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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. Amnesty can go take a RUNNING JUMP from a great height !


    This disgusting lump of Puke, stabbed his 17 year old victim repeatedly and stole his mobile phone.

    WHY should THAILAND have to keep the scumbag alive in Prison ? He was a Waste of Space, so bring it on, rid the country of others like him and ask the “Bleeding Hearts,” if they’d feel so FORGIVING if the victim had been  their Son or Brother ?

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  2. One major problem is alleged English Teachers are afraid to speak English to we “Farangs.”

    Can’t imagine how they hope to teach English to their students. My daughter, now graduated and off to University learned English at home and for a couple of years abroad. She was always top of her English class here in LOS and often had to correct the alleged English Teacher.

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  3. Maybe I'm getting senile BUT.... I seem to recall, we Dreaded FERANGS used to have a Government Health Care Scheme here in Thailand.

    The then, elected Government introduced it and urged us to take out membership. Like many others, I did that and dropped my Private Health Care in my 

    Home Country.


    Then....SURPRISE.... a New Government Came to Power in Thailand and DITCHED the "Ferang Scheme," leaving those who'd Foolishly bought into it, with ZIPPO

    Health Cover. Little wonder so many ailing Ferangs take Flying Lessons....well, A FLYING LESSON from a Tall Building when they are diagnosed with a Deadly, Expensive Disease.

  4. They should consider themselves rather lucky they did this in Thailand and NOT in Singapore.


    There was an American lad quite some years ago who made headlines around the world when he carried out some mindless Graffiti Work in SINGAPORE where,

    for his trouble, he was not only fined but given a few strokes of the Famous RATTAN CANE.


    Do-gooders around the world were  appalled but amazingly, I am given to understand that the fellow has NEVER AGAIN OFFENDED ! 

  5. Chances are he was one of those, who had his Thai (Ferang) Health Insurance Cancelled, after ditching his Insurance back home to take out the Thai Coverage.

    That of course was "Withdrawn" and many Old Ferang Folks, are now unable to pay, unless they sell their home and put their Thai Family out on the street. 

    Took the only course of action he could see open to him.

    I am only Speculating...RIP "Old Cobber."

  6. Another "Quality" Chinese Tourist eh?

    Just when we "CNXers" have sort of managed to educate these Charming Folks, into neither Defecating or Peeing in our Historic Moat

    or hang their Laundry on the backs of seats at the Airport, it seems these Super Civilised Visitors have decided the Southern regions of Thailand

    would be a good place to Chuck a Wobbly and impress the folks back in China.


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