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Posts posted by Torrens54

  1. Turned on TV for start of evening news and got “Zippo” from Chiang Mai

    Cable Service Provider, WETV.


    Wife phoned just after 17:00 and was told in THAI, “The Government has stopped us from operating.”


    No further explanation, no idea if and when WETV may be allowed to resume operations.


    Anyone know anything more? 

  2. On 12/4/2018 at 11:52 AM, Jane Dough said:

    The Thais must love you.


    Thailand is by and large built on a flagrant disrespect for the law. While I accept that this is sometimes detrimental it is also an aspect of Thailand which helps to give the country its unmistakable and great charm.


    I don't consider the country as my "host" as you put it in a previous post. I am a long term resident here and as such some of the essence of being Thai has rubbed off on me. Consequently if a law is silly or I can circumvent it when it matters not, as in the situation I referred to in the article, then I won't lose any sleep about breaking it. 


    Incidentally you appear not to have read my previous 139 columns on consecutive Sundays. I am from the United Kingdom where I have no intention of returning despite your kind invitation. As a child I had enough of tedious people there moaning about riding a bicycle on the pavement to last a lifetime. 



    Dear Flagrant Jane,

    Hope you sober-up and grasp the fact that laws, such as those prohibiting people riding “against” the traffic, are in place to protect all road users, not only the morons who choose to ignore them.


    As mentioned, hope you sober-up before your “attitude” necessitates the placing of a “Jane Doe” tag, on your big left toe, as you are laid out on a slab in the mortuary.


    Of greater concern is of course, that your Flagrant disregard for the Laws of your Host Country do not result in the injury or death of some innocent person in the Kingdom. Now ...be a good girl and behave !

  3. I’m the first to admit, “I don’t look good, naked anymore,” 

    Not even in “Speedos” but perhaps this Walking Whale-Like Creature, thinks she is a “Rare Beauty.”


    Of course the Abscess may have taken over most of her body and needs to be kept under a large NET, LEST IT BURST ON THE BEACH.


    Oh no? Oh ye who has cast the first stone, ye who never ever broken any law anywhere...even unintentionally! boring!

    Of course, like mist people, I may have broken a law or two BUT NOT 

    in flagrant disrespect of said law.

    I suppose if you were dragged up in a gutter somewhere, the act of Deliberately setting out to break the Law, comes as second nature to you. 

  5. 5 hours ago, Dogbarker said:

    "Of course this is terrible; pedestrians deserve the right of way and safety on the sidewalks. But my little 20 meter long infraction saves me a round trip of around three kilometers.....think of the saving in carbon footprints and lessening in spluttering fumes for all my fellow Bangkokians?"


     .. but then of course you most likely dismounted dismounted and walked pushing the "vehicle" to avoid making the infraction ????

    The LAW is THE LAW.

    If not, one might be tempted to think they could string a Sharkline at your Head Height across the FOOTPATH, just prior to your next flagrant violation of the Laws of your HOST COUNTRY.


    Perchance, wherever you come from such laws are violated on a regular basis, with no penalty ?

    If this is the case, it may be better for all concerned if you return there as soon as possible.

  6. I have two accounts, one which my wife (a Thai) and I use on a daily basis.


    The second account is in my name only and has the “required” amount and a little more for energency use.

    This is of course the Account I use for my Annual Spouse Visa Application, the QUESTION... Although I will keep this account in MY NAME ONLY, I would like to make my now Adult Daughter, a JOINT SIGNATORY so that SHE can access the account in an Emergency. i.e., in a situation where my wife and I are both incapacitated.


    Will this cause a problem when I show the “Required” Amount with my Visa Renewal ? 


    Thanks in advance for advice !

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