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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. A close look at the video will show OTHERS With Hair longer than these idiotic regulations.


    I am all for maintaining School Discipline BUT...this is STUPID and those responsible for the Assault upon the Student should be facing Criminal Charges.

    if any mongrel did that to my daughter, I’d have the POLICE onto them in a flash and I’d also sue them for inflicting physical and mental damage.  

  2. 11 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    That's great. Amazing what a kick up the backside will do.

    I take you didn't need the photocopy service today - for a 90 day report?

    We did actually, but my wife Risked Life and Limb crossing the road to get it done. Hope they come up with a better arrangement before the next Rainy Season. 

    We gave up doing our own Photo Copies years ago as you NEVER can tell when the REQUIREMENTS Will be changed and presumably the people at the Photocopy place keep up to date. Fingers crossed !

  3. Did my 90 Day report today. Delighted with quick service after arriving around 08:00, in time for the National Anthem. 


    Only snag was they’ve Booted the Photocopy Service Out and it is now located across the road at the Petrol Station. (pedestrian crossing lights would be an advantage...but would Drivers/riders Obey them?


    Anyway, all-up very pleased with quick service and ultra polite Officer, who is apparently one of our neighbour’s.

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  4. On 1/10/2019 at 12:54 PM, BobBKK said:

    Pathetic!  let's stamp out all individualization eh?  yes even at UNI they wear those pathetic uniforms with numbers around their necks so they know who they are.  Call that University?  your standards are low.

    No, not a matter of stamping out individualism, simply a matter of Good Taste, self respect, respect for others and their school.


    At our school, the Teachers also PROUDLY wear their uniforms. 

    Tend to suspect those who are so upset with the tradition, simply amount to the lowest common denominator of our society. Ah well, each to their own.

  5. On 12/29/2018 at 4:29 PM, Cake Monster said:

    I predict that the number of fatalities will actually decline this year.

    Why ? because so many have already killed each other on the roads over the last few years, that there are less left to commit the annual carnage.

    Wish you were right, at least about a reduction in the number dead and maimed.

    Sadly a former Classmate of my daughter became one of the STATISTICS over the weekend. Gather she was on a motorbike that was struck by another vehicle early Saturday morning.


    Sad, senseless waste of a young life. The victim was due to start her second semester at Unversity this Tuesday...instead, my daughter and other former classmates will be attending her cremation.

    RIP Young Lady, our deepest sympathies to your family.

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