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Posts posted by rott

  1. On 2/9/2022 at 9:35 PM, scoutman360 said:

    Do you speak fluent Thai? If not, good luck with that. They have no interest, why should they? Lot's of handsome rich Thai guys around. 

    Another who thinks irony is the thing that spruces up a shirty.

    And speaking of being fluent there's no apostrophe in a plural. 

  2. 8 hours ago, GarryP said:

    I know barely anything about radiotherapy as a treatment for BPH. However, I understand there is a new treatment available that uses radiotherapy for BPH that cuts the flow of blood to the prostate resulting in prostate shrinkage but as far as I am aware it is not available in Thailand. I believe, however, you are talking about treatment of cancer of the prostate.   

    You are correct. Sorry about that. 

  3. Admittedly I have not followed this subject post by post, but what is the current  position with Radiotherapy.?


    I had the full course of treatment at St Thomas' Hospital, London 14 years ago, have there been any major new developments or is it still much the same.? 

  4. 18 hours ago, Mickymocky said:

    Thank you for the reply.

    I would be travelling from the UK, so would get a 30 day visa on arrival,  but are you suggesting I'm better off applying for a tourist visa here in the UK prior to travel? Its just the Uk police report I possibly, could have a problem with ! Thank you once again.

    You keep saying visa on arrival but this is not applicable to virtually any Western passports. What most (Inc. UK, USA, EU, AUS etc) get is 30 day visa exempt. 

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, it is what it is said:

    so you think illegal activity is ok as long as the police aren't around? anyone reporting illegal activity is a grass? ok, say someone assaulted/attacked/mugged one of your family/friends and there was a witness, you'd tell the witness not to help the police catch the person/s responsible because that would make them a grass? really?!

    Get what they deserve some of them. 

  6. 44 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Who cares.... Pavement, sidewalk, footpath.... we all know exactly what is meant apart from the most pathetic of obtuse posters. 


    Why is there always this incessantly pathetic debate on the terms used when its perfectly clear what is meant... threads are always side-tracked with this off-topic moronic stuff, whether its outside or inside lane, whether its zebra crossing, crosswalk, pedestrian crossing etc etc....


    Are people that stupid that they can’t simply accept that the exact same ‘thing’ that we know under one term is called another by other from different areas or cultures ?????


    Geezzz... the minds of some people. 




    I prefer obtuse to pathetic, moronic and stupid and feel that it is more accurate.

    Furthermore I did not realise that this conversation constituted part of an incessant debate. Obviously I could profitably spend more time on here, especially since the Apostrophe Society seems to be defunct.

    To get back on topic a footpath is not a pavement or even a sidewalk. 

  7. I read of another reclassification of Provinces, not sure whether it affects us getting a drink.

    Still not so many places in the Nakhon serving ale and those that are don't open till 6 (except S Bistro), not taking advantage of the 5 pm allowed by law.

    Those that I am aware of include S Bistro, analog and one more in that Soi. There must be others, anyone else care to comment.? 

  8. 8 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    I am interested in advice on where to go in Thailand during Songkran to avoid the water wars. 


    I am not interested in suggestions that I stay in my condo for 10 days, leave the country, or go to other places that go crazy during Songkran. 


    What are especially welcome are actual experiences of people who have traveled during Songkran. 

    Never been but I am assured by several people that in Chumphon it only happens on one day.


    But I can confirm that in Bangkok it only lasts for 3 days, (possibly the idiot areas might try and stretch it a bit, but not so many idiots about this year) 


    If unsure check with a few hotels. 

  9. On 3/8/2022 at 3:43 PM, BangrakBob said:

    The sweetest part about this is Rafa would have kept them up, Lampard will take them down and this is the manager the fans called for ????. The Ev getting relegated, Mancs not making top 4 are going to be some nice bonuses to this seasons trophy hall ????

    Such bitterness. Probably down to the cold weather in some parts. 

    • Haha 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    People have been trying to disprove the laws of thermodynamics ever since they were formulated, let me know when you've invented a perpetual motion machine.

    Currently working on one, rest assured that you will be the last to be informed of any advances. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

    Witches was based on voodoo stuff not science.


    Science is provable facts only.

    I remember being taught in School that there were no scientific facts. Only that certain things were "currently held to be accurate".

    Everything was liable to be disproved tomorrow. 

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