investigating police who posted their trophy pictures on their own Face Book pages), Hanna's rape and the murders of both Hanna and David were not committed by these two hard working and gentle lads.

    While the defense team feels they must be more circumspect and fair in their assessment, I am not under any such belief or restraint. I do NOT speak for the Defense Team but for my self alone.

    While I appreciate the detective work going on over the internet and on this forum in particular, and while some of your theories can help, the silliness of a few others on this forum is excused and understood as coming from bored and boring arm-chair mock-lawyers and mock-warriors.

    If any with actual criminal and murder trial courtroom experience who are lawyers or experts in the fields in discussion, or experts in the filed of accident/crime scene reconstruction, wish to discuss this case with me by e-mail, phone, Skype, or in person, please send me an IM so that we might start. To send me an IM click on my Scales of Justice logo to the upper right of this box.

    Another "expert" in Thai law..... With no (mentioned) access to the actual evidence or experience in Thailand stating he knows that the 2 Burmese defendants are innocent.

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