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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. Amazing Thailand ...yep...quite an AMAZING ASK.


    With all those requirements, not over the age of 45 and having just Booted-out the previous batch of, presumably Dedicated, Long Serving  and Qualified VOLUNTEERS,  this fellow has rather high hopes!


    One supposes he’ll wave his Magic Wand and get WORK PERMITS for them, assuming he finds any folks under 45, who have time on their hands and an inclination to invest it in volunteering for a job, that just saw their predecessors, rather unceremoniously  dumped from.  


  2. MUSK would more aptly be known as “STENCH.”


    he’s been put back in his box over some ill conceived announcement about his Company in the U.S. Now it seems he wants to take his spite out, on a Hero of the Cave Rescue. 

    Given that Musk’s /Stench’s “Jump on the Free PR Band Wagon” attempt to promote his Mini Sub was scuttled, he has thrown HISSY FITS at one of the people who actualy contributed to a hugely successful rescue.  


    Sue him for defamation !


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  3. 20 hours ago, sattahip said:

    And what is the source of income for this happy couple? Is it taxable in Australia? Or perhaps Government sourced? I'd love to hear so my cynicism is rebutted.


    Yes, please. Do tell, are you Retired or are you both “Working from Home”?

    Do you both have Health Insurance....what sort of Visas do you have ?

    Looking forward to the next chapter !

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