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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. 9 hours ago, simple1 said:


    As a bit more detail the locals in PNG & Naura are hostile to the vetted asylum seekers, so Oz govt were looking for an alternate third party country to resettle the refugees. Plus Oz govt is completing a deal to resettle some refugees from a Central American country, I would assume there is a linkage with the US deal.


    Yes well, there are still some parts of PNG where from time to time, "Long Pig"...Humans do still finish up in the Cooking Pot. I have,, years ago... seen the odd Human Head on a spike at the entrance to a Highlands Village.

    So, you say by sending these poor blighters to TRUMPVILLE may be a case of, "Out of The Frying Pan and INTO THE FIRE."?

  2. Been several times, overall dirty place, although Trekking in Srinagar was pleasant and aside from the fact that Dahl Lake looked like we were floating on DAHL and Garbage, the few nights we spent on a House Boat were quite pleasant.

    Of course, at the moment, you may get shot by lunatics on either side, if you venture into the area. 

  3. 15 hours ago, Guderian said:

    Jamieson's have already published their Christmas menu and it doesn't include turkey, just a footnote saying that if turkey happens to become available it will be included at no extra cost. Along with the flying pig presumably.


    Don't the pub owners here realise that many other countries sell frozen turkeys? Since American turkey is considered unclean, why not import them from the UK, there's no bird flu there that I'm aware of? Or Germany, or France?

    They can source them out of Australia, lot quicker and cheaper than the US anyway BUT... what do you expect when staff at Rimping and Tesco Lotus tell you, they don't re-order supplies of ANYTHING, till they Run Out of existing stocks. T.I.T

  4. On 10/31/2016 at 0:39 AM, Crossy said:

    I don't actually know when programming will get back to something like normal but I suggest it will start improving around November 14th.





    Maybe the same with WE TV... (No, I am told that stands for, "World Entertainment Television")and NOT, "Worst Ever."

  5. 10 hours ago, Foexie said:

    Hi Connda,


    do you have a special reason why you wanna fly just 200 km ?


    If some medical reason or so i think you better try to rent a comfortable limo who will drive you there.



    Given that Thailand "enjoys" the Second Worst record in THE WORLD for Road Deaths and having both flown and driven between the two places, I understand PERFECTLY why Flying would be the preferred mode of transport.

  6. 22 hours ago, halloween said:

    Yesterday on the ABC, Julie Bishop claimed the TOTAL lost at sea was around 1200. Either she or you have a wrong figure.

    Dear "halloween" Regardless of WHICH Figure is correct, the point is.. NO ONE has drowned for a long time because they understand the deal about being denied entry to Australia if they attempt to BREAK our Laws and sneak in through the back door.


    Obey the LAW of the Country, you'll likely be welcomed. Break the Law and you'll be tossed out.. pretty simple really, even YOU should be able to grasp the concept.

  7. This is exactly the type who gives Thai Women a Bad Name.

    My wife works her cute Butt off and always has in a food business we had here as well as looking after our daughter and our home.

    She did the same when we lived abroad and has done the same again since we've been back... she NEVER stops

    .The slack'o in the story is in need of a very strong WAKE UP Call. Suspect her husband would be far better off booting her out.

  8. 15 hours ago, jaidam said:

    Good news, but I totally fail to understand how Australia ever could be in a position to get "asylum seekers" and "refugees" in the first place. They would have to pass through so many "safe countries" including Malaysia and Indonesia and Bangladesh and Pakistan that also share the same ideology with the "refugees". I have never heard any explanation for this. Navigating the Arafura sea on leaky boats is not as safe as living in Malay or Indo - can it all be about the free money on offer once they reach Oz?

    They were POURING IN until our Government got tough.

    Point is, Migrants are welcome but not these scum who, like thieves in the night, try to sneak in and jump the queue ahead of people who follow the law and make proper applications.

    Not very smart to Break the Laws of a Country where you want to live by trying to slip in through the back door.

  9. 8 hours ago, Aussie69 said:

    It would be helpful if someone could present statistics for the income generated for Thailand by long term stayers. Money is the language of action understood by governments, industries, policy & law makers the world over.

    Been saying the same thing for years. We pour heaps of money into the Thai Economy and if we "ALL stopped tomorrow," they might just find the Government Coffers severely depleted and decide the FERANG are worth having around.

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