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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. 7 hours ago, Ricardo said:

    I just wish that their selection was a patch on what they offer in the UK, here in Chiang Mai, where we supposedly have 50,000 Brits living locally ?  Very very disappointing. :sad:


    And why are their narrow-aisles always blocked with trolleys & gossiping shelf-stackers ?


    I wonder if they'll ever set up some sort of customer-panel, to get feedback ?

    They are RUDE if you phone their alleged CUSTOMER SERVICE people in Bangkok, the Front Counter Staff here in CNX are simply Hopeless... ( in both THAI and ENGLISH) and the BKK Office NEVER Responds to written requests for assistance.

    Seems the man from ENGLAND doesn't BOTHER responding to comments either !

  2. On 11/27/2016 at 9:21 PM, sumrit said:

    Just buy a set of sticky labels for the keys. Each label has both UK and Thai characters. Then install/add a Thai keyboard on the laptop so you can switch between the two languages.

    Numerous places at Pantip Plaza IN CNX HAVE THE STICKERS...very cheap. The people at GOODSPEED, also at Pantip Plaza can help with the technical aspects. Been using them for 10 years, great service, reasonable prices.

  3. 13 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Depends if you love your family or yourself more.

    Even if they gave everything till bankruptcy it might still not be enough, so would you expect them to sell everything to save you?

    The scheme was perfectly viable and was "SOLD" to Foreigners by the Legitimately elected Thai Government.

    I fail to see what you're flapping your gums about? 

  4. Nice to know but perhaps while he's here, David Lewis might do something about improving Tesco Lotus Customer Service and Stock.


    Tesco's own "Finest" Brand Indian Curry Pastes which have been advertised are seldom in stock in Chiang Mai, when they are they are "hidden" away on the supposed "International Stand" and when staff are asked, they smile and shrug their shoulders.The Front Counter Staff have no idea either.


    My wife phoned Customer Relations in BKK and was told, (in Thai) by a very rude woman that we'd just have to wait and watch to see when Tesco Hang Dong got new stock.


    So okay, DAVID LEWIS... what are YOU going to do about it ?

  5. There was in fact, a very good Thai Government Health Insurance Scheme for Foreigners, introduced by the Previous Government.


    Many foreigners, in particular those with a Thai Family, in Good Faith enrolled in the scheme but "Someone" pulled-the pin on it and left us all languishing without any coverage as we had already (again in Good Faith) cancelled our policies with other Insurers. What do we do now if we can't get Insurance because of age and/or existing conditions?


    Do we just "die in the streets of Thailand" or send our families Bankrupt?

  6. 15 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    “…does not have regular work..”


    "Celebrity Speaker"  Is that what they call them these days?

    Well, maybe she'd be better than Old Hillary for what she charges. At least it would be fresh material instead of the same tired old poop about how she should have been President.

  7. 10 hours ago, dhream said:

    Another mangled report from the PBS, maybe they should hire just ONE foreign proofreader?

    We are left to guess if the ejection rockets failed to ignite and eject the seat, if the parachute on the ejected seat failed to deploy (thus stabilising the seat, allowing the pilot to jump free using their personal chute) or even if the pilot was incapacitated and never initiated the ejection sequence.


    Just adds to the Mystery and allows the reader to explore the "Theater Of The Mind."

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